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3mina":3ly41uaj said:
LilacGal":3ly41uaj said:
Only if the rabbits or supplies for them are in the basement.

Of course they are :mrgreen:
Why else would you go into the basement?

Because that's where the freezer camp bunnies reside. :dinner:
MamaSheepdog":3kv3th5g said:
3mina":3kv3th5g said:
LilacGal":3kv3th5g said:
Only if the rabbits or supplies for them are in the basement.

Of course they are :mrgreen:
Why else would you go into the basement?

Because that's where the freezer camp bunnies reside. :dinner:

*chuckles* I've got an upstairs and downstairs freezer, most of my FC bunnies are upstairs
Hi, I am new to this group and am a little ashamed to admit that I honestly laughed (in a “these are crazy rabbit people” way) when I stumbled across my first post where someone mentioned Rabbitosis. However I am beginning to believe I am infected. I have spent countless hours of the day and night reading all I can on this site and many others. My husband is to blame as he is the one who mentioned raising meat rabbits for ourselves (he may regret this later on down the road). I have jumped in with both feet and even though we don’t have any cages built yet, and not a cleaned area to put the cages in our shop, I have been dreaming on ways to expand and looking for areas to house said expansions. The hubs decided he likes Silver Fox, which I think are fantastic as well, but I have been doing LOTS of other research on other breeds I would like to try including AmBlue, Californians, Belgian Hares though probably not for meat (am I crazy!?), and of course I have always loved Rex ;) I have also laid claim to two does and a buck that the breeders are graciously holding for us until our cages are finished. I may just be in the beginning stages of rabbitosis, but I don’t think I mind ;)
Well I am Old Mule that is because I am beyond 60yrs. But who is counting, I raised rabbits years a go that be like 30 or more. Now I am going to try with just a few for personal consumption. I am working on having a small to medium rabbit about 2 1/2 to 3 pounds dressed weight. I call these mutt meat rabbits for a like of a name three way cross is what they will start out as Buck is Dutch/Flemish and my doe will be Chinchilla then I will keep two does off this breeding and mate them back to there sire for my mutt meat fryers. Hopefully I will be able to update my progress in the future probably be May before my buck will be old enough to breed then about three more months later I select which does to keep and which ones become a meal for me. If this plan doesn't work then I will devise another, with these three rabbits I have options.
I'm going to pipe up and mention that Rabitosis is a very serious and somewhat dangerous illness. It can lie dormant in a person for quite a while after re-habitation of the so mentioned Rabitosis.

Then suddenly, the light catches the glint of a cute rabbit eye...

Never in my life would I have believed that I'd succumb to the rabbit addiction and become a "crazy rabbit lady".

What started off as two rabbits for meat breeders in 2012 has now lead to a barn of show rabbits, multiple breeds, fair sales, a source of educational opportunities (speaking at colleges on the benefits of raising rabbits), and lastly, a business catered to the commercial rabbit raiser.

It's ironic - As a child, I owned most small animals that I could as I was allowed to in the suburbs. Cats, dogs, rats, hamsters, chinchillas, mice, guinea pigs, snakes, frogs, fish, lizards...I babysat a family friend's rabbit ONCE...clipped its nails and didn't care for it terribly....

Then in college I briefly owned an otter mini rex rabbit named Casper. I rehomed him shortly after the birth of my son due to lack of space and time from living in an apartment.

Finally, living on a small 2 acre farm I saw the excitement in raising my own sustainable meat...and an outlet to show an animal for the first time in my life which was a bucket list item.

Hello. Our names are Jim & Michelle and we have it BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife started this in April with 1 free cute male Holland Lop, then we got a cute female Holland Lop a few weeks later...........I thought I didn't want to have anything to do with these crazy rabbits. It has snowballed into 16 rabbits currently in our 2-car garage (along with the cars). Five 3-hole stacks.

My wife "suggests" we should get rid of "this one and that one" (I'm not really sure she means it though), but my solution is always "let's get another 3-hole stack".

Well we are officially out of space (I'm pretty sure). But these cute fuzzy little creatures just look up at us with those helpless little brown/black/red eyes and say "Hold me".

It was hard to sell 4 of our lionhead babies last week...... so I know we have it bad. We need help!!!

We were only going to have 2 Holland Lops........ Well that somehow led to a female Lionhead that we then bred and kept 2 of the babies.... Then there was that cute pregnant (so we thought) soft Mini Rex.... (have you ever petted one of those??? Come on, tell the truth!) well she wasn't pregnant but then out of the blue came a male Mini Rex.

I have a sure-fire way to sell any MR babies ;) I'll put up a sign that says "MR babies - Feel me for free" :D SOLD!

These things are reproducing like rabbits in our garage (and not by birth)!!!!

I have a plan to over come this addiction........... but in the meantime do any of you know where I might be able to find just one more (okay, maybe two more) 3-hole stacks?

When is the next RA (Rabbits Anonymous) meeting, and would it be okay if we bring one or two to the meeting to keep us company?

:bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:
Hi, I'm SA Farm, and I've been inflicted with so many animalosis acquirosis diseases that it's not funny, okay, it is funny. :lol:
I have 2 breeds of rabbits for now :cool:
I have 3 breeds of chickens ...for now
I have a mixed group of turkeys and am planning more :D
I have goats and I may keep a little doeling next year as long as there's a super cute one... :p
I have 2 breeds of ducks :feed-ducks:
I have 1 goose, but we have to find him some girlfriends before he gets lonely :mrgreen:
I have 2 dogs
I have 2 cats, but need a mouser... :cat-hug:
I have a budgie (but it's not really mine)
I have some Silver Pheasants, but they are my DHs
I have 2 fish tanks

See, look, I've completed 11 steps :p
... after reading all the pages in this post... I still do not know what you are talking about... all I know is this:

I did not have a rabbit... until I found RT ~ so....
after RT... I only got 3 rabbits~ so...

now,... when someone asks "how many rabbits do you have?" .... I stand there, ...blinking, ...staring off in space, ...trying to count rabbits in my head, ...and unable to, ...I am forced to say... "what was your question?" or "yeah, they are sooo darn cute!"

without the fabulous postings of information at RT, I might have the problem of uncognisetosis rabbitosis, but y'all cured me of that disease... I now have rabbits...

... how many, you ask? .... *blinks*...*stares off into space*...... "what was your question?"...
SA Farm":3aozgzxt said:
Hi, I'm SA Farm, and I've been inflicted with so many animalosis acquirosis diseases that it's not funny, okay, it is funny. :lol:
I have 2 breeds of rabbits for now :cool:
I have 3 breeds of chickens ...for now
I have a mixed group of turkeys and am planning more :D
I have goats and I may keep a little doeling next year as long as there's a super cute one... :p
I have 2 breeds of ducks :feed-ducks:
I have 1 goose, but we have to find him some girlfriends before he gets lonely :mrgreen:
I have 2 dogs
I have 2 cats, but need a mouser... :cat-hug:
I have a budgie (but it's not really mine)
I have some Silver Pheasants, but they are my DHs
I have 2 fish tanks

See, look, I've completed 11 steps :p

............. and a partridge in a pear tree. :D <br /><br /> __________ Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:40 pm __________ <br /><br /> This Saturday there is a huge rabbit show at the county fair. There are suppose to be 1,000 of every breed of rabbit there.

I say we have our first in-person meeting at that location!!!!!!

Remember to bring some cages (just in case). :lol: :lol:
jimmywalt":3tf9tfeu said:
[ This Saturday there is a huge rabbit show at the county fair. There are suppose to be 1,000 of every breed of rabbit there.

1000 of every breed! Details, please.
Glad you were only kidding, I was starting to load the truck with carriers................. I think I may have a problem too, glad to know I'm not alone!
jeannie":216hvql9 said:
... after reading all the pages in this post... I still do not know what you are talking about... all I know is this:

I did not have a rabbit... until I found RT ~ so....
after RT... I only got 3 rabbits~ so...

now,... when someone asks "how many rabbits do you have?" .... I stand there, ...blinking, ...staring off in space, ...trying to count rabbits in my head, ...and unable to, ...I am forced to say... "what was your question?" or "yeah, they are sooo darn cute!"

without the fabulous postings of information at RT, I might have the problem of uncognisetosis rabbitosis, but y'all cured me of that disease... I now have rabbits...

... how many, you ask? .... *blinks*...*stares off into space*...... "what was your question?"...

A friend of mine asked me the other night how many rabbits we have now.


Less than 50, I think..." :mrgreen:
I had a false sense of security ... thought that this can't happen in mid life ... thought that if you had an inclination to be affected, that it would start at a younger age.

Thanks to RT I can now see that I have a problem. The addiction has already affected my home life where rabbits are now under foot. This morning I caught myself thinking negative thought ... "I should turn my new buck out with my junior doe" ... and it took all my willpower to resist :cry:

It is affecting my work and productivity, because I have this urge to keep checking on the rabbits, take photos of the rabbits, quickly freshen up the rabbit waterers, make sure once more they have enough food, briefly step outside to pick leafy branches for the rabbits .................AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! :cry_baby:
Definitely no cure, I have all of Whipples rabbits and she hit me with 'you need to rent a garage so I can have rabbits again' this week. I riposted with 'YOU need to rent a garage and I'll split rent with you'