I caught my little guy's sore hocks pretty early because I check everyone weekly. He makes an absolute pee mess all over himself and his cage so I assume his feet got wet and it ruined his protective fur. Does anyone have tips for treating sore hocks? He's on galvanized wire floor for rabbits and none of the others have ever had a problem, I'm pretty sure it's because of his hygiene. I've put him in a special 'cage' with carpet and a litter box for now while I treat him. I have antimicrobial wound spray, iodine tincture, neosporin, and manuka honey ointment. Am I missing anything else? Does anyone know when it's time to put him back on wire? I'm going to find a tile to put in there so he doesn't have to be on it all the time, and I'm assuming constant cleaning will help. He's a 3 pound dwarf hotot rabbit so they're not prone to this, I think he's just a nasty boy (lol). Haven't dealt with this before so interested in hearing about others' experiences.