What color NZ?

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I would too. If they really get to be 14lbs or more, you would need larger cages and very heavy floor wire. May as well get the breed you want instead.
Anyone here passing through or in VA with papered NZs??

Gonna try and track down the other breeders that sold her the parents she has and chat with them.
She lives too far to meet her until the next poultry swap.
CNB, I've been buying meat mutts to raise and butcher. But if I come across anyone with papered NZs, I'll let you know. I understand your frustration with the setback. I'm down 50% of my breedable does with no new ones in sight.
Thanks Mary.

Sharon, thanks too. I was able to find some websites of a few breeders in VA, emailed them a few days ago and still waiting on a reply. Same with some CL ads.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:19 pm __________<br /><br />She is calling the buck fat and she hasn't actually weighed him, so some of it might be whoohaw.
Here's a list of NZ breeders in VA. No idea how current it is.


Belinda Jackson
Cartersville, Virginia
Jackson’s Gentle Giants

Steve Saunders
Franklin, VA
New Zealand Whites
The Rabbit Barn



Tony Lam
Gordonsville, Virginia
Virginia Rabbits

Jeffrey Kelly
Hayfield, Virginia
New Zealand Whites
Flint Ridge Rabbitry

South Hampton Roads, VA
New Zealand Whites
Farmhouse Rabbitry
Jackson’s Gentle Giants-----None for sale right now.
The Rabbit Barn-----No pedigrees.
Virginia Rabbits-----realassist@yahoo.com is the new email. -----Nothing with papers.

Flint Ridge Rabbitry----hasn't emailed me back yet.
Farmhouse Rabbitry----hasn't emailed me back yet.

Is this the list from the rabbit breeders list?
Well, not hearing back from the lady I got the mutts from. Have them for sale on CL for $35 all, eat em or keep em. So annoying..<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:02 pm __________<br /><br />Still no word, put up ad and should be meeting someone around 3:30 to buy the lot.
Will be able to bleach out the grass pen and move 2 rabbits in soon. =)

But it's still so nasty out!
Glad you're getting something for them and so quickly.

Yes, it's brutal out but at least there's a bit of a breeze today. I sat out in Rosebud's pen with her for a while and it was actually pleasant.
It really was a quick sale! Great guy got em, there's a big storm in Fburg, it's made Culpeper so nice and cool out! =D

I was able to move that coco buck and my last doe w/kits out on grass! They are so happy!
very confusing

__________ Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:50 pm __________

chick ,,,,,,,,your website was just as misleading to me as the lady that your bugged with that sold you the rabbits.,,,,,Your website lead me to think you know about meat rabbits. I suggest maybe if you want to raise quality meat animals that you spend a few hours studying rabbits.<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:54 pm __________<br /><br />right up at the top of this page there is a button that says,,ebooks,,,,,i bet you could learn a lot by reading those books. also on line there is a lot of information filled with pictures to help you learn how the differnt animals are built
:yeahthat: Yeah chickies, you better stop designing awesome websites and cool pasture pens and battling predators and learn from a real master :meditate:

Seriously though, toastedoat, I like a lot of your posts, but that one's really over the line. There are plenty of things you don't know about rabbits either, and personal attacks aren't the best way to get people to help out when you need it.
hranchitos,,,,,,,,,,what i said was the truth,,,,,,,few in here the last month have said something about not being able to find meat breeders in va,,,,,,i did searches,,,she was one of the ,,,,,go to people ,, in va is what i found from her website,,,,,,,,,,,then i see her posts and find out her website is just misleading ,,,,,,,just like the woman that sold her the new zealands that are not new zealands.,,,,,NO Difference,,,,,,,,,,,,this is a major problem for people trying to learn about rabbits,,,they dont know where the correct information is.,,,,,,THIS IS PART OF THE REASON THE WHOLE THING ABOUT REGULATIONS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.,,,PEOPLE BUY TWO RABBITS AND GO NUTS.
she said all rabbits are the same to her ,,,,,if she wants to breed qualitity meat rabbits,,,they cant all look the same to her ,,,,,she needs to study rabbits a little, just talking to people in a forum wont get it,,,,,,,you have to study the rabbits themselfs,,,there are plenty of pictures and websites that explain,,,,,Its easier now than ever before for someone to learn about rabbits
toastedoat37":274iui4v said:
very confusing

__________ Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:50 pm __________

chick ,,,,,,,,your website was just as misleading to me as the lady that your bugged with that sold you the rabbits.,,,,,Your website lead me to think you know about meat rabbits. I suggest maybe if you want to raise quality meat animals that you spend a few hours studying rabbits.

__________ Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:54 pm __________

right up at the top of this page there is a button that says,,ebooks,,,,,i bet you could learn a lot by reading those books. also on line there is a lot of information filled with pictures to help you learn how the differnt animals are built


That was long before I started getting 'they are mutts' comments. I updated the site when I got the rabbits, then put up pics. Soon after, everyone was telling me they were mutts here. Since I wasn't breeding them, cus they were way too young, I left the site alone until everyone agreed they are mutts. Then I took all the pictures off.<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:12 am __________<br /><br />
toastedoat37":274iui4v said:
hranchitos,,,,,,,,,,what i said was the truth,,,,,,,few in here the last month have said something about not being able to find meat breeders in va,,,,,,i did searches,,,she was one of the ,,,,,go to people ,, in va is what i found from her website,,,,,,,,,,,then i see her posts and find out her website is just misleading ,,,,,,,just like the woman that sold her the new zealands that are not new zealands.,,,,,NO Difference,,,,,,,,,,,,this is a major problem for people trying to learn about rabbits,,,they dont know where the correct information is.,,,,,,THIS IS PART OF THE REASON THE WHOLE THING ABOUT REGULATIONS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.,,,PEOPLE BUY TWO RABBITS AND GO NUTS.
she said all rabbits are the same to her ,,,,,if she wants to breed qualitity meat rabbits,,,they cant all look the same to her ,,,,,she needs to study rabbits a little, just talking to people in a forum wont get it,,,,,,,you have to study the rabbits themselfs,,,there are plenty of pictures and websites that explain,,,,,Its easier now than ever before for someone to learn about rabbits

Maybe you don't realize how the world works. You cannot just read and study without owning and breeding, then years down the read start selling and have a site. I mean, you can, but who is rich enough to do that?
Rabbits do look very similar. I've never dealt with NZ, so how would I know exactly what they look like in every stage of their life?? No website, no book, will have pictures of every breed from 1day old and every week as they grow into adults. No place will have pics of all crosses. It's all a slow learning as you go, hands on thing.
Some rabbit breeds are obvious from each other, but if I'm not breeding/owning certain ones, why would I know every difference about those that I don't own?
Everyone starts somewhere, The rabbits I have are pure bred. The NZ mutts are now gone as I will not breed mutts and sell them as anything but. Yes, I've crossed pure parents for mutt kits, and that info is there for the buyer to know it before they decide on what they want.
There is a really nice holland site and there used to be a really nice mini rex site (Appalachian hillbilly mini rex) that took you from start to finish for many of the kit colors. I'm considering doing the same for my rexes, as sometimes the colors can get confusing, especially across different breeds. It would be a great learning experience for many. Any one care to submit some REX/mini rex pictures from birth to four mos?
skysthelimit":3lsy3yuv said:
There is a really nice holland site and there used to be a really nice mini rex site (Appalachian hillbilly mini rex) that took you from start to finish for many of the kit colors. I'm considering doing the same for my rexes, as sometimes the colors can get confusing, especially across different breeds. It would be a great learning experience for many. Any one care to submit some REX/mini rex pictures from birth to four mos?

I think I've seen that site, it's great!
If I had Rexes, I'd take pics, I'm always doing so anyway. =D Should be obvious with all my photo thread "spam".

Gotta ask, why can't all colors that are the same, not be named the same? I think I've found some sites where some colors are one thing, but the next site calls them totally different things. :/
Hello ChickiesnBunnies,
perhaps you should do a lot more research and educate yourself
about Rabbit breeds and their uses. You might want to purchase a copy of
"The Standard of Perfection" put out by A.R.B.A. [The American Rabbit Breeders Association]
You may also want to make a few trips to your local Library and take out
every book they have on the Raising and caring for Rabbits.
A trip to a Rabbit Show would do you a world of good.
You will see most every breed accepted by A.R.B.A. Watch the rabbits being Judged
and listen to what the Judge is saying, ask if you can feel the winning rabbit
just so you can get a sense of what GOOD Type really is.
A Rabbit is NOT a Rabbit! Each breed of Rabbit has it's own good qualities and characteristics.
Once you experience them you will never forget, always go with the Breed that you are
most attracted to. Do one breed at a time, once you have mastered that breed
then you can/should try another. When we try to do too many things at once
we will never accomplish our goal. One step at a time will get you to the finish line.
If it was easy, everybody would be doing it! With time, patience and attention to details
anything can be learned/accomplished. We all make mistakes, hopefully we learn from them.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

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