Rabbit had a miscarriage... *update 1/29 - graphic images*

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Teddy2511":ezqchku8 said:
So the summary is, she hasn't eaten anything in about three days, she hasn't drank much if any in the last day, and it looks/feels like she has two retained but dead, premature kits still inside her. She is also still very placid and unresponsive, which is highly unusual for her.

What can I do for her?! :(

At this point, get some water/electrolytes into her-- massage that belly, see if you can't get things moving OUT. Fenugreek is used, medicinally, to help abort by Native Americans. A shot of Tetracycline may be in order, as well--
Teddy2511":3hrf1ijd said:
She was put in with the buck 3 times over a period of 8 hours... I don't if that would mean that she could have conceived in both horns

It is perfectly normal in any case to conceive in both horns. Rabbits ovulate from both ovaries when they are bred, and if one ovary is damaged, the other releases more eggs to make up for it. The eggs are free floating for around 9 days I think, and then implant in whichever horn they are in.

Teddy2511":3hrf1ijd said:
I'll try adding some pedialyte to water for added electrolytes. What ratio should I use?

If she will drink it, just give it full strength.

Teddy2511":3hrf1ijd said:
is there any way to force feed or convince her to eat any herbs that I may be able to feed to induce contractions?

She will likely "self medicate" if you offer her the herbs. I had a doe with the beginning stages of mastitis, and she gobbled up the catnip I gave her despite the fact that my rabbits wont touch it normally. I also gave mint and sage.

Parsley, sage, yarrow, basil, blessed thistle, borage, catnip, comfrey, fennel, and feverfew are some herbs that cause contractions. Here is a link to a site that lists herbs and their effects during pregnancy:

Okay, well I'll head to the store as soon as I can to pick up a few of these things for her...

I assume she will like fresh herbs better... Can I give multiple types of herbs at once? She has been unwilling to touch the pellets and rolled oats in her dish, but will she be willing to eat the herbs?

And when it comes to shots of pen g and tetracyline; how much should I give and should I use it as a last resort only?

Also, how do I feed tums? Crushed in her water or food?
She will probably eat the fresh herbs on her own, but if not you could blend them with the Pedialyte and syringe feed it to her. If she needs calcium, she will eat the Tums.
Okay, I'll head to the store then, and pick up the tums, pedialyte, and herbs.

It may be a couple of hours until I have the things I need and can give them to her... What are her chances of being okay long enough that I can do what I can?
Yes, I meant to say, maybe she had conceived in both horns on two different dates. If all the breedings occurred within 8 hours I'd say that's not the case. She'll probably be OK til you get back. I had a doe deliver 7 stillborn babies over a period of 3 days. I was really worried about her but she pulled through just fine. Hope your doe will be OK too.
MamaMandy":21qmw5x8 said:
She'll probably be OK til you get back. I had a doe deliver 7 stillborn babies over a period of 3 days. I was really worried about her but she pulled through just fine. Hope your doe will be OK too.
Thank you :)
I'm going to do everything I can, but I hate to think that she may not make it. You've at least given me some hope now, that at least other rabbits have survived something like this.<br /><br />__________ Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:25 pm __________<br /><br />Our vet is coming by tomorrow to take care of our horses, so if nothing is working by then, I may have him administer a dose of oxytocin.

I hope this sounds like a good plan?!
Lavender buds will help her expel the contents of her uterus....I hope it turns around for her and you.
Well, I got back from the store and I tried feeding her some parsley but I couldn't get her to eat any of it... So I tried grinding up a berry flavoured tums with unflavoured pedialyte, and smeared some of the pasty mixture on her lips. At first she was unimpressed, but it only took a moment and she was licking her lips and looking for more. I smeared a little of the pasty tums mixture on some parsley, fennel, and sage, and though she only ate a little, she was then willing to eat that too (she really liked the fennel). She's gone back to sitting quietly now, but I'm going to keep an eye on her and put some more herbs and a couple mint leaves in her food dish and pedialyte in her water bottle.

We also bought some pen g while we were out, and I was wondering what size dose I should give her? I don't want to give her too much, but as I am pretty sure the small mass(es) in her abdominal area are dead kits, I'd like to give her some as a precaution.

Any other suggestions?

OneAcreFarm":3fxu8ubu said:
Lavender buds will help her expel the contents of her uterus....I hope it turns around for her and you.
I was going to try lavender buds, but I don't have any and I am unsure as to where I could get any... :?

__________ Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:16 pm __________

Quick update; I put the leftover tums paste in a small bowl full of unflavoured padialyte in her cage (in place of her water bottle) and she seemed impressed by that and was drinking some within moments. She has also moved around a little since, and has at least been sniffing at the bowl of herbs and pellets.

I'll keep you all posted...
Well, that is progress! I'm glad she seems to be feeling a little better. :)

Hopefully she will pass the remaining kits and wont need the oxytocin injection. :clover:
The fresh herbs can be fed all at once... She will take what she needs. Likewise the Tums. If she is still in distress tomorrow when the vet comes, I think the oxytocin sounds like a good idea.

I recommend that anyone with rabbits keep a plant or two of certain herbs in their gardens. Lavender buds can be cut and dried. Sage and peppermint likewise. It's always good to have a supply of dried shepherd's purse, plantain, and the leaves of raspberry, blackberry and strawberry on hand in case of poopy butt.
Teddy2511":rmxyd6rs said:
We also bought some pen g while we were out, and I was wondering what size dose I should give her? I don't want to give her too much, but as I am pretty sure the small mass(es) in her abdominal area are dead kits, I'd like to give her some as a precaution.
Can anybody give me an answer on this?
I gave my 2 - 2.5 pound dwarfs .50 cc of pen g for vent disease. According to the above suggestion that sounds like too much but they did fine.
Okay, thank you! :)
I'll try giving her a small dose of Pen G tonight, and make sure that she has fresh herbs and pedialyte in her cage, and then I'll check her in the morning.

Fingers are crossed that she delivers those kits tonight!
I have a just under 5-pound minilop. I gave him .25cc of the 300,000 strength stuff, once a day for 5 days, for a goopy eye.

Hope your bun recovers! :clover:
Well, I went down to check on her this morning and she was lying in the back of her cage, unmoving. She had died sometime during the night. :cry:

We gave her a shot of Pen G last night around midnight, but she didn't even flinch even though we had to use an 18 gauge needle (it was all we had). She was quite lethargic, and it was really hard to watch her barely able to hop around, especially when she was usually such an active bunny.

We are planning on opening her up in a few minutes to see if we can find out what was wrong... I'll take some pictures and let you all know what we find.

And thank you for the helpful ideas and advice! I'm glad that I did whatever I could before she died. :(