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Do you have Satin in your herd? That Gigi litter is awfully shiny. I know you have rex, but I don't remember you saying you had satin.

Don't all kits have a shiny milk coat stage?
Idk. Aqua kits looked pretty shiny the other day. 🤔

Gigi is out of ******, whose dad was 3-5. A buck soon after purchase I suspected wasn't a pure sf at all. Pedigreed, but it doesn't match up with what breeders say and prices they all claimed, so probably faked.
He was super shiny and soft, silvered lightly, awful shape. I don't believe that his fur stood up. I had a Satin pair years ago during my first go at rabbitiering. They had great shape and glossy, soft fur.
For all of them to end up super shiny because of one grandpa seems weird. Wait...Zippy is home bred. Sired by Rivian or Cinder. If kits end up shiny when older, then sire would of had to of been Cinder, because his dad was also 3-5! Well, at the least, one mystery would be solved. But then the new mystery is where the shine came from in 3-5, a mystery we'll never know the answer to.

Thanks. Now I've got to go write all of this down!
Don't all kits have a shiny milk coat stage?
Idk. Aqua kits looked pretty shiny the other day. 🤔
I don't know, I just have seen people that can tell once the fur starts coming in, and out of the 4 pics of litters, that one is significantly more shiny than the other 3. Could just be lighting, but it's pretty distinct.
Picking up this sf doe soon. Hoping to get good buns from her. Will have to decide who to get rid of to make room.
****** is failing to have kits that grow, so will list her.
Nana has a nice blue buck growing well and a litter in the nest to watch.
Gigi's previous litter sucked, hoping for better this time. But will cull if not.
Have a buck n doe from Cocoa that I'm watching. If they suck, they'll both go.

I know you are on a quest to find decent resting boards. Cardboard didn't last long enough. Tile was too heavy. The commercial ones didn't have big enough holes to let poop through, but they weren't flippable because they had ridges on the bottom.

I had a thought on my commute home today... What about dollar store plastic cutting boards, or the lids to plastic storage containers? They would be lightweight, and flippable, and they might last longer than cardboard. You might even find something on your local free listing like craigslist or buy nothing.