Where can I find an inexpensive scale?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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We are looking to find an inexpensive accurate scale to weigh our bunnies (Holland Lops and Lion Heads). Probably nothing over 4 to 5 lbs. Digital would be great.

So where is the most cost effective place to purchase a scale like this?

Thank you.
I bought a digital baby scale at a garage sale for $10. Love it, but my rabbits weigh up to 14 lbs. It has matched closely with the official scales at the shows we've attended.
We bought a pediatric scale at a thrift store for $40. It's one of those state-tested things for use in a pediatrician's office. We tested it against the A/C coolant scale Shay used at work, when he brought that home one day. The coolant scale is extremely accurate, as it has to be. We were very impressed at the accuracy of our pediatric balance scale. :)

Homer":1k6e93rz said:
We tried the garage sale thing but never could find a baby scale. But we did always find a bunch of other things we didn't know we needed. :roll:
Ain't that the truth! :p
Kitchen scales or postage scales (got mine at an office supply store) will go up to 5lbs. I don't really weigh anything over that too often. I want to know the weight of my small rabbits to know what is show quality and what to charge and I want to know when my meat rabbits reach 5lbs for butcher. If it maxes the scale it's good to go. Every now and then I had to check a large rabbit to see if it was over the senior weight and I just used a regular bathroom scale. They aren't accurate at low weights so you have to throw on a 10lb bag of something with the rabbit or hold the rabbit and subtract the extra weight.
I use a $12 digital kitchen scale from Walmart that goes up to 11 pounds for my small bunnies and kits and a $22 digital fishing scale for my adult meat rabbits and other livestock that is too wiggly and needs to be bagged.
When we 1st got into rabbits we bought a digital food scale at Walmart that worked very well for us. We did luck out on finding a very nice baby/toddler scale on a garage sale site on Facebook that we use all the time now that weighs up to 30# I believe.
The postage scales have a tare button and an option to switch between pounds, oz or grams. I weigh some of my animals more in grams because that's often used with small exotics.
I bought a digital kitchen scale from Walmart. It goes up to 11lbs and does grams & lbs/ozs. Does great for weighing almost all my stock but on my wish list is a Toledo butcher scale
We are looking to find an inexpensive accurate scale to weigh our bunnies (Holland Lops and Lion Heads). Probably nothing over 4 to 5 lbs. Digital would be great.

So where is the most cost effective place to purchase a scale like this?

Thank you.
For one that measures ounces so to weigh babies get a cheap digital from Amazon as far as big bunnies I use a bathroom scale that's digital.
I would hope the op got a scale by now since the thread is from 2014. Just in case others are still looking for scales, I got mine through Amazon. It's an Ultraship that has a tare feature and detachable face. This allows you to put a larger platform or basket on it to hold a rabbit, zero it out so the larger platform isn't included in the weight and pull the screen part out from under so you can still read it. I've used it to weigh all sorts of things over the years. I think it was about $30 at the time.