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Put the girls all together and the boy in the white cage.

Getting the stackers tomorrow, so they'll all move to permanent, big cages soon!

Further processed the 4 already butchered. "Drumsticks & wings", lol, left on bone, rest deboned.
Forgot about the bones...aka dog food. So, pushed butcher for the final two back again. Dogs will get one set of bones tonight, then the other set stays in freezer. Butcher bits will be fed tomorrow and then fresh bones Friday. And last, the frozen bones on Saturday. 🤔 Yeah, that should work out.

For those curious of more detailed weights...
Two of the bones, spine & ribs, weighs 1.5#.
Four meats + legs, weighs 7# 9oz.
10# 8oz of waste in all; hide, guts, head, feet, tail, organs & the spine+ribs.
18# 1oz of rabbits turned into 7# 9oz of food. IDK what that is in percentage.

Store rabbit, 2.5# on bones, $32. $12.8 per pound.
Live rabbits, 7# 9oz mostly just meat, $30. $3.79 per pound.
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And the baskets arrived.
More plans on what I want to do with them.
Red. Mesh top & walls.
Blue. Hinge, allows nest to be opened w/o full removal.
Yellow. Clips to secure to cage.
I'm thinking of using plastic to line the basket. Hinged top will be 1/2×1" floor wire.
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Are you buying a ton of rabbits just to eat right away?
I bought several mutts to choose the best to breed & eat the rest.
The SF & Standard Rex are only brood stock.
I also asked them if any end up as food, if that was a problem and both said that they were fine with it, they didn't eat them, but buyers can do what they will.
Found them through FB, meat rabbit groups and sustenance groups.
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Final two soaking in their salt bath until tomorrow's deboning!
Other dog is eating the leftovers now.
Will update numbers tomorrow.
Turns out that 4 are 4-hole and 2 are 3-hole. Rusty, some will need floor patching. Currently brushing & spraying on a rust converter.

I don't know if I should leave the 4th cages or cut them off and make a shorter stacker...Current shelter has a low roof, so it's hot up there.

Uh-oh...something died in this one!

I certainly can't reach em! Lol
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...I don't know why I put the doe between the bucks...Realized it as I was editing pics. I'll swap her with the rex buck before bedtime.
I was able to clean up 3 bottom holes, so I used them. It's much cooler down low.

I have to finish cleaning up the other holes and figure out waste containment before I can use the other holes.

Sisters argued with their half-sister blue doe, so I moved her out.

Gotta swap the buck with the doe.
Currently, top empty, then rex black & runt choc does, black mutt sisters and last rex furred broken mutt buck.

The rex furred mutt buck will move in here.
Currently, SF buck, SF blue doe & broken mutt buck.

Blue doe
SF buck
Mutt buck

Everything will eventually be moved to the back side.
Thinking if I should enclose the building or wrap cages...
Found 2 spray cans & a liquid can of rust converter in storage. Then three spray paint cans, so, lots of work today to get them ready to patch!

Did them a little different. Left loin on bone. One went into freezer, one into pressure cooker for DH's birthday dinner.
2lbs 4oz went into the freezer, didn't get weight on other.
If it looks like chicken & it tastes like chicken, but it doesn't squak like chicken, it must be rabbit!
Ran out of paint...But got 2 bottom floors of the last 3 stackers done. I don't know why it comes in brown...looks like rust, which sucks. Lol

Moving them over to one wall. The last 3 stackers will go into that gap.
Put most buns at bottom cages to keep cooler.
Once I have buy more paint, I'll temporarily move them again to get that done. Patches added to all finished painted cages.

Gotta figure out a cheap tray solution. As is, need 22 trays, and at $330-400+, depending on brand, there's no way I'm buying rabbit labeled trays!
Put flashing up to connect the buildings. Should stop rain & sun from coming in.
Also used random things as trays for now.
I have roof tin I can use, if I figure out how to set it up just right. Not sure that there's enough space to angle it down to the front and use a gutter to catch waste, but I'll try it out and see what happens.
Finished painting the floors. Cut plastic to act as trays. Each panel cuts to 4 pieces. Need a few more.
Have 3 more gutters I can use as well. Though, bottom one will be tricky to deal with. Higher ones can drip into buckets.
Forum wasn't working yesterday. 😕
One of the sister mutt does has very bad crooked teeth, all 4 fronts. Trimmed them down yesterday morning. So, she'll be culled when there's room in the freezer or if they start to argue & need to be separated.
I just realized....will there be space for the gutter and opening the doors on cages below....
Went to pick up two SF sisters from a recommended breeder.
RM14 & RM11.
4mo, 8+ pounds. 9.5-10.5 pound parents.
Still need to join two stackers together. Weather has been horrible though. Hot n humid or hot, humid & raining.
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I'm keeping sisters together until they fight. They currently seem to like being together.
Put up some fencing & let most of the buns out to burn some energy.
Grumpy blue sf & antisocial black rex didn't come out, neither the two new girls.
Some of them know where their hole is. All were easy to get back in.

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