percent protein for kits - what do you use?

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Jul 7, 2013
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Just curious what % protein in pellets is recommended for kits. I currently use 18% for my kits because that is what their mother got and I never thought of switching. My breeding buck I feed 16%.

I also feed lots of hay.

What do you guys use? (or suggest - or have found to help kits grow to butcher weight fast and healthy)
All my rabbits are fed the same 16% mix. Kits just are free fed, as are the woolers.
I used 18% feed on a couple of litters last year from the day the doe gave birth until they reached 16 weeks of age. I compared the results of that litter to the results of litters that I continued to feed the regular 16% rations to and saw no reason to ever want to switch over full time. As such, I now feed the same 16% ration across the board, occasionally testing certain local feeds on a small portion of my rabbits to see how they produce and develop on it. (It's good to know what other options are out there if/when a natural disaster like flooding comes along.)

Some of it is environmental, or related to the area you live in. IMHO, the larger component in the equation is the feed itself. I compared the labels of the 18% feed to that of the regular 16% ration, and the reason was likely the items listed on the ingredient labels. In hindsight, it is my opinion that it's the content of the feed, not the protein percentage, which makes the difference in the results you get.
18% would be ideal but I can only get 16% here and I've gone as low as 12%. They just grow a little slower.
SatinsRule - Thanks for the point that the content of the feed is super important. I will check my feed bags and compare to what else I can get around here.
I feed 18% as well. However, it's not by choice.

Last year, my regular feed went through the roof!! AND it hasn't came back down yet. It was 16% and I was very happy with it. It just got too darned expensive.

I use 16%, but because it's what I've always used, it's what was readily available to me in my area. I've always wondered if that 2% really makes a big difference?
i presently use 17% feed but I have used 18%.
I find that you feed less feed of a higher protein level,
and it may be helpful when feeding smaller breeds as their stomach
is only so large. All opf my rabbits no matter what their age get the same feed.
If your Rabbits are doing well on the feed of your choice
no matter what the brand or Protein level, that is the feed you should stick with.
I would only change feeds if there were some type of problem that was apparently
brought about by it's use. I also feed grass-hay and a few other supplements
that do not offset the nutritional balance of the feed regimen.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: