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Hello everyone.

My name is Hucklekree.

And like many of you I also suffer from rabbitosis. However, I only found rt after I had developed my addiction. I have been affected from a young age when I aquired my first bunny. I was in remission for a while and during that time I discoved I suffer from a myrid of other addictions such as: ovinosis, bovinosis, poultosis and swinitosis. I forced myself to go cold turkey for the sake of my education but soon found myself smuggling animals into prohibited residences.
I have tried to deny my problem but I usually end up betraying myself by cooing and holding random pets and creatures.

So In an effort to make peace with my addictive personality I went back to the beginning of it all and bought a trio of meat mutts. I thought three would be a middle ground for me. Enough to satisfy my needs for the cute fluffy. And i justified that they would help us be more sustainable. That was three years ago. We now have many more than three. Along with some pigs goats chickens and peacocks....
My name is EnglishSpot. My daughter developed Rabbitosis a year before I did, and spread it to me. I think my son is catching it. The only person immune to it is the husband. Nine months ago my daughter got her rabbit. Six days ago I bought my own. By next year we may have a litter. Being on RT inflames my Rabbitosis, because all I'm learning just means I feel capable of handling it all...
EnglishSpot":290b4cbn said:
My daughter developed Rabbitosis a year before I did, and spread it to me. I think my son is catching it. The only person immune to it is the husband.

In my household, I believe that I am the only victim suffering from full-blown Rabbitosis. My Daughter Queenpup also has signs of the disease, although it manifests in the social aspect of showing rabbits, and of course the love of cute little bunny-popples.

I have, however, managed to infect my sons and husband to a limited degree by feeding them rabbits. Although this method doesn't always cause full blown Rabbitosis, it does at least cause the recipients to value and appreciate rabbits as part of the homestead. Unlike with my other "pets", there is never a word of protest when I bring home yet another bunneh, because they know that ultimately there will just be more rabbit on the menu for them. :dinner:
LOL, I am glad your family is mostly infected!! I'm partial to raising meat rabbits but the family would freak out if I tried to serve them rabbit (again)! The first time didn't go over so well and for them to find out they're home grown would be a travesty. Perhaps coworkers of mine would be interested? Anyway, if it doesn't come out of a can or a fast food joint, the hubby and the kids aren't interested in eating it. :evil: I made homemade beef stew with rice and neither child would eat it--they decided to go to bed hungry. McD's the hubby brought home last night??? Gone in an instant. I don't know where these offspring came from!!! I quit making dinner about a year ago because n.o.b.o.d.y. would eat it. Homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes, casseroles, etc, nothing. So I don't cook for the family anymore, but if we have company I cook for them. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
EnglishSpot":2vwcc6nt said:
LOL, I am glad your family is mostly infected!! I'm partial to raising meat rabbits but the family would freak out if I tried to serve them rabbit (again)! The first time didn't go over so well and for them to find out they're home grown would be a travesty. Perhaps coworkers of mine would be interested? Anyway, if it doesn't come out of a can or a fast food joint, the hubby and the kids aren't interested in eating it. :evil: I made homemade beef stew with rice and neither child would eat it--they decided to go to bed hungry. McD's the hubby brought home last night??? Gone in an instant. I don't know where these offspring came from!!! I quit making dinner about a year ago because n.o.b.o.d.y. would eat it. Homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes, casseroles, etc, nothing. So I don't cook for the family anymore, but if we have company I cook for them. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Try not having any restaurant or grocery store meat for a few months. :twisted:

It turned my husband into a hunter really fast.
I have rabbitosis. It's getting worse. I currently have meat mutts but I want some standard rex so bad I can taste it...unfortunately there aren't any locally. I'd have to drive at least 4 hours one way with 2 very active preschool boys to pick any up. That thought, thus far, has prevented a rabbit...I mean rapid expansion.
If you find yourself driving around looking for acreage large enough to accommodate your dream rabbit herd then you have reached the late stages of this debilitating obsession. :lol:
Wow. I'm a friend of Bill W.'s so I'm used to this meeting format. However, is it possible to have Rabbitosis Aquireosis without having actually picked up the first rabbit yet?

Should I just skip the foreplay and introduce myself now?
Yes, and Yes. You have the symptoms...just haven't broken out yet.Aquireousis is the first and final and longest lasting phase.. This almost never goes into remittion....Cage buildinosis is the most painful,and dropping disposalinosis..well you get the idea...... :welcome: to rabbits...have a seat.
I must leave the meeting now to deal with the droppings and purchase more hay.....bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies............
shawn":36wqivrq said:
If you find yourself driving around looking for acreage large enough to accommodate your dream rabbit herd then you have reached the late stages of this debilitating obsession. :lol:

I might as well admit I'm in this phase RIGHT NOW. My husband has promised me an entire barn for them...
Zass":1yud4m78 said:
shawn":1yud4m78 said:
If you find yourself driving around looking for acreage large enough to accommodate your dream rabbit herd then you have reached the late stages of this debilitating obsession. :lol:

I might as well admit I'm in this phase RIGHT NOW. My husband has promised me an entire barn for them...

Well, I must say, that is just splendid. Yes indeedy. :yes:

Now... *ahem!*...

We are planning on building a chicken coop and quail run, are we not?

Remember our watchwords... Rabbit cages are for rabbits, not miscellaneous livestock.
MamaSheepdog":mi3lvwp5 said:
Well, I must say, that is just splendid. Yes indeedy. :yes:

Now... *ahem!*...

We are planning on building a chicken coop and quail run, are we not?

Remember our watchwords... Rabbit cages are for rabbits, not miscellaneous livestock.

Right, separate, LARGE spaces for the:

:chickenface: :feedchicken: :chicken: :silkie: :egghatch:

and the:

:pinkbunny: :bunnyhop: :lilbunny: :pancake:

and maybe even some:

MamaSheepdog":3eenkk8a said:
We are planning on building a chicken coop and quail run, are we not?

I can help with that chicken stuff. I used to raise and show Silkie chickens.

Sagebrush":1erdgpfu said:
JenerationX":1erdgpfu said:
I do NOT have rabbitosis. I'm working on it though.

:twisted: You are in the "denial" stage. :twisted:

That is definitely denial, we may need to change your name to Cleopatra, you're that far into DeNile :twisted:

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