Thank You... each and every one of you.
I've not been on here for quite a spell... THANK YOU MAGGIE for
reminding me how many good people there are on this site.
It's been over a year since my last visit..
I'd like to ''share'' a bump in my road with all of you.
June the 8th, last year. about one or two in the afternoon
I was working in my shop when, without warning, the room
started spinning out of control... I felt deathly ill and began
sweating like there was no tomorrow. I waited 20 minutes or so,
thinking it would pass. but it didn't. It got worse to the point I
honestly felt like I was dying. (heart-attack.?) I didn't know.
What they say is true.!!! Your life literally flashes before your eyes.
I dialed 911, telling them my location. I had to crawl on all fours to the
shop doors to unlock them. Not wanting the EMT's breaking my doors down.
I crawled back to my chair and waited. They found me in around 15 minutes
and immediately started running vitals on me and putting me on a gurney.
Off to the hospital we went, sirens blaring and lights flashing.
I was sweating so bad, those ''sticky-thingys'' wouldn't stay put.
Long story short... I had every test imaginable, and they could
find NOTHING.!!!! An MRI..2 CAT scans... Heart thing (Sonogram?) where they can see
your heart on a tv screen...with that gooey stuff smeared around. YUCK...
36 hours wearing a heart monitor that was downloaded every hour.
I still couldn't walk without tipping over.... I used a walker in the room
as much as possible... Till the nurses caught me.!! They kyped my walker.
At the end of the second day, I could 'walk' {sorta} with a cane.
But not very far, nor very good.
The morning of the 3rd day they let me out at 10 a.m....
I waited on my '''ride''' till 11:30 when she showed up.
For the second time during my entire hospital stay... 'wow'..
Needless to say, the rabbits are gone forever now.
I'll never be able to do the work necessary to keep them.
I work in my shop making keepsake cedar boxes and such.
I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing. It's not easy, I assure you.
I want to start raising Lady Gouldian finches again.. (Google them..they're gorgeous.)
I did that for years but got away from them when the boys came into my life.
I stagger a lot and fall infrequently.. knock on wood, nothing's been broken.
Thanks again for all of your concerns....