New Rabbitry Set up...Need ideas and suggestions! :)

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May 26, 2012
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I am so excited to get my rabbits moved out of the room off of my back porch and into their new home! This has been a long time coming so I want to do it right. I'd love to have your all's input and ideas! I'll tell you a bit about the building and what my thoughts and plans are and let me know if I should change anything or if you have any ideas for improving the plan. The building is all brick with a tin roof, and I've been told by a neighbor that was here when our house was built, that the original owner of our home kept monkeys in this building. Each consecutive owner of this property has called the building "the monkey house" and we have done the same. It's going to be hard to start calling it the bunny barn or whatever, so I've considered just sticking with it and naming my rabbitry "The Monkey House Rabbitry"! LOL But, I don't know about that. Anyway, the building is 10 ft x 15.5 ft. and has electric run to it. I have about 22 cages, all stackers except for one 5 hole hanging unit. I'm considering cutting my stackers apart and hanging all of them in two tiers and using slant boards. I know that not having to deal with trays would greatly reduce the cleaning time involved with rabbit chores. The current floor in this building is pea gravel and the inside walls are just studs. My current plans are...

1. For the walls...using 4x8 melamine panels over the studs. I want something that will not be damaged by moisture obviously, and I think these will work. Has anyone had any experience using them?

Also, I may or may not insulate between the studs before I put the panels up. It would be nice if insulation alone would be enough to keep the water from freezing in winter, but I don't know if it would. Does anyone know how much insulation would help in the summer to keep the temp down in there? I live in Ohio and it can get pretty hot.

2. For the original thought was to leave the ceiling open and maybe put some planks across half of it to make a partial loft for storage or hay. (Although, we currently have squirrels living in there and I don't want to just make them a comfy home! I do plan on finding out where the squirrels are getting in at and blocking the holes or whatever.) I was talking to a worker at Menard's (a home improvement store) last night about insulation, and he suggested that I insulate the ceiling as well and put the melamine panels up as a ceiling. He said that would help keep the heat trapped away from the rabbits in the summer. I'm just not sure...pros and cons for that idea? And that brings me to my next point...

3. Ventilation...the existing window is just a pane of glass and does not open. I was pricing out some low grade windows that would open up and found that the price is doable, so I'll definitely be replacing the window before the weather gets too warm. My original plan was to leave the ceiling open like I said, and to put in a fan of some sort in the gable on one end and some louvres across on the other gable. If I insulate and close up the ceiling that obviously wouldn't do any good at all to put a fan up there. Would a window fan be sufficient, if I did close up the ceiling and bought a new window? I don't want there to be an odor in there or for my rabbits to overheat.

4. Flooring...currently is pea gravel which will be fine if I stick with drop pans, but if I do the slant boards would that work? I spoke to my local breeder (that has an awesome set up in her barn with literally no odor even in the summer!) and she said I would need to remove the pea gravel under the cages and replace with several inches of sand. Any thoughts on this? I'd kind of like to be able to use the droppings for gardening too.

5. Slant boards...what is the best way to attach them and what is the best material to make them out of?
If I use the boards, how often would I have to clean out from under the cages to keep the odor down?

6. Lighting...I went ahead and bought my light fixture last night since it was the one thing I was sure of what I needed or wanted. LOL I bought an 8 foot fluorescent fixture that will take 4 48 inch bulbs or tubes. They only had 2 bulbs left that were supposed to be "daylight" bulbs so I held off on buying those. I don't like the glary bluish light that fluorescent lights usually seem to have, so I'm thinking maybe I'll like the "daylight" ones better.

I think that about covers all of my questions! LOL If you have any knowledge of expertise to share I would much appreciate it, even if it's on just one of my topics!

Oh, and if anyone has any rabbitry name ideas throw them in too! I'd kind of like something with "Cottage" in it or something along those lines. I'm going to put curtains at the window and get one of those little electric "candles" to put in the window too. :)


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Nothing to suggest, but I wanted to say that is an awesome little building! I think you'll end up with an awesome set up once you get it how you like!

Oh, actually, I could suggest something. Some folks here use rain gutters to catch the pellets and pee from the slant boards; if you did that I think the pea gravel wouldn't need to be replaced with sand.

Good luck!
"Monkey Business Rabbitry" sounds even more hilarious. ;)

Not sure about the rest, though...but very cool you are getting to design a neat new rabbitry building!!! :D
Thank you! I think it is going to be amazing! I'm so exciting it's ridiculous! LOL

I've seen the rain gutter idea...what do they empty into though?

Hmm...hadn't thought of that idea Kyle! I kind of like it!! A lot! With all these rabbits, other animals and 8 kids there is always some monkey business going on around here! Thanks for the idea! :D
My advice (based on building our chicken coop and various DIY home projects, so not rabbit specific):

1. Insulation- I would definitely insulate between the studs and put up some type of wall board. We just used regular wall insulation in our chicken coop, and put up T111 siding inside. You might not want the T111 because of spray issues we don't have with the chickens.

2. We also insulated the ceiling in our coop. We didn't have the option of storage up there, but you can insulate it and still put up plywood for storage. Or you could add the louvers and fan in the gables. Or you could add a roof vent. All are options.

3. See #2.

6. Have you considered a ceiling fan?

What an awesome building for your rabbitry! I am jealous for sure. Cozy Cottage Rabbitry? Monkeying Around A Rabbitry? Cottontail Cottage Rabbitry (I so see the back end of a bunny up on that gable in your pic for that one)?
I'm wondering why they said to remove the gravel...why not just put a couple inches of sand over top? That would be excellent drainage. If you want to keep the pooh for the garden, put some screens over the sand, letting the urine drain and keep the pooh from getting scattered....pick up the screens and dump on the garden....

is there any shade over the shed? I'm liking the idea of putting grape vines over the roof to shade/cool, and feed rabbits... definitely need a fan...but two would be better, one blowing in and one opposite blowing out. You have room for two windows in your window frame--maybe two smaller windows would be less expensive?
My rabbitry is going to be built on top of a 100 year old outhouse. I'm going to hang the original toilet seat in it. I like the monkey house. Go with it.
You got all kinds of options. Keep in mind that if you do the "slant boards" you are going to have to do alot of water spraying inside the building to keep them cleaned. If you allowed the slant boards to drain into a gutter system then have the gutters to drain into like a 3" pvc pipe and allow this pipe to exit your building and drain into a make-shift septic tank then the inside of your building would for sure smell better. If you already got all the drain pans I think I would just go with them and maybe fix you a place to dump them and rince. Also if you would keep a few extra pans you can allow a few to sit in bleach/water over night to desinfect/clean them----clean a few a day so you can soak the extra pans.

I did not see where you live so I do not know about insulating, I do know a rabbit can handle the cold to a certain degree better than the heat so you will need to have some decent air flow during the summer months.
Marinea":ft2uz1e4 said:
My advice (based on building our chicken coop and various DIY home projects, so not rabbit specific):

1. Insulation- I would definitely insulate between the studs and put up some type of wall board. We just used regular wall insulation in our chicken coop, and put up T111 siding inside. You might not want the T111 because of spray issues we don't have with the chickens.

2. We also insulated the ceiling in our coop. We didn't have the option of storage up there, but you can insulate it and still put up plywood for storage. Or you could add the louvers and fan in the gables. Or you could add a roof vent. All are options.

3. See #2.

6. Have you considered a ceiling fan?

What an awesome building for your rabbitry! I am jealous for sure. Cozy Cottage Rabbitry? Monkeying Around A Rabbitry? Cottontail Cottage Rabbitry (I so see the back end of a bunny up on that gable in your pic for that one)?
Thank you! I like your name ideas too. I've got lots to husband suggested Country Cottage Rabbitry, and although we're not in the country I'd sure love to be!

A ceiling fan is a good idea. We're not electricians though, and the building does have outlets so I'm just looking for fans and lights that can be plugged in rather than wired in.

__________ Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:43 pm __________

owlsfriend":ft2uz1e4 said:
I'm wondering why they said to remove the gravel...why not just put a couple inches of sand over top? That would be excellent drainage. If you want to keep the pooh for the garden, put some screens over the sand, letting the urine drain and keep the pooh from getting scattered....pick up the screens and dump on the garden....

is there any shade over the shed? I'm liking the idea of putting grape vines over the roof to shade/cool, and feed rabbits... definitely need a fan...but two would be better, one blowing in and one opposite blowing out. You have room for two windows in your window frame--maybe two smaller windows would be less expensive?

I'd much rather leave the pea gravel if possible. That would be a lot easier, and I think you're right about it working great as drainage. What would you recommend using for the screen material?

The monkey house is partially shaded. There is a tree line just to the right of the building. I do like the idea of adding vines though. It would look pretty as well! I was thinking of doing 2 windows...I measured and the existing window is 36x55ish. Definitely a good option to keep the cost down.

__________ Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:44 pm __________

Happy":ft2uz1e4 said:
My rabbitry is going to be built on top of a 100 year old outhouse. I'm going to hang the original toilet seat in it. I like the monkey house. Go with it.

That's awesome. LOL Just curious...what are you going to call your rabbitry?! Haha!<br /><br />__________ Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:51 pm __________<br /><br />
Fire-Man":ft2uz1e4 said:
You got all kinds of options. Keep in mind that if you do the "slant boards" you are going to have to do alot of water spraying inside the building to keep them cleaned. If you allowed the slant boards to drain into a gutter system then have the gutters to drain into like a 3" pvc pipe and allow this pipe to exit your building and drain into a make-shift septic tank then the inside of your building would for sure smell better. If you already got all the drain pans I think I would just go with them and maybe fix you a place to dump them and rince. Also if you would keep a few extra pans you can allow a few to sit in bleach/water over night to desinfect/clean them----clean a few a day so you can soak the extra pans.

I did not see where you live so I do not know about insulating, I do know a rabbit can handle the cold to a certain degree better than the heat so you will need to have some decent air flow during the summer months.

Thanks for your input! The breeder that I know that uses slant boards just uses a scraper basically, to clean off the boards at least once a week. I was in her barns in July and there wasn't a bit of odor. She did have a good size fan at one end of the barn though. She said not to use a lot of water with the manure because that would cause there to be more odor. I like the idea of a gutter system but I'm just not sure I could get all the angles right to allow it to drain properly. I'm guessing you'd use a hose or something to flush it out from time to time? I'm not opposed to continuing with my drop pans...I'm just thinking of ways to cut down on maintenance time so I have more time to spend with the kids and bunnies.

I live in Ohio. My hope with insulating would be that the water wouldn't freeze as quickly in winter, and it would help keep the temps down a bit in summer. I'm definitely planning on putting either a permanent fan up in the gable or a window fan in.
Instead of melamine, there is a water proof barrier you out over normal drywall. I'm thinking you want no cracks so if you are going to have them if you use melamine without taping and mudding. Pretend you're renovating a bathroom ;)
Re vines - if you get hold of the right stuff, you could grow some rabbit fodder! I'm attempting to grow Caucasian Spinach, there are also Malabar and New Zealand "spinaches" - none of which are actually spinach so don't worry about oxalates. I think pea stalks are okay to feed too - just not the pods.
MamaMandy":2dvgzrl8 said:
That's awesome. LOL Just curious...what are you going to call your rabbitry?! Haha!
Probably Russell's Rabbits or Happy Rabbits. Something marketable in case I decide to sell some of them. I'm open to suggestions.

The outhouse itself was filled in when the septic tank was put in, and the toilet was converted to a rabbit cage. Considering all that, I felt the need to keep the seat. I don't think