Rabbit myths!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Alberta Canada
So many stories make their way around please share some of the myths and stories you have heard!

Heres a few to get started:
A female rabbits hips will fuse together if no bred by 6 months old.

Lionheads are a cat x rabbit hybrid( love that one lol!)

Female rabbits can get pregnant by just looking at a male.
There's the age-old myth (perpetuated by PETA) that living on wire will harm a rabbit's feet. :roll:

I like to think I have an ongoing experiment: let's see how long I can keep a rabbit on wire before developing foot problems or sore hocks! So far, a year into the "experiment" and no sign yet! :lol:
I've heard that if you break a rabbit's collarbone, and then hold it by the front legs and FLING it's back end (taking care to hold tightly and not lose the rabbit itself) that the internal organs just fly out of its butt and you don't need to gut it. :roll:
Happy":2dfnl37c said:
I've heard that if you break a rabbit's collarbone, and then hold it by the front legs and FLING it's back end (taking care to hold tightly and not lose the rabbit itself) that the internal organs just fly out of its butt and you don't need to gut it. :roll:

OMG I've seen it. I swear there's a video on Youtube of some guy in the UK out hunting rabbits and he just...like...twists this little rabbit and everything flies out. :p I was actually kind of horrified.

(though technically the guts didn't come out of the butt, they just...popped out of the abdominal cavity and took all the chest stuff with it)
Here is one a friend told me a pet store owner told her "Rabbits live on just carrots, lettuce and cabbage." Another one "how large rabbits grow depends on the size of their cage"
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2iv524nz said:
(though technically the guts didn't come out of the butt, they just...popped out of the abdominal cavity and took all the chest stuff with it)
Then there must have been more to it than simply twisting the rabbit. I don't doubt there are tricks to making it easy, I just doubt you simply "fling" the guts out with the rest of the rabbit still intact.
cowgirl9768":38pjr3wo said:
Here is one a friend told me a pet store owner told her "Rabbits live on just carrots, lettuce and cabbage." Another one "how large rabbits grow depends on the size of their cage"

OMG really??? :p Now I have this horrible mental image of a Flemish Giant in a shoebox. :x
when my uncle found out I was raising rabbits to eat, he told me I could only eat them during the winter, because during the summer they get worms ;) , WTH and don't worry he would come visit me in the hospital. :lol: still waiting :popcorn:
jollysrabbits":2mtrbqoj said:
when my uncle found out I was raising rabbits to eat, he told me I could only eat them during the winter, because during the summer they get worms ;) , WTH and don't worry he would come visit me in the hospital. :lol: still waiting :popcorn:

I was told that you can only butcher them in the winter also because of worms but also because suppositly the meat would be bad.. Like in general just bad meat because its not winter. pah

Kyle@theHeathertoft":2mtrbqoj said:
cowgirl9768":2mtrbqoj said:
Here is one a friend told me a pet store owner told her "Rabbits live on just carrots, lettuce and cabbage." Another one "how large rabbits grow depends on the size of their cage"

OMG really??? :p Now I have this horrible mental image of a Flemish Giant in a shoebox. :x

Soooooooo... if i get a flemish giant and just tie it up outside will he become as big as a dinosaur?? OMG I toatally bet he would!!!! Awesome! :?
I was told this about my goldfish when I got them when I was 7. Yea..... they outgrew everything even the 55 gal, after going through a 1 gal to a 5 gal to a 10 gal to a 30 gal JUST KEPT GROWING and lived for 10 and a half and 11 years.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1fzmplq2 said:
Happy":1fzmplq2 said:
I've heard that if you break a rabbit's collarbone, and then hold it by the front legs and FLING it's back end (taking care to hold tightly and not lose the rabbit itself) that the internal organs just fly out of its butt and you don't need to gut it. :roll:

OMG I've seen it. I swear there's a video on Youtube of some guy in the UK out hunting rabbits and he just...like...twists this little rabbit and everything flies out. :p I was actually kind of horrified.

(though technically the guts didn't come out of the butt, they just...popped out of the abdominal cavity and took all the chest stuff with it)

I've seen that...imagine popping the largest boil you've ever seen.... I had to watch it a couple of times between my fingers :popcorn:

Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7trIwVMYZA
Shelbers91":19x16mu2 said:
I was told this about my goldfish when I got them when I was 7. Yea..... they outgrew everything even the 55 gal, after going through a 1 gal to a 5 gal to a 10 gal to a 30 gal JUST KEPT GROWING and lived for 10 and a half and 11 years.

I raise amazon piranhas and this actually is not fully a myth for fish. It's not the size of the tank it's the level of oxygen in the water. So if it's just one fish the growth rate wont change things. But if you have a school of fish in a small tank the oxygen levels will drop dramatically and stunt growth. But since rabbits don't live in water it does not apply to them haha :lol:<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:37 pm __________<br /><br />
UK-backyardbunnies":19x16mu2 said:
Kyle@theHeathertoft":19x16mu2 said:
Happy":19x16mu2 said:
I've heard that if you break a rabbit's collarbone, and then hold it by the front legs and FLING it's back end (taking care to hold tightly and not lose the rabbit itself) that the internal organs just fly out of its butt and you don't need to gut it. :roll:

OMG I've seen it. I swear there's a video on Youtube of some guy in the UK out hunting rabbits and he just...like...twists this little rabbit and everything flies out. :p I was actually kind of horrified.

(though technically the guts didn't come out of the butt, they just...popped out of the abdominal cavity and took all the chest stuff with it)

I've seen that...imagine popping the largest boil you've ever seen.... I had to watch it a couple of times between my fingers :popcorn:

Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7trIwVMYZA

Oh my gawsh I think I just barfed a little! How does all that come out their little poopers! :razz2: :razz2: :razz2:
cowgirl9768":j23fxybm said:
Shelbers91":j23fxybm said:
I was told this about my goldfish when I got them when I was 7. Yea..... they outgrew everything even the 55 gal, after going through a 1 gal to a 5 gal to a 10 gal to a 30 gal JUST KEPT GROWING and lived for 10 and a half and 11 years.

I raise amazon piranhas and this actually is not fully a myth for fish. It's not the size of the tank it's the level of oxygen in the water. So if it's just one fish the growth rate wont change things. But if you have a school of fish in a small tank the oxygen levels will drop dramatically and stunt growth. But since rabbits don't live in water it does not apply to them haha :lol:

Thats what I thought, but I had 3 of them and at times it wasnt the cleanest.. (I was a mere child) but ahh, comets.. they are hardy things. then after a few years they had offspring (kept 1 for 8 years)fish are amazing creatures they are. Along with many other creatures of course
Shelbers91":1olan0ea said:
Thats what I thought, but I had 3 of them and at times it wasnt the cleanest.. (I was a mere child) but ahh, comets.. they are hardy things. then after a few years they had offspring (kept 1 for 8 years)fish are amazing creatures they are. Along with many other creatures of course

Funny story about childrean and fish. When I was realy young one of my friends had 2 fish. We always teased her cause the tank was always dirty, it was way to tiny for the two fish and we where pretty sure she didn't feed them unless we teased her. Well we used to always say "if any fish could figure out how to run away her would be the first to do it" well one day her fish jumped out of the bowl (witch was on top of the back of her toilet where she kept it) into the toilet. Her mom came in and before seeing the fish threw a tissue in the toilet and flushed it. Only after flushing did she see the fish being flushed with the water. Haha... At least that the story her mom told use.... Some time I wonder if she just made up the story to hide the fact she just got rid of the fish but still... Makes a good story.
cowgirl9768":1eeba1sc said:
Shelbers91":1eeba1sc said:
Thats what I thought, but I had 3 of them and at times it wasnt the cleanest.. (I was a mere child) but ahh, comets.. they are hardy things. then after a few years they had offspring (kept 1 for 8 years)fish are amazing creatures they are. Along with many other creatures of course

Funny story about childrean and fish. When I was realy young one of my friends had 2 fish. We always teased her cause the tank was always dirty, it was way to tiny for the two fish and we where pretty sure she didn't feed them unless we teased her. Well we used to always say "if any fish could figure out how to run away her would be the first to do it" well one day her fish jumped out of the bowl (witch was on top of the back of her toilet where she kept it) into the toilet. Her mom came in and before seeing the fish threw a tissue in the toilet and flushed it. Only after flushing did she see the fish being flushed with the water. Haha... At least that the story her mom told use.... Some time I wonder if she just made up the story to hide the fact she just got rid of the fish but still... Makes a good story.

lol it is indeed a good story. poor fishy. when I was really really little my sister bought me fish and I always wanted to hold and hug and kiss everything cute, so I gently picked up the fish from the water and kissed them. Needless to say they didnt last very long. I can't be;ieve I still remember them! We had neon tetras from walmart after that that always jumped out of the bowl. And those 2 times the bowls were clean. It took me till I was 7 to know not to keep fish in bowls.
I have performed the rabbit "field dressing" "trick" you describe on wild rabbits. Amazingly, it works, but all of the things that you try not to let happen when you butcher, happen when you do it this way. Good way to ruin rabbit meat, knife works much better. Lazy hunters way of not having to give away a bunch of rabbits with the guts still in them at the end of the day. You squeeze them down until you feel a "pop" and then sling them. Everything comes out the skin on the abdomen. Except what needs to be rinsed out. Somebody put it on a rabbit hunting video in the late eighties, everybody tried it, and I think everybody that tries it comes to the same conclusion---yuck! Not a bad tidbit of knowledge to have in a rare circumstance, (like a wreck or something) if for some reason you had to get the innards out of ten rabbits in five minutes, and you had time to take better care at a later time. Rabbit will spoil a lot quicker with the guts in, in marginal temperatures.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":3a3vouy0 said:
There's the age-old myth (perpetuated by PETA) that living on wire will harm a rabbit's feet. :roll:

I like to think I have an ongoing experiment: let's see how long I can keep a rabbit on wire before developing foot problems or sore hocks! So far, a year into the "experiment" and no sign yet! :lol:

Well pretty much all of my Rex suffer from sore hocks as early as 6 mos old. It's more of a breed thing, as I don't have that problem with the mini Rex or hollands.

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