Making space

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I'm going to be making some space in the rabbitry Thursday, my oldest juniors are more than ready to go to camp and I have more Rex bucks with the exact same genes than anybody needs, 3 after the SCFairy showed up :mrgreen: plus a doe that just isn't measuring up

I'm not precisely looking forward to this but I am definitely looking forward to having more space for the FWs and the rest of the popples, I should have two more litters by now plus the three out the nestboxes.

Yep. I have a chance to get an otter and a chin buck. That means some buck has to go. Probably the broken opal. He's 16 weeks + and has no rings. He is also smaller than the 12 wk old blue buck. Then there is the REW buck who is handsome, but has prominent guard hairs. I only kept him to breed to the chin, but with another chin coming... I need the room.
I was just in time it seems since my black/silver doe kindled this afternoon. I got 6 juniors done and one doe that didn't make the grade. The bucks will keep til later.
Yup I'm gonna be freeing up space soon myself. I was thinking of selling some but because of the heat I think I'll just send them to freezer camp. I may give several away dressed and start building a customer base.