What was the worst rabbit experience that happened to you?

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Likewise, I hear you Dennis.

My losses weren't sickness related, just heat & feed-related. Everything was fine until I started trying to prep my rabbits for an August show in Jacksonville, AR by putting them onto sweet feed to try and get a little extra weight on them at the back side of a very hot summer when they lacked some of their conditioning. Most of them stopped eating altogether about a week after being put on it, and the only ones who survived it all was a pair of Satins (a cal doe and a red buck to be exact). The problem went away the moment I quit feeding it, but not before it wiped out some really nice rabbits, and though I know there are posters on here who do so, to this day I won't feed it any longer.

The silver lining? Out of that red buck and cal doe came one of my best ever Satins, a black doe named Magic. She wound up placing in the top 10 of her class as a senior at the Colorado Springs ARBA convention that following year.
Peach":1gh2p0z6 said:
curlysue":1gh2p0z6 said:
That someone was spreading a rumor that i put rabbits with DQS in the 4H sale too sell too 4H kids.completly untrue.i used too be a 4H leader.That black buck was one of my best rabbits that i had been showing all year.I was very upset.i almost sold my rabbits because of it.I got 7 dollars for that buck.He was as good or better than the buck i kept.

Well I hope they found out that you didn't! People sometimes.

OneAcreFarm":1gh2p0z6 said:
Losing my entire herd of 24 pedigreed, purebred Cali's because of an impulse purchase of a cute little $10 feed store mutt rabbit that ended up having pasteurella... :(

Oh my gosh :( Sorry to hear that One Acre. That is absolutely crazy about what one rabbit can do.
__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:58 pm __________

Beach Bunny":1gh2p0z6 said:
We had purchased a Thrianta buck from a great breeder. Two days later he passed away. I was devastated but we did end up with two of his sons. I now wish we had got a doe too but i love the boys . He was an awesome rabbit and we still miss him :(

Did you find out why he passed?

__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:00 pm __________

currituckbun":1gh2p0z6 said:
So far it was a rabbit that was advertised as a pure NZW doe with pedigree. I drove to a very scary part of town (no names) 45 mins away and she was a buck and with obvious california blood. I did not stay long enough to get into it with the guy. He was obviously clueless and just wanted to get rid of the rabbits. I just wanted to get out of there with my life. This was the part of town you do not want to be in anytime of day. And yes I heard gunfire while I was getting back in the car. My daughter, who came with me, said we should have brought our gun too. Never again. I will always google map it before heading out.

Oh gosh. I've been in a similar situation. You didn't buy them,right?

No I told him I had made a mistake and that they were not what I was looking for.

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