WONDERFUL news!!!!!! (plus some vaguely crappy pictures!)

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Glad it looks like your hand isn't badly hurt, and really happy you caught the buck and that he's unhurt! :bouncy:

Sorry about your dad... wow. Don't know what to tell you, there.
So glad to know that your rabbit is home, safe and sound. I wonder if your dad isn't feeling guilty and is transferring his anger at himself onto you instead?
Kyle@theHeathertoft":3ncyty21 said:
You know I've never heard it called a hav-a-hart before this past weekend? I was talking to a crazy person (no seriously, she's INSANE) and she asked if I'd caught my loose doe, and I said no.
phillinley":3ncyty21 said:
It might not be called that in your area. It's just the brand name of that type of live trap we have in our area. Just another one of those regional code words

That's what we call live traps out here. Did the crazy person ever live in California? It sure would be nice to think that we'd exported a loony out of CA for once. :lol:

I'm glad you caught him, but I must say he looks kind of pathetic in there. All that snowy goodness to romp around in, and he is trapped! :eek: *Sniff!*

I'm surprised he was so dehydrated- my wabbits like to eat the snow. I guess he couldn't eat enough of it to balance warmth with hydration. Good thing he is safely back in your care! :)

Sorry to hear your dad is so mad at you for so many things. I hope everything smooths out for you. :clover:
LOL no, she is Michigan born and bred. :roll: This is the same crazy who showed up at the rabbit show and wouldn't go away, and who showed up on moving day without being asked or letting me know she was coming. Yes, THAT crazy.

I will check the local stores but I really don't think we even HAVE that "brand" of trap anywhere near here. :p So I've no idea where she gets it from, she's...just...crazy.

My other non-crazy friend desperately wants to move back out to California...she was born in Michigan, moved to a few different places, ended up in LA. And LOVED it. If she can save up enough money to return to college out there, she will. :) She's in love with the state...hates Michigan winters now, LOL!!!

I'm surprised he's dehydrated, too. I would have thought that in a pinch, he'd eat snow to stay alive. I guess not, he was SO dehydrated!!! Like if you did a pinch test on him, the "pinch bump" wouldn't go away. :x I've been pouring warm water and pellets down him all night, LOL. He looks a lot more "perky" today. :)
Kyle, so glad you caught your castor and that your wrist is improving.

I'm sorry your dad is so angry with you. How he can blame you for being bitten is beyond me. Since you need to live at his place for the time being, I think you'll just have to work around him as best you can. His unreasonable anger is his problem... Try not to let it become yours. I agree that he is likely projecting his own feelings of guilt onto you as anger. If he blames you, he doesn't have to take responsibility for his failure to deal appropriately with the problems the dog causes.
Y'all are probably right. :\ Since he's still not talking to me I may toss him an email later on.

My wrist feels a LOT better today, sore in all directions but I can MOVE IT in all directions. :) It's only a little swollen now...so I think it'll be fine if I continue to take it easy with that hand for a while. :)
Kyle@theHeathertoft":26hmqh73 said:
If it is already dark out...how do you locate them in the first place if not with the flashlight?

Check spots that seem likely - patches of grass within ten or so feet of good cover, under and alongside shelters (like a porch), etc.
I am late to this but YAY Kyle! So glad your bunny is back.

I am familiar with your father's type of anger. Someone has to be responsible for what happened, and if he blames the dog, it falls to him. He CAN'T be responsible for it, so...it falls on you. I am sorry you're living with this. You know what happened, and know that you're not the reason for it. It must be tremendously difficult, especially with it coming from your father.

(hugs) if you want them. (fistbump) if you're more comfortable with that :)
Marinea":3hgro7ex said:
I am late to this but YAY Kyle! So glad your bunny is back.

I am familiar with your father's type of anger. Someone has to be responsible for what happened, and if he blames the dog, it falls to him. He CAN'T be responsible for it, so...it falls on you. I am sorry you're living with this. You know what happened, and know that you're not the reason for it. It must be tremendously difficult, especially with it coming from your father.

(hugs) if you want them. (fistbump) if you're more comfortable with that :)

Well, I blew up at him somewhat and he seems to better understand my position on things. :p He still won't accept that it isn't "all my fault" but whatever. Most of the time we get along great, just...once in a while he gets like this. :p

I'm cool with internet-hugs, it's just the real deal I shy away from. ;) *hug*
:cheerleader: YAY glad you caught him!! He is a beautiful buck!! Hopefully he gets to being nice and hydrated again!!
Kyle, it is confusing why he was dehydrated ... I know my buns will chew ice from their crocks when they freeze in the winter, and when we had the blizzard last week, I made little snowballs for the buns when watering in the mornings and they all chewed on them.

Glad your injuries are healing up!
AnnClaire":129v8has said:
Kyle, it is confusing why he was dehydrated ... I know my buns will chew ice from their crocks when they freeze in the winter, and when we had the blizzard last week, I made little snowballs for the buns when watering in the mornings and they all chewed on them.

Glad your injuries are healing up!

I know, I was shocked because I've got a LOT of snow here, I can't see any reason for him not to've eaten some snow. :shrug: He's 100% better now, lots of warm water later and he seems fine. :)

I chalk it up to him being possibly a little stupid. ;) Or at least out of touch with instinct, LOL! My big doe Nosey LOVES ice...she would rather chew ice than drink water. So I think he's just slow. ;)

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