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Mar 6, 2012
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What are some suggestions for litter boxes... what types of litter should i put in there?
I have small rabbits so i use kitten litter boxes.i use the pine pellets sold at tractor supply marketed for Equine fresh.
if your space is limited in cage, you can get triangular corner litter pans sold at pet stores. I am not sure what is BEST for litter, I just use shavings because I live on a farm and they are plentiful, and WAY cheaper than anything else when bought in a big bale size from a feed store or sawmill.
Thanks for all the helpful tips. I finally got her yesterday. She's so nice & she comes right up to me when I open the cage door. I hand fed her this morning & she loves her knew home. She loves the attention from people
That's great, StefC! :D

The horse stuff is really good for litter. I used it myself when we had litterboxes for the bunnies. At first, you just stir it, and sift out the bunny berries if you can. The pellets will disintegrate into fine-ground pine, at which point it will start to clump when wet. You can pull out the wet spots and add more pellets if you need to.

It has a couple of names; Stall Dri is another name for it. They also make it for cats; just make sure that is what it is and that it is not clay.

You cannot use clay-based kitty litter. The chance is too great that they would eat it, and it could cause a fatal blockage in the gut.
Ok thank you missM. I will stop using the cat litter. How long does it usually take to litter box train them? I'm trying to teach her but she doesn't seem to get it yet.. Haha

Oh & I was playing with her just now & she was hopping & jumping around I hope that's a good thing haha.. She also comes right up to me when I open the cage. I'm still trying to get used to picking her up because it's my first time having a rabbit and handling one. Any tips?? I know I have to hold the back legs & support them really good. Shes used to being held in the pet store a lot, I just have to get used to picking her up myself..

Also, I fed her a little baby carrot & a piece of celery as a treat & she seems to enjoy her pellets more than her hay I bought her