raw feeders/ those who make their own dog food

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Dec 14, 2011
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North Idaho
Hi, I'm getting a new pup, and I'm thinking of utilizing some of my rabbit culls For his feed. I could also use it for the two I have now. I guess it doesn't even have to be raw. I sometimes make a mixture for my current dogs. I cook brown rice with beef heart or some such thing, and added veggies. The dogs love it, but usually pick through the rice. It gets eaten very last.
My new pup is an English Shepherd that is currently being fed Blue Buffalo puppy chow. When I get him home I'd like to transition him to rabbit/rice/veggie feed. I think I should add vitamins to the mix. Can I get some input here? Should I run it through a food processor or just continue as I have in the past? Also, if I make a large batch, how long will it keep in the fridge? Any suggestions how much to feed? I currently free feed it to my chihuahua and Boston Terrier. They eat what they want and neither is at all fat.
Dump the rice and veggies and just go raw. You will need to mix the meats up from time to time. Raw is very complicated, but mine get it sometimes, mainly frozen chicken backs they love it.

We feed Diamond Naturals and 4Health and swap flavors often. But when my bunnies are in full production I plan to utilize those culls too
For sure get rid of the rice, dogs dont need grains of any sort. I do give my dogs peas and carrots that I put through the food processor along with beef liver just because one of my dogs has crystals in his urine and I am trying to increase his fluid intake. I would do some research online before jumping in to a totally raw diet. Also remember that dogs should have a variety of meat sources, venison, beef, chicken, rabbit etc. They should NOT be given only rabbit, not enough fat. Variety is your best option. Another thing to remember is try to keep to food ratio to about 80% meat, 10% bone, and 10% organ. Heart and gizzards are not organs they are muscles...I would have never thought of this if I hadn't read it online:) If you google raw food calculator you can find some good sites where you enter your dogs weight and it will figure out the amount your dog should be fed each day. My dogs LOVE their raw rabbit, I just quarter the rabbit and give it to the dogs whole and they munch through it no problem, even my 20lbs dog crunches through the bones. I wish you the best of luck with your raw feeding adventure.
Raw is not complicated. You have choices based on how you like to do things, just like the rest of life. I've been feeding raw for a few years. The biggest thing you need is freezer space. I have two dogs now and they eat approximately a pound of raw food daily each. It goes up when they exercise more.

Just like feeding your rabbits, some dogs do better on some things than others. I have a Boxer that does best if she gets a 33/33/33 ratio of meat/bone, organs, and veg. This is what her breeder feeds all of her dogs, so that's what I feed mine. My Rotti mix gets pretty much the same but doesn't necessarily need as much veg.

My breeder feeds her dogs what she calls a 'wild puppy' mix. Wolves feed their pups from the insides of their kills as much as possible because that's where the most nutritious parts are. Basically the organs and tripe, this is the staple of my dogs diet. I also feed meaty bones often, rabbits are a favorite and I allow the dogs to have their bones in the living room once the meat is off them, less mess that way and they'll chew on them for days if I let them.
I get moose and deer frames from hunters. I buy various meats from my supplier, they have everything from alpaca to zebra available (ok not zebra :p )
I do a more convoluted diet but many people use prey model. Which is basically, hand the dog a hunk of meaty bone. Whatever raw diet model you wish to follow as long as your dog does well on it it's the one for you.

The debate about diets is made more confusing because of the argument over whether a dog is a carnivore like a wolf or cat or an omnivore like a bear or people. Personally, I lean towards omnivore status so my dogs get veg. And just to make it more fun I've met dogs that don't do well on raw but they are in a distinct minority (I've met one)
I give my dog bones from small animals (and small cuts of bone from large animals, like the bone slice in a pork chop). He's have a rabbit ate in about 10 minutes.
My dog is on a raw diet. I started my rabbitry to provide meat for her diet.

how long will it keep in the fridge?
I would use the dog food within 3 days, after that I would worry about dangerous bacterial growth. Cooked rice goes rancid very quickly when mixed with meat. You could always freeze large batches in single serving size ziplocks. This is what I do as my pup only eats 4oz a day.

It is recommended that you feed 2-3% of their body weight each day.

She gets rabbit 3-4 times a week and sheep, beef, poultry, deer, fish on the other days to be sure she is not lacking in anything. I feed her rough cut ground rabbit but she also gets frames left over from deboning a rabbit for my family's dinner. My grinder cannot chop deer, sheep or beef bones so the rabbit bones/frames are added to these meals as well.

I add 20% pulverized veg/fruit (kale, squash, carrots, green beans, apples, pears) that has been sitting in a small amount of live Apple Cider Vinegar overnight to help get it fermented. Some say dogs dont need plant matter but I believe dogs are omnivores and I find if helps prevent constipation from too much bone, she still has the small, firm odour free stools that many raw fed dogs have.

She also gets fish oil, Vitamin E and a multi-vitamin.

On days she gets rabbit she also gets a teaspoon of coconut oil as rabbit is a fairly lean meat.

There is a facebook group called "Raw Pet" that is very friendly and doesn't promote one particular way of feeding raw. There are many examples of how people are adding raw meat to their pets diet and I am sure they can help answer your questions.
You cannot feed rabbit as the sole meat source. Rabbit is too lean in fat and high in protein. It actually causes starvation. We've talked about it on other threads. Adding supplements is tricky and not recommended. You could easily add too much of something or not enough of something. Feeding a diet that is balanced on it's own is a better idea. Otherwise you should go find a proven homemade mix and use that to the letter.
boundarybunnyco":1ck3ccgs said:
Hi, I'm getting a new pup, and I'm thinking of utilizing some of my rabbit culls For his feed. I could also use it for the two I have now. I guess it doesn't even have to be raw. I sometimes make a mixture for my current dogs. I cook brown rice with beef heart or some such thing, and added veggies. The dogs love it, but usually pick through the rice. It gets eaten very last.
My new pup is an English Shepherd that is currently being fed Blue Buffalo puppy chow. When I get him home I'd like to transition him to rabbit/rice/veggie feed. I think I should add vitamins to the mix. Can I get some input here? Should I run it through a food processor or just continue as I have in the past? Also, if I make a large batch, how long will it keep in the fridge? Any suggestions how much to feed? I currently free feed it to my chihuahua and Boston Terrier. They eat what they want and neither is at all fat.

You will many different answers. Ultimately, you have to do what feels right to you and what makes your dogs healthy and happy. Even my vet who generally discourages "home prepared" diets has to reluctantly admit my dogs are very healthy with beautiful silky coats.

I do not feed raw. Not because I don't think the method has merit, but rather because my mother, who lives with me and co-owns two of the dogs, can not handle the idea of feeding raw. And, while folks will say that dogs are carnivores and should only be fed meat, I beg to differ and will use my three as prime examples. My dogs love vegetables and fruit. They will try to steal kale stalks from the chicken yard. They beg for our cooked cabbage or "greens"...they even love the "pot liquor" from the greens. They will also beg for fruit. They eat rice and oatmeal without a problem thought I think it is the one part of their diet that could easily get dropped --but mother won't hear of it as it "helps fill them up".

What do I feed: any variety of meats from beef, pork (not too often), chicken, rabbit (once I have some), organs, fish (they like "stinky fish" such as mackerel), and eggs. Then, to whatever meat is on the day's menu, we add either rice, oatmeal, or mashed potatoes plus vegetables. I prefer to limit corn to "almost never" because they don't digest it. Do not feed raisins, avocados, and chocolate--no matter how much they beg (and my do beg for raisins and chocolate).

When I first started, I tried mixing up a huge batch so I wouldn't have to cook often. Ended up losing most of it because it didn't cool fast enough and spoiled. So, lesson learned. I cook up a batch to last about 3 days.

I do have a tub of dog vitamins that I ordered off of Amazon almost two years ago. It was supposed to be enough for about 9 months. But, I don't give it everyday...more like a couple times a week "insurance". I'm pretty sure they don't really need it except for maybe the calcium in it. One reason I'd like to feed raw is that I could let them eat the bones and they'd get more calcium. But, so far, all is well with what I'm doing now.
boundarybunnyco":2an86mvs said:
Should I run it through a food processor or just continue as I have in the past? Also, if I make a large batch, how long will it keep in the fridge? Any suggestions how much to feed? .

An 8 week pup should be able to chew, no need to make 'baby food' like you would for weaning, having said that I feed my dogs ground raw. I fed my Boxer pup three meals of approximately two pounds of coursely ground raw food daily. That went to two meals of about three pounds when she started to leave the noon meal and got more active. She got less when she started leaving food in her bowl. I do not recommend leaving raw food out, basic food safety. I take the bowls up after fifteen minutes and my dogs get that much less in their next meal if they leave anything.
I feed my dogs in their crates to cut down on clean up.
I store my dog food frozen, my dogs have their own freezer that's twice as big as the one for my food. (Moose legs take up a LOT of space :shock: )
Thaw what you need for a days meals, this does mean you'll have dog food in the sink regularly. When the pup gets older and eating/growing less you'll only have dog food in the sink twice a week or so.
I make my dogs food. I have 3 of them.. I cook it..No raw here unless it is the bones.. I just use a slower cook or the oven if i have a roast on or something. No rice ,, no grains,, they do like there veggies .. Love chicken livers. .. they get a variety.. Plus they get chicken feet for there joints.. You have to make sure they get calcium as that is very important. they get eggs as i have chickens. with the shells... cottage cheese, grated cheese, greek yogourt. fish, rabbit, beef heart and tongue, some wild game not to much .. had upset tummies on vension. they also get quail, peas, kelp, carrots, pumpkin, list goes .. what i like about cooking it in a slow cooker. Everything goes in and done in 3 hours. I use macarroni. speggetti, I make enough for 4 days, very easy and i know what they are eating.
Just because they eat it doesn't mean they need it. Most of my animals would eat some things that are unhealthy for them or they can't digest.
Just wanted to add that raw meat can last WEEKS in the fridge.. as long as it is uncovered. The slimy stinky bacteria is anaerobic :) Meat can also be thawed and refrozen and you can even feed freezer burned stuff!
I would clarify that large chunks of meat and carcasses excluding organs like lungs and liver can last in the the fridge uncovered.

Ground meat and organs like lung, liver and to a lesser extent kidney CANNOT last that long.
lots of info here! I don't know why I thought the dogs needed rice? But my dogs do love their veggies. I'll have to give it some thought and try a few different things. Thanks for all the input!

__________ Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:00 pm ____
I have a question since we are on the topic.

Can you give a dog that eats a grain-free dog food, raw meat every once in awhile or a couple times a week? Or even cooked meat?

Last night we were cooking rabbit, and we fed both our dogs a good chunk of it raw for a treat. Then we thought hey in the summer with all these litters could we feed them this plus dog food. Of course we don't get a lot of culls but sometimes do. What about wild rabbit?

Is there a way to do this, I'm not worried about them getting over weight. They are very active and get plenty of activity.
. Can you give a dog that eats a grain-free dog food, raw meat every once in awhile or a couple times a week? Or even cooked meat?

Most people would say no.

The intestinal bacertia that digest raw are different from those that digest kibble, even grain free kibble. But before I went 100% raw, my dogs would get kibble in the morning and raw at night and I never had any diarrhea or tummy troubles, but others who fed both types of food have had problems.

I think if you only want to give meat occasionally or as a treat then I would cook it a bit first to break it down some and make it more digestible for your kibble fed dogs system.
Asinaway":d12fvv9j said:
Can you give a dog that eats a grain-free dog food, raw meat every once in awhile or a couple times a week? Or even cooked meat?
Sure you can... People that feed raw food that goes on vaction.. go to grain free kibble .. Sometimes my dogs will get kibble as a treat now and then. It will not harm them in any way. YOu do not have to cook it.. but that is your choice.
Asinaway":318v4z0q said:
Can you give a dog that eats a grain-free dog food, raw meat every once in awhile or a couple times a week? Or even cooked meat?

I feed "Nature's Domain", Costco's Kirkland brand of grain free kibble.

Our dogs get the guts when we butcher and they love it- even the puppies. I also sometimes give them the rabbit meat.

Whatever leftovers from our meals that don't go into the chicken bucket also get fed to the dogs- pasta, spaghetti sauce, soups and stew, meat, mashed potatoes, breads, rice, etc. Even if some of those things are not considered necessary or even digestible, they seem to do quite well on it, and they love their "slop" mixed with the kibble.

People have had dogs for thousands of years, and most people could hardly afford to put meat on their own plates, let alone their dog's... and yet they survived and even thrived. When my dad was a boy they had a St. Bernard type dog, and it was fed a loaf of bread a day as its main meal.
I was told that wild game needs to be cooked OR frozen solid and then thawed before being fed. Something about parasites/bacteria.