Can't really use cl for dwarf rabbits since most people don't think they belong in the livestock section. They flag after a few similar listings in either livestock or pet area. Sometimes I get away with rotating the nearby towns for location. I do that a lot with hedgehogs. When I get down to the last 1 or 2 of a litter I'll post it on CL for a quick sale and just put a different town each time. Mostly I use hoobly and I'm listed on (warning they added a very loud narrative to the homepage) which gets me a lot of pet buyers looking for a specific breed instead of petstore quality stuff. I used to use the yahoo group for my ARBA district but for some reason their new posting system won't work on my computer. It will pop up a form to fill out for posting and the send button does nothing.
Majority of hedgehog and chinchilla breeders exist by word of mouth, webpages that come up in searches, or facebook pages that come up in searches. A lot of those exotics breeders travel to various fairs, shows, and events out of state to sell animals and make a name for themselves. Something I can't do. I may have to cut my chinchilla prices for that reason and certain hedgehog colors I have to sell at half price because there isn't a big enough market in this area for them.