Ordered to Hospital. (22 month Post-Op UDATE)

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I shall pray for a successful surgery for you and a speedy and comfortable recovery. Best wishes!
Please update us when you get home.

Yeah buddy.....it smarts...!!! :x :x :x It's been a week out of surgery and I can almost make
it through the day without screaming for a pain pill....or 2 or 3... When the Doctor said it would hurt
like a %^&$G#$.....he weren't kiddin'. I've had major surgeries before.....but this one takes the cake.

The plus side to this is....I am beginning to recover some of the feelings in my hands, and those
pesky bugs crawlin' all over me...have settled nearly completely... the continual pains in my shoulders
arms, hands, and fingers have slacked off quite a bit.....

This is just going to take a LONG TIME to heal properly.
Thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts...... I'm drawing up plans for a state inspected processing
facility..... once I can swing a hammer again.... NUTTIN' TO IT. :p :p :p

have a great day folks.

Oh my GOODNESS, you've been through quite an ordeal! I'm so glad you are recovering, but WOW! That does look like it'll take some time and care! Best of luck and prayers for your speedy recovery!
So good to hear from you, Grumpy, and to know that you are doing well. Sorry you're still in pain, but knowing it will pass in time helps some, I'm sure. It's great news that the feeling is coming back in your fingers! Hang in there -- you'll be swinging that hammer soon enough!
I'm so glad you're feeling better already, Grumpy, and pray that your recovery goes astoundingly well!

I had to laugh when I got to the end and saw, like SuburbanHomesteader said, you're already plottin' and plannin'! :lol:
I'm so sorry, Grumpy, that the doctor didn't have better news for you. It's a tough time of life, this "getting older" thing and accepting all the limitations that come with it. I know it's a major blow to have to all but give up the rabbits, but you (like me) are fortunate in having other interests that you can still pursue. In that respect, we are blessed, and the glass is still half full. (((HUGS)))
Know that you have people you have never met wishing you nothing but the best. And that we hope you will continue to share your experience and knowledge with us.

Are you still writing?

Marinea":2w21iv9g said:
Know that you have people you have never met wishing you nothing but the best. And that we hope you will continue to share your experience and knowledge with us.

Are you still writing?


Thanks for your concerns...

A lot has happened over the past few years. None of it positive I'm sorry to say.
I've tried writing, but it's hard to do with the mindset I have nowadays. Plus, I've
had to re-teach myself how to type with a ''soft-touch'' keyboard since these hands
are less than cooperative.

We've all got problems... and I'm reluctant to add mine to the mix.

Happy Easter to everyone.

Happy Easter, Grumpy. It seems like the wrong thing to say, given the circumstances, but I feel hopeful that your pendulum, having so far in one direction, is poised to start swinging back.

It is hard to write when so much around you is going wrong. My creativity is always the first thing to suffer when life goes off the tracks. But when I don't write, I don't feel whole.

I've been trying to learn to compartmentalize so that even when times are bad, the good things are protected. At 67, in a family where only one person has see 80, I'm very conscious that I don't have unlimited time left to complete the things that are important to me. So I am determined to keep from wasting any of it.

If you need to talk anytime, Grumpy, don't hesitate to PM me. I feel a close kinship to you, and I'd be happy to listen and help if I can. (((HUGS)))
Awwwww grumpy I'm sorry to read all of this. I know you love your rabbits and this is a hard pill to swallow but at least you do have some use of your hands. That's something to be thankful for!! Now is your time to enjoy and relax in life..
God Bless..

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