Shimo is an odd rabbit

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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No one told Shimo does are supposed to be territorial. She loooooves friends. I finally had to put her in her own cage because she kept following, grooming, laying on, etc... the blue doe I had her with and the other doe was getting rather annoyed. So Shimo now lives in the growout pen where she has many small friends that are happy to be groomed and sleep together. Shimo also doesn't mind hopping on to the dogs and getting slobbered and chases the cats if they bat at her. She'd make a good colony rabbit but she's become such a pet I don't think we could put her out there and my husband won't let me turn the small deck off the condo in to a netherland dwarf colony.

I love how rabbits can express themselves so much! Some people are just oblivious to how expressive they are. This is a perfect example of just how sweet some rabbits can be.
Aww what a good nanny! She looks like just loves those babies, and they look like they love her too!
Is she old/young enough to get preggers still though!? LOL! Or is she just in with little does?

She's probably mature enough to be capable of getting pregnant but I have no plans to breed her for another 2-3 months. None of the bucks in there are over 6weeks. Some of the young rabbits just look big because Shimo is a netherland dwarf and a few of the kits are meat mutts I fostered in with the mini rex litters. The bucks will be moved out to colony probably this weekend after we finish the rebuilding of the shelter boxes and buck cages.

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