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I'm not suffering from anything at all..... I'm thoroughly enjoying reading up, learning, checking out pics, and plotting my rabbit purchase and/or adoption.
JenerationX":23uldvw7 said:
I'm not suffering from anything at all..... I'm thoroughly enjoying reading up, learning, checking out pics, and plotting my rabbit purchase and/or adoption.

Ha! You say that now, Jen...but wait a year or so and you'll be bemoaning the fact that you "need" umpteen new rabbits to allay your Acute Rabbitosis. Just - you - wait! :lol:
Zass":b9mydcyv said:
That is a beautiful silkie!!!!

Oh, and Jenx is doomed. I definitely see rabbits in her future :hex:

Thanks! I really Really REALLY miss my birds. I had a whole flock of them in three different varieties. They were great fun.... and their eggs made and AWESOME breakfast. <br /><br /> __________ Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:55 pm __________ <br /><br /> Do y'all think its a bad thing that I catch myself going into the rabbit room to smell the hay... even though my rabbit isn't here yet???
ColtonRyan":3ltyoat2 said:
MamaSheepdog":3ltyoat2 said:
We are planning on building a chicken coop and quail run, are we not?

I can help with that chicken stuff. I used to raise and show Silkie chickens.


That is one fluffy bird. :p <br /><br /> __________ Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:43 am __________ <br /><br /> Hi my name is Cathy and I'm in the beginning stages of Rabbitosis. :oops: I had planed on getting rabbits last Spring, but do to my back issues it was postponed till this Spring. I have been driving my family insane and they try their hardest to limit my addictive behavior. I have been driven to the internet. :twisted: Thank you RT for providing a judge free zone for a rabbit addict. :runaround: I see rabbits in everyday objects and often use rabbit examples to make school a little more interesting. My husband, Chris, and I are not Valentines Day type of people. He worked on our truck most of the day. BUT for that one day he listened to my rambling on rabbits without asking me to stop. :lovers:
AND the best part, we went to visit a local rabbitry. It was the best day ever. :p
:bunnyhop: I understand that it's a sickness, but I'm OK without a cure. :lol:
alforddm":20x5jp4r said:
I have rabbitosis. It's getting worse. I currently have meat mutts but I want some standard rex so bad I can taste it...unfortunately there aren't any locally. I'd have to drive at least 4 hours one way with 2 very active preschool boys to pick any up. That thought, thus far, has prevented a rabbit...I mean rapid expansion.

Isn't LA local to OK? :twisted: I have my first Standard Rex litter due any minute.....

ColtonRyan":20x5jp4r said:
Do y'all think its a bad thing that I catch myself going into the rabbit room to smell the hay... even though my rabbit isn't here yet???
I like the smell of hay! It makes me think of rabbits. :p If it makes you think of your rabbit, that can't possibly be a bad thing, though it does mean that you have an especially virulent form of rabbitosis.
MaggieJ":lx4l7bce said:
JenerationX":lx4l7bce said:
I'm not suffering from anything at all..... I'm thoroughly enjoying reading up, learning, checking out pics, and plotting my rabbit purchase and/or adoption.
Ha! You say that now, Jen...but wait a year or so and you'll be bemoaning the fact that you "need" umpteen new rabbits to allay your Acute Rabbitosis. Just - you - wait! :lol:
:yeahthat: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I too researched, read up, learned, checked out pics... and plotted my purchase. I was only going to have one breed of rabbits... then it was two, and now I am considered another breed-- for a harlequin ND project ~ which in my estimate will be a 7 year commitment ~ so, ahem, Jeneration X .... welcome to the... hummm... denial club !?!!!

Personally, I blame RT, not for the infection, but the encouragement to go infect myself :x :x
I'm Karenl and have 4 kids I am very aware of getting infected with rabbitosis luckily I'm in the clear but there are lots out there that are not im afraid thet are getting infected so my kids maybe carriers so far better start the disinfection process of the current 6 litter strain :(

I am now suffering from popple-osis! I have babies due on Wednesday but I DONT WANT TO WAIT!!!
When I had rabbitosis I actually went over to the neighbors and did their bunny chores for a while. :oops: :pancake:
My rabbitosis has now developed into a severe case of chickenosis. I have a small variety of birds and while I was in the feed store ordering a dozen mixed breeds for this Spring the owner of the feed store come out and offered me a dozen for free. Seems he is having surgery on his arms so he won't be able to take care of his birds. Free chickens? Well, twist my rubber arm...! Turns out to be 13 birds of a few different breeds. I kept seven and gave my neighbor six. Turkeys are coming in May... I don't have a problem, I can stop any time I want to... uh oh...
:lol: Yeah, my husband's been considering quail ever since we started chickens...

Hang in there, Truckinguy... I'm sure there's help for you! :p You do know that the "keep the best and eat the rest" applies to racing pigeons, too, right? :twisted:
Miss M":3fkb2vc5 said:
:lol: Yeah, my husband's been considering quail ever since we started chickens...

Hang in there, Truckinguy... I'm sure there's help for you! :p You do know that the "keep the best and eat the rest" applies to racing pigeons, too, right? :twisted:

I love my quail. They are cute and I can pet them and hold them. :D They don't do much, but they don't eat much either. :lol: Somehow, we seem to bond more with the birds then the rabbits. There was no way in the world I would have been able to eat my laying hens. It was torture to cull a couple sick ones.

I sure would like to add some fancy pigeons to the aviary...
I was bad today. I reserved a couple of Rex does out of a litter of 11. They were born yesterday :lol:. They are castor so not a perfect match for my Buck (he's lilac) but they are close (the lady will meet me only an hr away) and the litter size is good with a history of large litters in those lines.
Zass":2y2g9j3j said:
There was no way in the world I would have been able to eat my laying hens. It was torture to cull a couple sick ones.

I sure would like to add some fancy pigeons to the aviary...

Yup.... sure sounds like you need more birds :roll: :lol: :D
alforddm":3swz3c06 said:
I was bad today. I reserved a couple of Rex does out of a litter of 11. They were born yesterday :lol:. They are castor so not a perfect match for my Buck (he's lilac) but they are close (the lady will meet me only an hr away) and the litter size is good with a history of large litters in those lines.

Uh oh, it sounds like you have a double infection of rabbitosis!!

Be sure the sex change fairy doesn't strike when you pick up your babies!
Somebody help me!!! I'm hooked!! I just contacted a lady that needs room for more rabbits and says she'll sell me 4 NZW, pure bred does for a killer price! Beings that I originally wanted 2 does and a buck, somehow I guess I'll be getting my 2 bucks and 4 does. With all of them, I'm going to have to really expand my 'mini' rabbitry soon. 35-40 kits a month is not what I was planning for, but how can I pass it up? Thank God I work part time at a restaurant!!

What am I to do? I've only had my bucks for about a month now, and I'll be having about 40 more in a few months. Am I hopeless, or is there a way to come out of this sickness? I truly believe that I will be much better off than my wife though, so at least I have a little positive in this whole thing!

I have room for about 18 cages, but am still wanting some NZR's too. Help me folks! I really think that I'm a goner now with no way to turn back.

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