Put the girls all together and the boy in the white cage.
Getting the stackers tomorrow, so they'll all move to permanent, big cages soon!
Further processed the 4 already butchered. "Drumsticks & wings", lol, left on bone, rest deboned.
Forgot about the bones...aka dog food. So, pushed butcher for the final two back again. Dogs will get one set of bones tonight, then the other set stays in freezer. Butcher bits will be fed tomorrow and then fresh bones Friday. And last, the frozen bones on Saturday.

Yeah, that should work out.
For those curious of more detailed weights...
Two of the bones, spine & ribs, weighs 1.5#.
Four meats + legs, weighs 7# 9oz.
10# 8oz of waste in all; hide, guts, head, feet, tail, organs & the spine+ribs.
18# 1oz of rabbits turned into 7# 9oz of food. IDK what that is in percentage.
Store rabbit, 2.5# on bones, $32. $12.8 per pound.
Live rabbits, 7# 9oz mostly just meat, $30. $3.79 per pound.

And the baskets arrived.
More plans on what I want to do with them.
Red. Mesh top & walls.
Blue. Hinge, allows nest to be opened w/o full removal.
Yellow. Clips to secure to cage.
I'm thinking of using plastic to line the basket. Hinged top will be 1/2×1" floor wire.