What to do about runts.

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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My first litter is just about ready for the freezer, with the exception of the runt. While most ofthem are just under 5#, she weighs in at 2# I split the litter, 3 per cage, no difference in her growth. Then I found she likes to dig all the pellets out of the feeder, so I moved her into her own cage. Seemed to help some. Shes gonna take at least double the feed to get to the same weight as her siblings,not including her waste habits.

So, Im thinking at this point getting the runts to the freezer is gonna take double the feed at least. Should I just cull the runts right off when theyre born, or wait and see?
As cruel as it may seem. I would cull her. The amount of feed it will take you to finish this rabbit out will be astronomical. Plus, she's a feed scratcher. Those with that problem vanish quickly around here. As tiny as she is, she'll be super tender when she's cooked.
My little runt is about half the size of her litter-mates. I decided to keep her as a pet. I don't think she is ever going to catch up. If I did not decide to keep her as a pet I would have sold her as one at a discounted price even if I was only raising for meat. I guess any sized rabbit can be eaten though. I guess you can only do what you feel is right in this case. She was bred for meat so even though she is not the standard size eating her would be good. I have 3 rabbits that need to go to freezer camp but I am a procrastinator.
All of the runts I have had have caught up by the time they were weaned or after weaning, so I don't cull them at birth. But if there is a markedly small one at butchering, I wouldn't waste time trying to get it to make weight.
i don't cull until weaning. if a runt is half size at weaning I'll sell her as a pet or I stick her in the freezer for critter food. I'm not wasting the time growing 'em out. If they are just somewhat smaller I'll put it in with some young buns and let it grow until a butcher date and then decide from there. Often times once away from mom and in a smaller group they catch up pretty quickly, but not if they are half size at weaning.
My runts go to freezer camp the same time as everyone else but I also butcher a bit earlier than some since I don't need 3lb fryers in the freezer
At this point it is likely a waste of feed to try to grow her out. Like the frying pan idea! Just call it a single-serve meal.

Here is how I stopped feed scratching:


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Well I had to settle it today, my runt had escaped a few days ago, and since I recaptured her, she wasnt eating, and had lost 4oz in weight since I weighed her last. I think about a week? I culled her. at 10 weeks she was only 1#11 oz. Her insides were full of gas, stomach was empty and no poop in the system. Shes had greens since she came out of the nest, little bits at a time. I think she hopped into the bean field behind the shed and pigged out when she got loose. Not sure, but something wasnt right.