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Some long haired thing standing by a log. Thought it was in a pic you posted with cattle in the background jumping around. :cool:
Ummm??? That just brings up more questions. Are you sure you're looking at my pics, do you need a new eyeglass prescription, perhaps?
There's no log.
There's a dog.
3 adult cattle.
A baby cattle.
Fence w/posts.
Grass on a hill.
Some trees & a cloud in the distance...
I only feed organic pellets that I get from Azure Standard. I refuse to "knowingly" eat GMO's, and won't feed it to my buns. There have been many studies showing health issues, including fertility problems from feeding GMO's to animals. I fretted over the cost of that feed until lately. When you look at the prices of organic or even range raised meat (and the eventuality of MRNA vaxxed meat in our food supply), the cost of those pellets seem to get better. Non GMO, pesticide free and herbicide free manure for my organic garden is a big, big plus.
Exactly the reason I feed organic field peas, whole oats, horse hay (Timothy 80%Alfalfa 20%) and sunflower seeds in the winter. I also give a variety of tree branches and grass/weeds and some garden goodies.
$527 in the red plus 4 buns sold at 80, makes it...

Currently $447 in the red.

Ivory buck, obscure doe, a broken black doe kit and a black buck kit off the feed bill.

Rex doe rescheduled for tomorrow pickup.

Leaves 5 culls left for the pup. Meanie still left to cull or eat.

One broken kit sold, other was to decide between them.
Broken blue otter's & lynx2.0's kits.

Moved Obscure out, her replacement seemed lonely. Since 14's doe kit's brother was culled for biting, she was alone, too. Moved her in with Obscure's doe kit. Now they're friends and she's eating again.

Played more musical cages after that. Figured out who was dumping the feed, Choco. So she was tossed out to her own cage.
Just a quick note - I have been wanting to reply to this thread for quite a while because I think it's extremely discouraging to people who think they may want to try breeding some rabbits.

People do not have to feel that they will be in debt to do this. Except for the first investment of $100 for the rabbits plus some old dog cages for another 50 bucks I have not been in debt since.

As a matter of fact the rabbits not only pay for all their feed, supplies and extraneous stuff that I buy for them, they pay for the chickens and I have a good amount of money saved up not spent yet.

So if you are a newbie thinking about buying a couple rabbits, please do not let this dissuade you. A good Tamuk would run you about $30 to $40 each. You don't even need any kind of breed, you just need a rabbit that is over 10 lb if you want to breed for meat. Then you just start breeding the best ones until you have a good herd. Which is another point, around here tamuk rabbits are under 10 lb and not efficient to raise for meat. So just because it has a brand name doesn't mean it's going to be good to raise for food.

Please do not be discouraged. If anyone wants to write to me privately I'm happy to answer any questions. Also I have some ideas on how to save money on setting up your rabbitry here. Hope this is encouraging.
These should be correctly
I need to make a version of this photo journal without any comments. Hard to keep track on just paper or here. 🫣

Closer to pure sf! All jumpy. Ugh. To repeat pairing in hopes of a doe or keep a buck as replacement. Hmmm
All bucks and all mutts. Hmm
Black is biggest, but i like broken more. Could pair with the Freckles broken buck! Then cull both dams.
Original Lynx. Mutts. Hmm. Sep 11, Ivory & Cinder sires.

Oh no. I Fed up somewhere, as Zero had a rex furred kit....gotta double check again.
And 3 siblings to Vickie, the first Kitty replacement. Keep a buck or a doe...Vickie gets a nest on the 31st. Might keep none of these siblings if she does well with her first litter.
Does to maybe replace her.
Darkie kits. For my tort line. Trying to get other colors of it. I think these are blue n black torts.