I forgot something. I can steal internet with the tablet and I can take pics with the camera but the 2 cannot interact. :lol: you get a weekend of pics Monday night or Tuesday. <br /><br /> __________ Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:02 pm __________ <br /><br /> From top to bottom
Upstairs hallway
Purple room
Blue room
I don't have a pic of the master bedroom which is the same just slightly bigger and brown.
All closets look like this
The switchback stairs I fell down and the smaller dog refused to use for the first 24hrs :lol:
The open grate I landed in when I fell down the stairs
Now my arm looks like this
State of the livingroom last night
Kitchen pantry with original wood siding still in it and a blocked up door on the other side
We might whack that door back out so we have a way straight in to the yard for the dogs and don't have to walk them around the house on leashes to the side gates.
Basement chinchilla area
It's a little small and cages are spilling out in to other areas until I figure out what to do
Work bench area
Raised washer/dryer area
Has a gas dryer right now and we plan to put our new frontload dryer in after we get an electrician to setup the wiring.
That is the house so far. Working on the diningroom which is now going to be a computer room and hopefully we can find a way to let chinchillas run without chewing anything up.
The house does have wear. The bathroom mirror has a crack, the stained glass has a chip, the diningroom floor buckled in 2 places because the kitchen flooded and had to be redone, and not a single area of the old wood floor is perfectly flat. I can feel every board when walking barefoot. And I love it :lol: I can live in this house instead of when renting the old farmhouse they wanted it to stay pristine. You can't avoid a scratch here or there. She was just unreasonable but most of it started when her health went downhill and she was put on meds. That was a complicated mess. Now I have my house that is not owned by anyone else(except my husband but I get the house in a case of divorce) and it's not in a building with neighbors to complain. I can truly do whatever I want.