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Syberchick70":i6583lxp said:
I don't need to be infected any more deeply than I already am.

STAY AWAY!!!!! :p :lol:
See I didn't think this post would be any help, :lol: . How can I get help from people that can't have enough buns in the first place?
lereg15":gmenxf9h said:
Syberchick70":gmenxf9h said:
I don't need to be infected any more deeply than I already am.

STAY AWAY!!!!! :p :lol:
See I didn't think this post would be any help, :lol: . How can I get help from people that can't have enough buns in the first place?

I have a bit of help in a couple of ways...
One, I don't own the property and I know my boyfriend doesn't want stacks and stacks of rabbits here, so that makes me more cautious, cost of cages... and he made me promise that any kits we couldn't sell within a reasonable period of time would go in the freezer. I don't like the freezer idea, so it helps me restrain myself. :p
lereg15":1w4wo5fg said:
I have room for about 18 cages, but am still wanting some NZR's too.

You may as well get started building your bunny barn. 18 cages will no way be enough, considering the depth of your infection. :mrgreen:
Syberchick70":2d0x1sdx said:
lereg15":2d0x1sdx said:
Syberchick70":2d0x1sdx said:
I don't need to be infected any more deeply than I already am.

STAY AWAY!!!!! :p :lol:
See I didn't think this post would be any help, :lol: . How can I get help from people that can't have enough buns in the first place?

I have a bit of help in a couple of ways...
One, I don't own the property and I know my boyfriend doesn't want stacks and stacks of rabbits here, so that makes me more cautious, cost of cages... and he made me promise that any kits we couldn't sell within a reasonable period of time would go in the freezer. I don't like the freezer idea, so it helps me restrain myself. :p
I understand the point, but I have total control with the outside of the house, :twisted: !!
MamaSheepdog":2d0x1sdx said:
lereg15":2d0x1sdx said:
I have room for about 18 cages, but am still wanting some NZR's too.

You may as well get started building your bunny barn. 18 cages will no way be enough, considering the depth of your infection. :mrgreen:
There is room for expansion, but I'll have to spend some extra money for it :shock:
I'm a new member and my decline has been fast and painless.
Six weeks ago I agreed to ONE pet rabbit.
He became she plus 10.
And then another...
And picking up 5 more tomorrow.
If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right!
TF3":1165gsch said:
I'm a new member and my decline has been fast and painless.

Welcome to Rabbit Addicts Anonymous, TF3!

TF3":1165gsch said:
Six weeks ago I agreed to ONE pet rabbit.
He became she plus 10.

The sex change fairy strikes again! :p For once he did something positive and infected yet another victim by using the power of the popples!

TF3":1165gsch said:
And then another...
And picking up 5 more tomorrow.

Good heavens! You did fall fast and hard, didn't you?!? :eek:

What are your plans for all of these bunnies? :popcorn:

TF3":1165gsch said:
If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right!

The only wrong thing about it is that you were rabbitless for so long... ;)
I knowingly took home the pregnant doe... it's my own fault!
The Lops are my daughter's pets/ breeding project for pets, possibly show.
The Calis (2) are for meat production~ family, possibly others.
The Flemish/ FlemishX / Giant Tiger Rabbits are for my hobby~ pets, meat... ;)
We'll see how things go~ we have a plan in place for kits/ culling as needed.
16 pages of people acknowledging Rabbitosis! I fell into a n episode of Rabbitosis Aquireosis this past weekend. Came home from a show with a new breed AND one of my first breeds_ and less than 24 hours after getting home, find that one is in the family way... :D
I have relapsed.

After promising my DH I would not bring home any additional rabbits, I have failed miserably....but it's not my fault. Really. Some guy, after a show offered me a free rabbit. What? Why was I at a show? (Bar?) I was testing my ability to stay "sober and rabbit-free". (And you see how that turned out?) Okay. It wasn't smart for me to go to a show. (No. No it wasn't. And now you've been infected with an additional breed. This needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.) I can handle it. I had an open cage. (I've heard that rabbit addicts are all the same. You didn't have a carrier. You claim he forced the rabbit on you, but who found the cardboard box? Who put the cardboard box into your car? You knew what was in the Box! Didn't you? Didn't you! Admit it. You can't stop! Do we need to call your family and friends for a confrontation? Do we?)

Uhm, no. I admit to god and one other person the exact nature of my rabbit addiction.
I don't know if this has been seen before but..

A great one to live by :lilbunny: :clap2:


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So, I think the disease is entering a new phase. I'm about ready to go "hog-wild" on the heritage meat side of the barn. I don't talk much about my Americans (Hereafter called AmBs for American Blues). They are a "rare" and "heritage" breed on the Livestock Conservation list as "threatened."
But a couple of them have DQs that are hereditary. I have 8 does and 3 bucks. Originally, they were a meat breed with big litters, high meat to bone ratio, and good maternal instincts. And I've raised a few litters, spread them around....

But REALLY...isn't there a moral imperative to breed more and more of this "threatened" breed? Or am I rationalizing....? I've found a processor with a local stop, willing to pay $1.50 a pound for any culls. I wouldn't be tempted to keep any white toenails (or would I?) or random white hairs....(except that I'm keeping Daizy, who obviously carries some frosty DNA from some where, as a "meat only" in point.)

Oh, and if you think this processor is NOT fostering raging rabbit retention...I thought I had 9 rabbits for him this week, but when I called, he suggested that they would all be a pound heavier if I kept them "just one more week"...
owlsfriend":1z6e7kvy said:
I don't talk much about my Americans (Hereafter called AmBs for American Blues). They are a "rare" and "heritage" breed on the Livestock Conservation list as "threatened."

Perhaps a person might be inspired to share a few pictures of these threatened American Blues??? :D
My rabbitosis has reached the point of systemic infection. After I sold my first NZR one two months ago, I couldn't stop thinking about the NZRs. And how much I love broken colored rabbits. I went back and got a daughter of my original NZR from her new owner. I couldn't let those genes go.

This past Saturday I bought another NZR. A broken NZR. And she came full of babies.

Phase II is about to start.
I do NOT have any rabbit-related illnesses! I simply stumbled across this thread and thought it would be the best place to pose a scientific question. I mean, what group would have more knowledge about the subject than a gathering of obsessed, impulsive, Lagomorpha-dependent addicts!!

So, from a strictly scientific perspective... Would it be possible to produce a blue-eyed Florida White rabbit?

I'm pretty ignorant of genetics. I'm guessing albinism is a recessive gene. Blue-eyed white rabbits are not albino but actually have white-colored pelts? (Is that correct?) And I doubt I could find a BEW that matures at 5 lbs or so like the Florida White, so it would probably be wise to use a Florida White buck with a BEW doe to get started? (That is, IF I were actually contemplating involving myself in some kind of rabbit-breeding experimental program... Which I'm not. I bought three does and one buck STRICTLY for meat production for my wife and me because we both really like rabbit meat!)

But, if someone suffering from EOR (Early-Onset Rabbitosis) were foolish enough to consider such a project, 1) would it be possible? and 2) would that be the way to proceed? (Not asking for myself you understand... I may have a friend who MAY be developing a habit of CONSTANTLY thinking about his new rabbits... And the upcoming two litters. (FIRST litters... Due in three days or so.) And he may be constantly checking on those two does, especially since one of them has started digging in the nest box he put in this morning...

Ah-hem... As I said before, speaking from a strictly scientific perspective... If I continue to see 'my friend' developing these symptoms, it might be in his best interest to be able to gain his trust by following along and offering some advice. So, IF I need the information (for him, of course), would anyone know where a BEW doe might be acquired? Particularly if it were within reasonable driving distance of southwest Kansas? (Say, within 12 hours or so, one-way?)

And please, don't worry about me. I'm fine... Really! Just fine... (Haven't looked in on those does for at least 20 minutes now...)
rtower":altce6en said:
I do NOT have any rabbit-related illnesses! I simply stumbled across this thread and thought it would be the best place to pose a scientific question. I mean, what group would have more knowledge about the subject than a gathering of obsessed, impulsive, Lagomorpha-dependent addicts!!

So, from a strictly scientific perspective... Would it be possible to produce a blue-eyed Florida White rabbit?
. . .

But, if someone suffering from EOR (Early-Onset Rabbitosis) were foolish enough to consider such a project, 1) would it be possible? and 2) would that be the way to proceed? (Not asking for myself you understand... I may have a friend who MAY be developing a habit of CONSTANTLY thinking about his new rabbits...

And please, don't worry about me. I'm fine... Really! Just fine... (Haven't looked in on those does for at least 20 minutes now...)

Ah, isn't DENIAL a wonderful thing! Your "friend" sounds as though he has "galloping rabbitosis". You should know that it is contagious and virulent.

If you are seriously looking for answers about a BEW Florida (Yes, yes, for your friend, we understand that) it might be more productive to ask in the Breed Discussions forum or the Rabbit Colours and Genetics forum.


Good luck! :good-luck: