New to the board, and new to meat rabbits

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No Acre Farm

Apr 8, 2012
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Hello all!

Thought I'd introduce myself, and ask for opinions on the NZW's I just got yesterday. So... hi! My name is Liz, and I run the newly christened No Acre Farm... thus far it's just the chickens and the rabbits. Gonna be raising a small garden at a friend's house down the road. I live in the apartment above the veterinary clinic I work at, so space is kind of at a premium. I raised Mini Rexes as a teenager, but it's been a few years, so I'm nervous with the new bunch. Bought a buck and two does yesterday- they're a little squirrely and freaked out right now, so these aren't the best photos, but they'll have to do for now:


8 month old doe


8 week old doe


8 month old buck

The buck is kinda little, I'm curious to see what he produces. Evaluate away, if you're willing- I'd like to know what more knowledgeable people think of them!
Hi No Acre Farm!

I LOVE the name! LOL! You will meet my "Sistah" One Acre Farm shortly- she'll get a kick out of your name too!

Not my breed- I raise Rex- but I'm sure you will get some opinions shortly. Once they settle down a bit, get some pics from above and also of their bunny-butts. Basically, you are looking for them to be wide and meaty all around, tapering slightly toward the shoulders when viewed from above. You want a nice round bunny-butt, and good depth. If you did well with your minis, you have the basic idea already... meat breeds have less emphasis on ears and heads. I like a blocky head on a buck, but that is purely cosmetic!

Welcome to RT! You have started out on the right foot by posting pics right away!
Hello Liz! :hi: Glad to have you with us.

Mini-Rex are not a common choice for meat rabbits but yours look nice and chunky, especially the 8-month-old doe. Did you choose them because of space limitations or for another reason.
Thanks, MamaSheepdog!

I had a vague idea of what I was looking for when I picked these buns out- they're not perfect, imo, but they'll do for a start. I basically just want to raise enough meat for me, the cat, and the dog, so I figure they only need to be as perfect as I think they are! :cool:<br /><br />__________ Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:01 pm __________<br /><br />Thanks guys!

MaggieJ- These guys are actually New Zealands, the Mini Rexes were from years past. :) The 8 month old doe was my favorite pick of the bunch, but I can't wait for that little one to grow up, either!
No rabbit is perfect, and they look like nice healthy animals. You can have fun improving them where they lack- I have to work on fuller loins in my rabbits, but overall they are nice animals. My main focus is meat production as well, but I also want to have show quality stock.
That's what happens when I try to keep up with all the posts... I inevitably misread something.

I wouldn't worry about the buck being a bit smaller... At least not until you see what he can do. You will find it quite easy to improve your breeding stock over a period of time by selecting the best for replacements.
Welcome, and congrats on the purchase! :D Very nice rabbits. One of our main breeding bucks is rather small, but he can really produce nice offspring! I wouldn't worry to much about it, especially if you are just breeding for meat for yourselves.
Welcome! Glad to have you here and those look like nice, healthy rabbits. I just recently got some NZW's myself. My first litter is due today...a NZW/Cal cross litter. Love the name, btw...!
Thanks, One Acre Farm! I'm looking forward to my first litter, probably going to breed my doe in a week or two once we all get settled into the routine. Good luck with your New Zealands!
Welcome Liz :), I've been on here about 2-3 weeks and I have enjoyed the folks on here.I agree I like your Rabbitry name its great wish I was so creative. My place is dubbed Powder River Rabbits. ENJOY !!!!
Nice looking bunnies! I can't tell much from the pictures as (obviously) they're not posed, but I understand that posing a bunny is hard enough.. even worse when the bunnies are just getting to know you. :)

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