Prayers for Bingerton?

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Awwww he is cute! Yeah, it's a very treatable disease, and normally something you see in older pets. I've only ever seen one dog be too far gone from it...but the owner didn't bring him in for a week....ugh.

It's sad that more vets aren't like that.....or at least their office staff isn't. I had to box the ears of one gal under me (I was head tech) because it was 6pm (closing time) and she sent someone to the E-clinic..... I looked at her and said " just told them the the health of their pet doesn't mean *BEEP* to us....think they'll ever be back??" Then she had to hear it from my boss as well.....except he wasn't as nice about it. I love my old boss...and will continue to use him as my vet until the day he retires probably. He has a really good understanding of me and what I will and wont allow with my animals. It took me a long time to find a vet like him...and he costs more then a lot of places....but he's worth every penny!
That is what "gets" me right regular vet is more expensive than most vets, and I drive a fair distance (passing a few other vet clinics on the way) to get there...because they used to be awesome about emergencies. I wonder what happened to make them want to change...?
You know, call and talk to the actual vet about it. He/she may not know that their staff turned you away...if they do's time to shop around for a different vet.