What was the worst rabbit experience that happened to you?

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Dec 19, 2011
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Eh decided to bring this topic up maybe cause everyone can learn a bit of something from someone else's experience. This is a broad topic, but just type down your experiences. A bad sale? Bad purchase? Bad pet buyers?etc..... go! :bunnyhop:
That someone was spreading a rumor that i put rabbits with DQS in the 4H sale too sell too 4H kids.completly untrue.i used too be a 4H leader.That black buck was one of my best rabbits that i had been showing all year.I was very upset.i almost sold my rabbits because of it.I got 7 dollars for that buck.He was as good or better than the buck i kept.
I have very limited space. I finally found a source for NZ that I had wanted for a long time. Emailed back and forth about price, etc. Just before I emailed a definite yes to the seller my buck chewed through the wooden side of his part of the hutch and got into the areas of at least 6 does (it was some time ago), none purebred or of any special type to be able to sell the kits easily. I had to cancel getting my NZs. Don Juan that he was, I was butt-deep in popples a month later.
We had purchased a Thrianta buck from a great breeder. Two days later he passed away. I was devastated but we did end up with two of his sons. I now wish we had got a doe too but i love the boys . He was an awesome rabbit and we still miss him :(
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's because of an impulse purchase of a cute little $10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having pasteurella... :(
So far it was a rabbit that was advertised as a pure NZW doe with pedigree. I drove to a very scary part of town (no names) 45 mins away and she was a buck and with obvious california blood. I did not stay long enough to get into it with the guy. He was obviously clueless and just wanted to get rid of the rabbits. I just wanted to get out of there with my life. This was the part of town you do not want to be in anytime of day. And yes I heard gunfire while I was getting back in the car. My daughter, who came with me, said we should have brought our gun too. Never again. I will always google map it before heading out.
curlysue":25ey79ks said:
That someone was spreading a rumor that i put rabbits with DQS in the 4H sale too sell too 4H kids.completly untrue.i used too be a 4H leader.That black buck was one of my best rabbits that i had been showing all year.I was very upset.i almost sold my rabbits because of it.I got 7 dollars for that buck.He was as good or better than the buck i kept.

Well I hope they found out that you didn't! People sometimes.

OneAcreFarm":25ey79ks said:
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's because of an impulse purchase of a cute little $10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having pasteurella... :(

Oh my gosh :( Sorry to hear that One Acre. That is absolutely crazy about what one rabbit can do.

__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:58 pm __________

Beach Bunny":25ey79ks said:
We had purchased a Thrianta buck from a great breeder. Two days later he passed away. I was devastated but we did end up with two of his sons. I now wish we had got a doe too but i love the boys . He was an awesome rabbit and we still miss him :(

Did you find out why he passed?

__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:00 pm __________

currituckbun":25ey79ks said:
So far it was a rabbit that was advertised as a pure NZW doe with pedigree. I drove to a very scary part of town (no names) 45 mins away and she was a buck and with obvious california blood. I did not stay long enough to get into it with the guy. He was obviously clueless and just wanted to get rid of the rabbits. I just wanted to get out of there with my life. This was the part of town you do not want to be in anytime of day. And yes I heard gunfire while I was getting back in the car. My daughter, who came with me, said we should have brought our gun too. Never again. I will always google map it before heading out.

Oh gosh. I've been in a similar situation. You didn't buy them,right?
We haven't had too many horrible rabbit people experiences because I usually see them coming a mile away in email and stop conversing with them. I bought a couple mini rex that turned out to not be so great but it seems everyone does that their first round.

We have had our own accidents. We built a new cage well over 2' in height. Got all the wire on but not the ceiling. Oh well it's 2' high and there are just a bunch of 3week old netherland x mini rex in there with their chubby mom. Came back to find the entire group (minus the adult) had climbed out, fallen about 6', and 3 bodies were scattered across the colony. The other 4 were found hiding in between the cages on ledges, feeders, and water bottles for who knows how long given how thirsty they were. I don't know if they were killed by the fall or the colony because we had a rash of aggressive actions toward smaller rabbits during that time and I'm still not sure who was doing it. Note- rabbits can climb very well.
wanted to think about this for a while.....

Worst rabbit experience...as in Horrific... was losing a beautiful NZW doe by using a cage with 1" holes in the bottom. Losing her quickly spurred replacement of that floor with 1 X 1/2".

Worst experience ... as in 'kick my self Really hard'... was purchasing a herd of rabbits of a breed i wanted so much to work with... and losing every one of them to pasteurella. I had purchased a couple early on from this person and the rabbits were Great. When i learned this person was having to get out of rabbits i thought it would be a wonderful way to increase the breeding herd. Thankfully these animals were kept in a quarantine building and never got near our main herd. Lesson learned from this..."If it sounds too good to be true...it IS"
OneAcreFarm":1qi3g1pv said:
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's because of an impulse purchase of a cute little $10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having pasteurella... :(

Hmmm i wonder if this is why mine got so week and sick all of a sudden, oh well i am not buying from a feed store again.
Being new to rabbits, I haven't had any really devastating experiences yet. I lost one of my original bucks before I could breed him, and I lost a few young rabbits to killer-attack-mousies. Nothing compared to the horror stories above.

So I'd have to say my worst experience so far is reading these posts just prior to going to a show, with my Rabbitosis having a flare-up, and now being nervous about buying any new rabbits! :evil:

Harrumph! I thought this was a forum of enablers, not dissuaders!
I believe that You will enjoy the experience !! You've heard enough from all of us to be watchful of certain things. But do have fun !! that's a huge part of Rabbit Shows... the Friendliness of most people and ohhhh those beautiful Rabbits !!!

( You DO have at least one extra hole You're taking along ??? right ??? 'Take-Me'Home' bunnies will certainly be there... just sayin.....)
Random Rabbit":2e7d0s6g said:
( You DO have at least one extra hole You're taking along ??? right ??? 'Take-Me'Home' bunnies will certainly be there... just sayin.....)

:D I'm about to assemble my 2nd 4-hole cage, plus I have two 2 holes, so I'll have at least 12 holes (if time permits I may make a 3rd 4-hole), and I am only bringing 9 rabbits. I hope to sell some at the show- 7 of those are bucks!
pastelsummer":1kk2088i said:
OneAcreFarm":1kk2088i said:
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's because of an impulse purchase of a cute little $10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having pasteurella... :(

Hmmm i wonder if this is why mine got so week and sick all of a sudden, oh well i am not buying from a feed store again.

Feed store bunnies are typically the culls that the breeder doesn't want...I learned this after the fact. Better to deal directly with the breeder if you can.
My worst experience was my first breeding experience with rabbits.

I was nine and had a gorgeous Mini Rex doe and a very handsome Mini Rex buck, but I didn't want to breed my doe just yet because she was showing so well. My parents couldn't afford to buy me a good doe, and we were young in our rabbit venture, so they got a free doe at a show. They told my parents that she was free because she was too light in color.


She was free because she was a baby-eater. Not just eating them after giving birth, but eating limbs and ears and leaving them to die on the floor of her cage. When we got her, I thought she felt a little "weird", like her ribs were too wide or "sprung" I guess, and now that I've had rabbits longer I recognize it as a rabbit who has carried a lot of litters. She was also full of milk, which I also thought was just her being shaped weird at the time because I was new and had no clue. The breeders knew she was an evil vicious monster and gave her to my parents anyways, promising she would have lots of lovely babies for their little girl just getting into rabbits. I'm assuming she had killed her last litter for them a day or two before the show that my folks got her at.

I didn't breed another rabbit for a year. Thankfully, my beautiful little show doe made a lovely mama when I retired her, and Dad took care of evil-baby-eater. I always felt bad for my parents though.
Losing nearly my entire herd of rabbits during the summer of 1981. In every cloud, there is a silver lining, and I became primarily a satin breeder because of it, but I lost some really, REALLY good rabbits as a result of all of it. The weather that year put my operation into a tailspin that I almost never recovered from.
I'm fairly new to rabbits but have already had some bad experiences. 1. litter dying on the wire. 2. doe not feeding babies. 3. kit injured it's back and had to be put down. this was the worst. we tried waiting to see if "Scoot" would recover use of his hind legs enough to be a pet. he didn't.
I hear you Billy:
I lost/dispatched a third to half of my herd due to an outbreak
of Snuffles/Pasteurella. This was more than 12 to 15 years ago.
The problem started when I brought a Rabbit/Buck into the herd
from a well known breeder[No names. will be mentioned]
Being the trusting soul that I am I took it for granted
that the Rabbit had no problems. I was to later find out
that this breeder was constantly medicating his Rabbits.
This created a herd with extremely weak resistance to disease.
Ther WAS a SILVER LINING! This is what started me on my
present breeding program all those years ago!
Any sign of illness or disease and the Rabbit is CULLED.
I do not treat any illnesses accept minor things like nestbox eye,
should the symptoms return, they were culled. After many years
of strict culling I developed a virtually Disease resistant herd.
I keep a watchful eye to this day, but I have to say that I am
proud of the wellness of my Rabbits! When you put a plan into
action and stick by your guns it will always come to fruition!
I know this choice is not for everyone, but it works for me!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's
because of an impulse purchase of a cute little
$10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having Pasteurella. :(
[one acre farm]

I hear you,
how devastating I hope you read my post. Bad things happen,
but I like to believe that they are not deserved.
The only other bad things that have happened are:
The tough winters when hands are
nearly frostbitten by the time rabbits are fed and watered.
After all that persons who would like a Pet Rabbit :cry_baby:
when you tell them the price. Their answer is: It's only a Rabbit!
I charge what I do because: If the rabbit costs only $5 or $10 dollars
and the kid decides they don't feel like feeding/caring for it,
the parent will say: "Oh well, it's only a Rabbit"!
But when they spend $25.00 or more, they will make sure that
the child gets out there and takes proper care of what they now feel
they have spent good money for! I would rather keep the rabbit
and send it to the processor or sell it for meat
than have it suffer from lack of proper care as a Pet.
As always, JMPO.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: