The little wild

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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North Carolina
So I have a German Shepard. Chloe is her name. Yesterday I was outside putting down bedding and checking feed and water bottles when I heard something squealing in the woods. Didn't think much of it figured nature was taking it's course. About 5-10 min later here comes Chloe with a baby wild rabbit in her mouth she brought me a live baby rabbit. Poor thing didn't make it through the night
I had him in the brooder box with my ducklings for a bit and he got a good bit warmed up so then right before I went to take a shower I moved him into my room. He was in a plastic box with a blanket over to hot water bottles to keep him warm. When I got out the shower and was checking him to feed him I noticed he didn't seem to be breathing I rubbed him a bit thinking his breathing was just to weak to notice and he wasn't moving he was cold and limp. I feel really bad for the poor guy but I did all I could
Awww. They stress really easy, poor things, seems most of the time they literally have heart attacks, because things that *shouldn't* be that stressful can kill wild baby bunnies.

Ironically, last summer, one of my cats brought a wild baby rabbit but not before practically ripping one of it's hind legs off. It lived for about three days before it died, it even ate the grass I put in the box with it before it died, you'd think something like that would be *really* stressful.

ETA:Oops, that was supposed to say Shouldn't be stressful o3o.
Well if some giant picked me up in it's mouth and it had sharp teeth I feel like I would be stressed out to the point of a heart attack he did eat some goats milk mix though
Awww, I'm so sorry
They nearly always die of contact with cats from the stress and bacterial infections that usually follow. They can survive dogs. Our bernese mountain dog brought in rabbits that lived once. The cats found the litter and were slaughtering them. He brought in one and gave it to my mom but it was dead and he looked at it confused. Suddenly he headed right back outside and returned carrying one differently. It wasn't even screaming. Fully alive. He came back with another. I stuck them in a dog crate with grass and a lid holding water until they were stable and could safely be released. This dog drove my mom nuts telling her she had to check the pregnant guinea pigs at 4am every day when they got close to having pups and then observe all the pups through the day to make sure they were born fine. My akita is not as extreme but reminds me of him sometimes. She would definitely kill a wild rabbit but she does bother me to check if there are newborn babies and observe them. She only protects what I have told her to protect so she only alerts me to problems and events with our domestic animals.
Your dogs sound awesome, akane :D

After living with our cat for 7+ years (cat was here first) - the dogs still bark and chase her when they get the chance.
Drives me batty and pisses off the cat.
Never a fight though - just noise !

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