picking up a walking allergy ball- pictures

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Jul 17, 2010
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Not the best time to get another animal but I just can't get rid of these mice. They keep coming back in waves and I have to disinfect my kitchen counters every day due to the amount of mouse poop. We can't use the pantry or any of the bottom cabinets and the bottom shelf of the upper cabinets. So I agreed Josh could get a kitten. I found one that someone had a litter on their porch they were handling but they have a feral mother who has been feeding them mice and birds. She said the previous litter turned into the best mousers and she even has 2 indoors that do a great job since they live in front of a grain plant. So walking allergy ball pictures in a couple hours. We buy cat food for the hedgehogs anyway. We just have to repurpose something as a litter box.
Brought home a little girl. Her proportion seem like they should be on a bigger kitten than she is so I'm not sure if she just filled out fast for her age or is a small cat. Dogs are starting to calm down.

There are dogs here somewhere

Carriers are much safer than the open.
She tried to whack Niji but she didn't realize there was carrier mesh in the way. I think once she settles and has more confidence she's going to put puppies in their place.
Oh she's adorable! We have a 19 year old mouser with a mark on her nose just like your little girl's. Hope your girl is as good as ours has been for us!
We have to figure out the basement since I have the small colony and open topped guinea pig pens. Everything else is already protected because of the dogs but the 2 dogs that could cause problems won't go down the hazardous basement steps. The bigger problem is putting cat stuff away from young husky.
alforddm":13cu40in said:
:yeahthat: And pick up some milk thistle extract. Seems to help alot with my allergies.
Oh, yes! I remember taking stinging nettle capsules while I was pregnant. Worked about as well as my antihistamine. :)

I switched back to my antihistamine only because it's cheaper.

I hope she turns out to be a great mouser for you! :p
I am severely allergic.
We got a pair last year and they were amazing mousers (they lived in the back porch) but they were tiny cats and both got eaten in the fall :(
We have mice terribly and I'm considering another because now it could live in the secure rabbitry night/winter.
She concerned me some. She was staying rather hot feeling and lethargic. I think the trip, the hotter than we have been having day, and stress of everything else was too much for her. The person we met to get her thought she might have been a little car sick because she flattened down and quit meowing part way here. She slept about 3 hrs and then ate some, groomed, slept, and is eating more so I think she is going to be fine. I'm not sure if they were feeding them much beyond what wildlife was being caught by the cats and she hasn't touched plain water.
akane":1gpl0qto said:
She concerned me some. She was staying rather hot feeling and lethargic.

In the third pic she looks rather miserable and sick, but I didn't say anything because she looks bright eyed in the first one.

Once she settles in a bit I would worm her- she looks a little thin- and who knows what kind of parasites she has picked up from eating wild things exclusively.
Yea I was looking at wormer at the feed store. They only have some overpriced tapeworm tablets. We are going to order bulk rope for cheap scratching posts and I'll get dewormer. Otherwise I'll have to grab something for livestock that is cat suitable. She's playing some now and grooming a lot but not going far because Niji is having a breakdown from not being allowed near the new fuzzy creature that makes weird noises when you try to sniff it. <br /><br /> __________ Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:32 pm __________ <br /><br /> Much better. Her left eye is a little moist but not crusty or red so see how it is tomorrow and try a saline rinse if necessary.

Misaki has a computer and computer cord attraction. I keep losing my laptop which I have to close now or she walks on my keyboard and does weird things. My game still will not play in the usual browser. I had to move it to chrome. Josh tried to give Misaki her own laptop but she finds mine to be better.

For now her teeth aren't big enough but when I lose internet I'm stealing Josh's ethernet cable :p:

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