Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

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Ep. That's what I ve discovered. The TAMUKs I got from a small breeder who visits his fluffle everyday while he drinks his coffee are wonderful. The buck we got from him will sleep in my husband's arms. Human Interaction with them from a young age is a must.

Commercial breedingng for meat is fine, but the best behaved breeders come from small farms.
I have now learned that lesson for sure. Just makes me so leary at this point. This breeder met me part way so I never got to see the setup etc. When the buck swap happened we also met. I trusted that I was buying good stock.
I have now learned that lesson for sure. Just makes me so leary at this point. This breeder met me part way so I never got to see the setup etc. When the buck swap happened we also met. I trusted that I was buying good stock.
If you go to buy an animal and the breeder won't let you see their setup or you don't like what you see, it's ok to walk away. You should also be able to visit to talk and check things out and come back another day to buy the animal. They might not give you a pedigree if you haven't paid for one, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for a verbal history. In my opinion, it's worth the expense and time to go the whole way to see the facility. Good foundation breeders is important and can save you years of work and stress trying to create a foundation from lesser stock.

Some breeders say they don't want to contaminate their bio security by having outsiders in their facility. You can choose how you feel about that and act accordingly. No one can force you to buy their animals. Follow your gut.

In my experience, the best option is to be the first to buy the pick of the litter, when they're young. Ask the breeder which they would keep for themselves and why.

Know the seasons for buying in your area. In Florida, I suggest buying fall born kits for breeders. They have had the best weather for growing, you can get a litter from them in the spring (if they're TAMUKs), and they'll have the spring to acclimatize to the summer temps.

There's nothing wrong with learning through trial and error. It stinks, but those are usually the best lessons. 🤗
If you go to buy an animal and the breeder won't let you see their setup or you don't like what you see, it's ok to walk away. You should also be able to visit to talk and check things out and come back another day to buy the animal. They might not give you a pedigree if you haven't paid for one, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for a verbal history. In my opinion, it's worth the expense and time to go the whole way to see the facility. Good foundation breeders is important and can save you years of work and stress trying to create a foundation from lesser stock.

Some breeders say they don't want to contaminate their bio security by having outsiders in their facility. You can choose how you feel about that and act accordingly. No one can force you to buy their animals. Follow your gut.

In my experience, the best option is to be the first to buy the pick of the litter, when they're young. Ask the breeder which they would keep for themselves and why.

Know the seasons for buying in your area. In Florida, I suggest buying fall born kits for breeders. They have had the best weather for growing, you can get a litter from them in the spring (if they're TAMUKs), and they'll have the spring to acclimatize to the summer temps.

There's nothing wrong with learning through trial and error. It stinks, but those are usually the best lessons. 🤗
Very wise words. I was just sitting here researching thinking maybe I'll pick up replacements now that aren't ready to breed instead of looking for a new breeding trio since I do have to space for that currently and then by the time they are old enough I'll have the Tamuk's processed. That follows along with what your saying. I am seeing an uptick in fall rabbits for sale since it's cooled off some around here. I will insist on seeing any new rabbits and facilities from now on. I think that is the only way at least for now I can continue on this.

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