Rabbit myths!

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My rex who lived in a solid bottom no wire, lots of shavings and blankets etc. He still ended up with sore hocks when he got older. My 2 current rexes are doing fine so far. So the wire thing is a Peta thing.
Peta wants no one to have animals as pets or stock. Peta is run by a bunch of nutcases. The founder of Peta wants her remins BBQ'd and served to her guests at her funeral.
Rabbits ears grow larger than normal in the summer... that's a good one...once we bred up and got better stock we didn't see any ears that were larger in the summer or the winter...
Everything I have heard has already been mentioned. :( :lol:

Not to be beaten, but off topic...
We were informed that we would not get eggs from our hens unless we had a rooster. Yes, eggs not chicks. :roll:
we are forgetting the "incomplete protein" and rabbit starvation myths.....

BTW cows, pigs, chickens sheep etc all get worms too, year round.

I am sure that in the old days, when folks weren't always able to get accurate information on how to PREVENT worm infestations and did not have access to effective remedies to treat worms in rabbits, it would be more common to avoid harvesting 'wormy' meat animals at the time of year when worms were most prevalent.

It wasn't that long ago that worming horses or cattle involved running a stomach tube through the nose and putting nasty chemicals directly into the stomach..... the invention of Ivermectin changed the face of livestock management on all levels.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1n86kl87 said:
Happy":1n86kl87 said:
I've heard that if you break a rabbit's collarbone, and then hold it by the front legs and FLING it's back end (taking care to hold tightly and not lose the rabbit itself) that the internal organs just fly out of its butt and you don't need to gut it. :roll:

OMG I've seen it. I swear there's a video on Youtube of some guy in the UK out hunting rabbits and he just...like...twists this little rabbit and everything flies out. :p I was actually kind of horrified.

(though technically the guts didn't come out of the butt, they just...popped out of the abdominal cavity and took all the chest stuff with it)

:rotfl: I have seen that video too! It was quite disturbing... there's no way I'm trying it any time soon. :lol:
I have been told that my kids are having fun now, but it will all be over when my rabbits get parvo and drag around their hind parts and we have to put them all down. Still trying to figure out what this person ran into?

Do rabbits even get parvo? Is it a real regular occurrence to have to put down all of your kids rabbits from a parvo epidemic? I believe this person might be confused. Lionheads can get feline distemper though, because they are part cat. What?
Oh yea my friend told me that if I raised rabbits for meat I will be starving myself and die.. Psh like I would ONLY eat rabbit. Lol

Also andyva I am sorry but you lost me. Lol I am confused.
Diamond":2ls27u0z said:
we are forgetting the "incomplete protein" and rabbit starvation myths.....
An incomplete protein is an amino acid, so that's ridiculous, but there is such a thing as protein poisoning, but that's alleviated by eating fatty parts. It's caused by not having enough fats/oils/sugars in the meal to process the proteins that are in it and. It takes MUCH more than a single meal to have any serious problems with it, and I doubt any farmed rabbit can give it to you, but it's plausible in wild varieties that have almost no body fat at all IF you eat nothing but those ultra-lean rabbits and don't eat the fatty parts.<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:26 pm __________<br /><br />
andyva":2ls27u0z said:
I have been told that my kids are having fun now, but it will all be over when my rabbits get parvo and drag around their hind parts and we have to put them all down. Still trying to figure out what this person ran into?

Do rabbits even get parvo? Is it a real regular occurrence to have to put down all of your kids rabbits from a parvo epidemic? I believe this person might be confused. Lionheads can get feline distemper though, because they are part cat. What?
there are parvo varieties for almost all animals, including humans, but it's generally just a bad flu. In cats and dogs with a weak immune system, they can die of dehydration because of this, even though it's just a flu. I'd be willing to bet that someone confused parvo (a virus) and pasteurella (a bacterium) because they're similar in symptoms. Pasteurella, however, seems to cause death by pneumonia, whereas parvo tends to kill by dehydration.
I have only seen parvo refered to a dog illness(Canine parvo virus), lost a pup 2 years ago to it. Not a fun illness to deal with.

There is a lady who does reptile rescues and breeds her rescues because she believes, all animals will become depressed and die if they are not allowed to breed. My fixed cats and dogs are pretty happy... lol

This one is pretty common: All animals will reject their babies if you touch them. The wild duckling my cat took home smelled like cat and 6 humans, but his Mom took him back when we took him back to the creek.
I hate the myth that animals HAVE to be bred or they will lead unfulfilled lives. None of my cats or dogs were ever bred, except Ember who was found SUPER-pregnant by the shelter. She hasn't had another litter and is since spayed.

What REALLY gets me is that they often don't think of the new lives they've created. If I have too many rabbits, well...dinner table. Can't do that with puppies.

I know a gal who has a friend who is pestering her all the time to let them breed their female dog to her male dog, claiming that they "need" her to have a litter because she won't calm down and be a "good dog" until she pops out a bunch of pups. When we try to explain to them that their YEAR OLD BORDER COLLIE is not abnormally active and that a litter won't "settle" her, they claim we're ignorant of dog breeding because neither of us has produced a litter. :roll:

I don't think they liked it very well when my friend told them her male show dog is not available as a stud to any dogs except his breed, Malinois. :p
For a while there I thought "breed like rabbits" was a myth. Ours didn't seem to want to get pregnant! Now, whoa nelly! 3 first time moms, and all had 5. (One lost 4 to the cold)
Those "lucky" rabbit feet were not so lucky for the rabbit, were they?

Here is one-- and it involves cats--

They make the news,quite often-- and are called 'cabits"

A cat is seen, 'hopping' about-- it has no to very little tail-- and the myth is perpetuated that the animal is a rabbit-cat mix. It is really a manx-ed cat- and the deformed spinal cord or fused spinal column/ pelvic-spinal connection does not relay the neural messages correctly, causing the cat to 'hop' rather than walk.. :bunnyhop:

Any female dog that needs a litter to 'settle down' REALLY needs a different set of owners....or a JOB-- like herding!
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2yltb6cq said:
I hate the myth that animals HAVE to be bred or they will lead unfulfilled lives. None of my cats or dogs were ever bred, except Ember who was found SUPER-pregnant by the shelter. :p

I hate that too. And I dislike the new song that's out that starts out " if you don't have a kid before your 21 your gonna die alone" or something of the like. Pah.. Like I am not going to live a fulfilled life because I have not reproduced and I am 21. WhatEVER society.. But jeeze it's one thing to make people feel bad about themselves to sell a product but to put something out to make people feel bad about themselves that they havnt reproduced is rediculous. I wonder how many ignorant teens heard that and were like OMG I have to get pregnant before I'm 21 or ill die alone! Psh..
Shelbers91":3ei946an said:
I wonder how many ignorant teens heard that and were like OMG I have to get pregnant before I'm 21 or ill die alone! Psh..
Too many teens are having babies already, so that they "will have someone to love me." They fail to realize that a lot of time and work go into the baby before there are 'active' expressions of love.
Shelbers91":3homzdcc said:
Kyle@theHeathertoft":3homzdcc said:
I hate the myth that animals HAVE to be bred or they will lead unfulfilled lives. None of my cats or dogs were ever bred, except Ember who was found SUPER-pregnant by the shelter. :p

I hate that too. And I dislike the new song that's out that starts out " if you don't have a kid before your 21 your gonna die alone" or something of the like. Pah.. Like I am not going to live a fulfilled life because I have not reproduced and I am 21. WhatEVER society.. But jeeze it's one thing to make people feel bad about themselves to sell a product but to put something out to make people feel bad about themselves that they havnt reproduced is rediculous. I wonder how many ignorant teens heard that and were like OMG I have to get pregnant before I'm 21 or ill die alone! Psh..

The song is actually saying how wrong most of the things we are told are, a bit like rabbit myths ;)

Chickens make two different kinds of eggs, one for us to eat and one to hatch into chicks.

That one kind of blew me away when I heard my sis in law telling it to her daughters after we hatched our first clutch of eggs :shock:

My least favorite myths of all time are "You cant eat it if you care for it so you must not care for your animals!" and "You cant eat PETS!"
How about the one that dogs/cats won't mate with a sibling. You remember the joke "she can't be pregnant....she lives with her brother!" While working at the vet, I saw this a couple of times. I felt bad for the people when they picked up their pet and a box full of puppies/kittens.
.....a little sidetrack on the breeding/ fulfillment issue - I have horses, 1 gelding, 4 mares, one molly mule (female). Mr. Gelding will breed the mares and mule when they pester him enough. no joke. So, they manage to find 'fulfillment' even if the ol' cannon isn't loaded! Have still not figured out how he does it without the gonads - but I have seen this happen with other geldings, so it's not about being "proud cut" or whatever, just ol' Ma Nature working her magic on the male brain.

I do not believe that having offspring changes any animal or human's disposition that drastically, aside of the effects that physical exhaustion has on the female's behalf.
Diamond":3flfnqus said:
Have still not figured out how he does it without the gonads - but I have seen this happen with other geldings, so it's not about being "proud cut" or whatever, just ol' Ma Nature working her magic on the male brain.
Yep. Unless you remove the pituitary gland (a fatal mistake), there will still be hormones released. Granted, the desire will be weaker without the gonads also producing hormones, but removing the gonads won't completely cut off the hormonal basis of sexual arousal. It did do wonders for getting my dog to quit humping my niece though.

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