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Nov 5, 2011
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i'm an avid reader and sometimes start writing stories. never usually get that far though. but i am writing something now that i am posting for others to read (you can see it here on my rabbittalk blog if you like) and am getting farther then usual so we will see haha.

just thought it would be interesting to see what everyone is reading and what your alls favorite books are.

i'll start by saying that i like alot of gary paulsen books. love pride and prejudice. currently reading *the truth about mr. darcy* and loving it!!! great series i love: the clan of the cave bear-jean auel... AND the uglies- scott westerfeld.

let the geek speak commence hahaha :popcorn:
I love to read or I guess I should say listen. I am a big fan of audio books. I think a lot of people who read a lot must also write a bit. I know I do, but I have never finished one as of yet. I get a hundred or so pages in & loose track of where I'm going with it & stop. My daughter also reads a lot & writes.

I don't know if I could say that I had a favorite book or author. It depends on my mood to what I read although all the books do have one thing in common, they all have romance in them. I list most of the books I read on this site , it says I have read 663 books since 9/1/09 (although I did forget to list some of the books I have read).

Currently I am reading All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey, I should finish that in an hour or so. Next I will be reading Rapture by J. R. Ward. I am impatiently awaiting Lover at Last (March 26, 2013) by J. R. Ward, it is book 11 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I am simply addicted to the characters in this series.
I wish I had time to read something other than the Common Core State Standards.

When I do read, I like historical fiction, like the Janette Oak Western/Praire/Frontier Series.
I've written two historical romance novels: Box of Dreams and Scarlet Dreams. I've written for nearly 35 years. Mostly articles and short stories for magazines.

There are several writers on this site. Check out my website. It will give you a look at the two stories I've written. There will be a third and final novel in this series. Then, I'll be able to get back on one story I started about a year and a half ago. It's not quite halfway finished.

As for reading, I've been so busy with my life, I've had a hard time finding the time. I've got three foot lockers full of novels I've read over the years.

i love to read as well.... suspense fiction NOT horror (aka... faye kellerman NOT stephen king). Mysteries, fantasy/science fiction (aka eddings), GOOD historical fiction, a wee bit of romance but not much, what else... Christian fiction, a variety of non-fiction, and lots of homeschool related stuff.

I'm well known in my homeschool group as that science lady who likes to tell stories at the drop of a hat. :)
Was an avid reader, but haven't really read anything since my Son passed. Hoping my love of the written word comes back some day. Right now Harry Potter is sustaining that love of the written word. A series both of us truly enjoyed.

ladysown":ggy7p78q said:
i love to read as well.... suspense fiction NOT horror (aka... faye kellerman NOT stephen king). Mysteries, fantasy/science fiction (aka eddings), GOOD historical fiction, a wee bit of romance but not much, what else... Christian fiction, a variety of non-fiction, and lots of homeschool related stuff.

I'm well known in my homeschool group as that science lady who likes to tell stories at the drop of a hat. :)

I used to be a big Dean Koontz fan.
all the books for my homeschool classes... i read a lot of christian fiction/nonfiction. i also write, but not anything special. one book i really like is Rules of the Road by Joan Bauer. such an awesome book!
I am really surprised my Sistah, MSD, has not chimed in....but I will say that I am a complete and utter book worm... :reading1: I love Sci Fi (Scott Orson Card, Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffrey, Scott Westerfeld, Hugh Howey etc.), Fantasy (Tolkein, CS Lewis, George S. Martin, Suzanne Collins, etc), Historical Fiction (Diana Gabaldon, Janette Oke, Naomi Novik, etc)...pretty much anything but horror, although I do love Charlaine Harris' books. I am currently re-reading the Song of Fire and Ice series by George S. Martin. A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons.
Right now I am reading The Ginger Tree by Oswald Wynd. Not a very good read and am having a hard time finishing it. :x I may give up and stop. My favorite books are by Brian Jaques. I like that they are full adventure and fun set in a medeval type of times and the characters are animals. :duel: Badgers are the ones who fight for right along with Hares. There are warrier mice and villians are usually rats, stoats and ferrets. fun reading. I read as a way to settle my mind. I also like the Pern series but they get hard to follow at times. I like simple reading. I also read a lot of Juvinile fiction. Having a teen daughter helps. The Gone series was good but I can not seem able to get into the 4th book. Loved the Hunger games but not the rest. So many good books are out there. If I did not have books to help settle my mind I would go crazy. :twilightzone:
Demamma":1hpmyayt said:
My favorite books are by Brian Jaques. I like that they are full adventure and fun set in a medeval type of times and the characters are animals
oh i love those :) discovered Redwall and been captivated ever since.
OneAcreFarm":2kkjegoj said:
I am really surprised my Sistah, MSD, has not chimed in

*Yawn!* I'm two hours behind ya, remember? It's just past seven here, and I just poured my second cup of java. :coffee: :coffee:

My reading list is much like OAF'S (Surprise! :roll: ), although there are a couple of authors on her list that I'm not familiar with. (Scott Westerfeld, Hugh Howey,Suzanne Collins, Janette Oke, Naomi Novik, etc) I have the George R Martin series, but haven't read them yet. Fantasy I'll add Marion Zimmer Bradley,Mary Stewart, and Christopher Paolini. I like Anne Rice's earliest works- The Vampire Lestat, et al., but her later work is too dark for me.

I also like the classics- Charle's Dickens work is a favorite, as well as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and Louisa May Alcott.

I LOVE the books by James Herriot, a Veterinarian who started his career in the Yorkshire Dales just before the advent of widespread antibiotic use- his sense of humor and gentle spirit shine through in his work. I also like books by early conservationists in Africa such as The White Lions of Timbavati, My Serengeti Years, Gorillas in the Mist, etc.

Books about the Holocaust- Schindler's List, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, The Girl in the Red Coat... other books about repression- Roots by Alex Haley, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Nineteenth Wife, etc.

I love kid's books too, especially the Fantasy Genre. Phillip Pullman's The Golden Compass etc., Angie Sage the Septimus Heap series- any who love Harry Potter will fall in love with these books!, Tony DiTerlizzi The Spiderwick Chronicles, Cornelia Funke The Thief Lord, Buckley/Archer The Time Thief etc. Beverly Cleary and Noel Streatfield are wonderful children's authors. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery has always been a favorite.

Political books- To Save America by Newt Gingrich, Arguing With Idiots by Glenn Beck, The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen...

In a nutshell, I guess you could say if it is written, I will read it! :mrgreen: Most of the books that I have read have been read many, many times.

I'm currently re-reading Jean Auel's series- I'm on the Mammoth Hunters.

And now it is 8:35!
I've always been a reader, thanks to my Mom who read bedtime stories to us every night. I was so excited to learn to read so I could have stories whenever I wanted. It was a short step from wanting to read stories to wanting to write them and by the age of ten I was writing animal stories and later on adventure stories.

I have preference for well-written, realistic people stories and I really enjoy historical fiction, particularly by English authors. My all-time favourite author is Norah Lofts. All my copies of her books are falling apart from me reading and rereading them. I like some modern books too and I read a fair bit of crime fiction. I like Lawrence Blocks's Matt Scudder series and P.D. James' Adam Dalgliesh series. I also love to come across a favourite book from childhood.

To me, the essential ingredient in novels is well-drawn characters that you can believe in and care about. I lose interest pretty quickly if the characters are flat or unsympathetic. Even "villains" need to arouse some degree of empathy for me to enjoy reading about them.
:D I love to read too! Suspence, mystery, historical fiction...pretty much anything but romance. LOVE Kelley Armstrong for Fantasy. Both Kellerman's and JA Jance are in my top 10 :mrgreen:
oooh you are going to love the series MSD! i just wish she would have gone on. i oculd have kept reading those books for ever! <3 actually i'm going to paint a sheet with the full song (creation story song thing. the one in the last book *grins* you'll have to see yourself lol) and hang it in my room.

OH! another good book....audrey niffeneger (sp?? same author of time travelers wife)- her fearful symmetry (sp??)
oh i really liked it. think that was one of those books that i started in the afternoon picking it up from the library and didnt put it down until 2 AM when i finished it hahaha
MamaSheepdog":s07bcdk3 said:
OneAcreFarm":s07bcdk3 said:
I am really surprised my Sistah, MSD, has not chimed in

*Yawn!* I'm two hours behind ya, remember? It's just past seven here, and I just poured my second cup of java. :coffee: :coffee:

My reading list is much like OAF'S (Surprise! :roll: ), although there are a couple of authors on her list that I'm not familiar with. (Scott Westerfeld, Hugh Howey,Suzanne Collins, Janette Oke, Naomi Novik, etc) I have the George R Martin series, but haven't read them yet. Fantasy I'll add Marion Zimmer Bradley,Mary Stewart, and Christopher Paolini. I like Anne Rice's earliest works- The Vampire Lestat, et al., but her later work is too dark for me.

LOVE Poalini! I will look up Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mary Stewart. Scott Westerfeld is a youth fiction writer and his Uglies dystopian series is great. Hugh Howey is a new author to me, but his Wool series is fascinating. Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games series, but she also wrote the Gregor the Overlander series, which is marvelous. Janette Oke is a Christian Author that has written many many historical fiction series about settlers to the West, settlers in Canada, etc. and Naomi Novik has a great series about Temeraire the dragon, where dragons are used in air warfare instead of planes. I am much the same on Anne Rice's earlier works, but not so much the others...

MamaSheepdog":s07bcdk3 said:
I also like the classics- Charle's Dickens work is a favorite, as well as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and Louisa May Alcott.

I left these out but I also love classics, and the Bronte sisters are favorites of mine.

MamaSheepdog":s07bcdk3 said:
I LOVE the books by James Herriot, a Veterinarian who started his career in the Yorkshire Dales just before the advent of widespread antibiotic use- his sense of humor and gentle spirit shine through in his work. I also like books by early conservationists in Africa such as The White Lions of Timbavati, My Serengeti Years, Gorillas in the Mist, etc.

Books about the Holocaust- Schindler's List, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, The Girl in the Red Coat... other books about repression- Roots by Alex Haley, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Nineteenth Wife, etc.
Your BIL and I are very interested in Holocaust related media as well. Have you seen The Devil's Arithmatic?

MamaSheepdog":s07bcdk3 said:
I love kid's books too, especially the Fantasy Genre. Phillip Pullman's The Golden Compass etc., Angie Sage the Septimus Heap series- any who love Harry Potter will fall in love with these books!, Tony DiTerlizzi The Spiderwick Chronicles, Cornelia Funke The Thief Lord, Buckley/Archer The Time Thief etc. Beverly Cleary and Noel Streatfield are wonderful children's authors. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery has always been a favorite.

Have you read the Inkhearts series? That is a good one as well....I have practically memorized the Anne of Green Gables books and I really like the Artemis Fowl books too.

MamaSheepdog":s07bcdk3 said:
Political books- To Save America by Newt Gingrich, Arguing With Idiots by Glenn Beck, The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen...

In a nutshell, I guess you could say if it is written, I will read it! :mrgreen: Most of the books that I have read have been read many, many times. I'm currently re-reading Jean Auel's series- I'm on the Mammoth Hunters.

And now it is 8:35!

Mine too, I have a set of Chronicles of Narnia that I have had since I was 12 years old! I have read them over and over and over....
- My favorite has been James White and his Space Doctor series. I love sci-fi and anything that is in a Sherlock Holmes type theme, be it present, future or historical. There was a TV series called "Highlander" - that had good historical flashbacks. My most vivid memory of that series was one where - a child was the same price as a pig. Made me understand Mark Twain's books better. If a child was orphaned, in those times, it was at the mercy of ..... We like to think of the "milk of human" kindness, but in an area, that has hard times, and your own children are starving, reality can be harsh. Would like to see Highlander as books.
- I have been reading about the wars in Africa and how tribes that have gardens, are having the gardens torn up, right before harvest. How aid workers are trying to support rabbits and guinea pigs as food, they are a protein that can be carried, if the tribe has to go on the run, and find food from the wild, for themselves and the animals. I am learning that America's history, is present day life, for some people.
- Will make a list, after a while. Mid-day here and have obligations to run and grass to mow, seems as if we 'might' actually get some rain, in the morn!
:bow: :bounce: (my raindance, maybe washing the car would help, too) :clover: (yes, I am hoping that it rains) :singinrain:
GAH!!! SISTAH!! How did we leave out the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon!?!?! :slap: Please forgive us, James Alexander Malcolm McKensie Fraser... :sorry:
ohiogoatgirl":1macdgpv said:
oooh you are going to love the series MSD!

Lol, OGG. I started reading the series when there was only Clan of the Cave Bear, and have read the books at least once a year since then. Every time a new one was due to come out, I would start reading them all over again. This will be the third go-round for The Land of Painted Caves.
summers at blue lake- jill althouse-wood
the five people you meet in heaven- mitch albom
the midnight twins- jacquelyn mitchard
the sacrifice- diane matcheck
indian captive- lois lenski
lonely planets- david grinspoon
on the wild edge- david peterson
the physick book of deliverance dane- kathrine howe
dragonfly- frederic s. durbin
storyteller- amy thomson
heart of the wilderness- janette oke
steward of song- adam stemple
my side of the mountian- jean craighead george (there is a second book but i dont remember the title)
swiss family robinson- johann wyss
half-moon scar- allison green
sophie's world- jostein gaarder
blonde roots- bernardine evaristo
the shack- wm. paul young
both sides of time- caroline b. cooney

hahaha and that is just the first ones off my shelves

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