LOTR Marathon

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Miss M

Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jan 20, 2010
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We go to the Renaissance Fair every year, and have lots of fun. This year, we've had this cold slowly going through the house. My mom is the only one who is actually well. Plus, my beloved Shay is between jobs. Soooooooooo...

To make up for not getting to go, we are watching all of the Lord of the Rings trilogy today! :p ...the director's cuts.

We even spent some of yesterday making "lembas" cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies for the event. :)

Lembas cookies being folded:


We're halfway through!

I don't know... "The Return of the King" may have to wait until tomorrow! Director's cuts are long (but awesome)! :p
Those lembas cookies look awesome!!! I'm planning a marathon this week too.. I want to get through the extended LOTR and then the 2 Hobbits before I see the final movie. I was debating the 9 hour 3 movie marathon at the theater here... but I don't know if I want to do that long in the theater.
What's this? Cookies for a movie marathon?

That is just so... so....


It's supposed to be popcorn, Twizzlers, malted milk balls, raisinettes and Junior mints! Sheesh!

:thinking: I know! Box those lembas up and send them to me! :p You can then hit Walmart on your way home to get the more "traditional movie treats". :yes:
Those are AWESOME! :p

Those LOTR marathons are great, but they wear me out! crawling....... up...... Mount...... Doom.......almost........ there.........

Our last one was shortly after we brought our newborn son home.

He's 13 months old now, and it takes about all day to get through ONE movie, much less 3 long ones. ;)
Okay, so after about 13 1/2 hours, we're done! :p Whew! :lol:

MamaSheepdog":29op3vts said:
:thinking: I know! Box those lembas up and send them to me! :p You can then hit Walmart on your way home to get the more "traditional movie treats". :yes:
Yeah, and you're just a good citizen trying to help out, right? :roll:

Here's a pic of the baked lembas:


It was sugar cookie dough, but not the super-sweet kind. So they ended up thick and bready, with a nice touch of sweetness... actually, not far off what I imagined lembas would taste like. :p

I prefer my sugar cookies smaller, but this was definitely fun! Not to mention tasty. :) We had a whole assembly line thing going. I rolled out the dough on wax paper, Bunny-Wan Kenobi cut out the lembas with the mallyrn leaf pattern, and Galadriel drew the leaf lines into it. The wax paper was there so we could cut around the cookies, and lay them on the pan upside-down, so they'd be rightside-up when folded.

I got rave reviews on the oatmeal raisin cookies, too!

Phacelia":29op3vts said:
Those LOTR marathons are great, but they wear me out! crawling....... up...... Mount...... Doom.......almost........ there.........
:lol: This is actually the first time we've done it as a marathon. We had to do something extreme to make up for missing the Renaissance Fair.

Crawling up Mount Doom happens a lot faster in the movie than it does in the book! :p
Miss M":dibxppxt said:
Crawling up Mount Doom happens a lot faster in the movie than it does in the book!

Sure does! I finished the book just now... I've read it probably once a year for the past 30.
We started harry potter movies yesterday but this sounds better. I hunted down an extended cut of the first movie so far.
Miss M":3d0qc1jr said:
MamaSheepdog wrote: :thinking: I know! Box those lembas up and send them to me! :p You can then hit Walmart on your way home to get the more "traditional movie treats". :yes:

Yeah, and you're just a good citizen trying to help out, right? :roll:

Well, yes, of course! I'm surprised you had to ask. :?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

:evil: You aren't questioning the purity of my motives, are you?!?!

JenerationX":3d0qc1jr said:
I finished the book just now... I've read it probably once a year for the past 30.

I'm glad I'm not the only nerd out there that reads books over and over and OVER again. :geek: My LOTR books have probably been replaced at least 3 or 4 times after they have fallen apart. :roll:
Why do people think it's strange to read books over and over??? How many times have movie junkies seen LOTR, the Terminator movies, Harry Potters, etc? Don't they see the parallel??

Tonight is 'The Desolation of Smaug' (#2 of the Hobbit prequels) and the menu is pizza, chips, donuts, and whatever else the attendees decide to bring!!
I don't usually read books more than once. When I watch movies more than once I usually do something else. I've been playing goo on the tablet while the movie plays on my computer. Josh is using his phone. We need another tablet. If I'm not doing other things then I'm talking with people while we rewatch a movie. The only books I read again are when new ones come out for the series more than a year later and I want to remember the details of the previous books in the series.
Miss M":wilk42fu said:
This is actually the first time we've done it as a marathon. We had to do something extreme to make up for missing the Renaissance Fair.
. Creative people come up with creative solutions. That sounded like so much fun!
EnglishSpot":wilk42fu said:
Why do people think it's strange to read books over and over??? How many times have movie junkies seen LOTR, the Terminator movies, Harry Potters, etc? Don't they see the parallel??
I read great books over & over as well. I find that I pick up on subtleties that were missed in the first reading. Also, really well-told stories gain depth with each reading. What I visualized and discovered when reading LOTR for the first time when I was 13 is very different from what I experience after 36 more years of life experience. Even simple children's books that are classics (like Harold & the Purple Crayon) have additional richness when I re-read long after I've technically outgrown them.
Since we're all admitting to how nerdy we are........

Who's watched any of the movies with the cast commentary on?
Oh cool, they have that??!?!? :D I LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!

Favorite characters, everyone? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
JenerationX":2y9iode9 said:
Since we're all admitting to how nerdy we are........

Who's watched any of the movies with the cast commentary on?

Yep. :D Not with all of them, though. It gets distracting.

I have sat and watched EVERY special feature, though.... and played the PS2 game :ugeek: .

Easy Ears":2y9iode9 said:
Oh cool, they have that??!?!? :D I LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!

Favorite characters, everyone? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


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