We just had a housefire.

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I Love a good bonfire, have built burn piles in excess of 10 feet tall-- but the rule is-- Burn when the wind is still, just after a soaking rain, or during a drizzle.
No problem burning pine or green wood in the woodstove-- BigBrother purposely creates Chimney fires to help keep the chimney clear-- and his wood supply comes from free sources..so what he gets- he burns.

In the house-- if I were to get into a new one, with a wood burning fireplace-- my floors would all be ceramic tile-- BigBrother has ceramic under and around his woodstoves-- a concrete backer board behind the stove. The local Amish, use concrete backer board under sheet metal. More and more of them are actively changing the chimney stack to totally enclosed within the house, triple insulated pipe. It keeps the incidence of house fires down, while still providing heat to the upper level floor.