Litter problems with New Does

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Nov 26, 2012
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My doe kindled last night, this was her first litter. She did not use the nest box but made her own nest next to the box and none of the 11 kits survived the cold night. Is it okay to feed the kits to my dogs?

I have another doe due tomorrow and brought her today so she and her kits will be warm if born tonight.

Sorry you lost the litter, Binky. :(

Yes, the dogs can eat the kits. I feed them to my dogs and barn cats all the time.

You can also rebreed the doe immediately. They are very receptive shortly after giving birth.
Thanks MamaSheepDog. I'm new to breeding rabbits and that was my first litter....not a great start. Went out early yesterday to give them fresh water bottles only to reach in to very cold kits. Rushed them into the house in front of the fire to warm them and see if any would survive.

My second doe is in labor now and should have her kits shortly. She has made her nest and is breathing heavily so I guess it should be soon? Wish me success!

Any words of wisdom are greatly appreciated.<br /><br />__________ Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:06 am __________<br /><br />My doe is not using her nest box but has build a nest in the corner of her cage. Is this okay or should I move the kits when born to the nest box?
binky":3cljdf2q said:
My doe is not using her nest box but has build a nest in the corner of her cage. Is this okay or should I move the kits when born to the nest box?

You will want to move them into the nest, and then place the nest in the corner where she built hers. Kits will wander if they are not fully enclosed.

When you put the nests in their cages, make sure you are not putting them in their "potty corner"- if you do, they will either soil the nests or build somewhere else, which might be what has happened with your does. However, some does just don't get it right the first couple of times. Some options in that case are to put in enough nestboxes that they have no choice but to use them or to line the cage with an old towel, cardboard, or hay so the kits will not get too chilled before you find them.

Don't be afraid to handle the kits daily. It is important to check their condition, and will also make them easier to handle when they are older. You should check them to make sure they have been fed and remove any dead. Does usually feed only once or twice daily, at dawn and dusk, so you may not see her actually feeding them. This thread will help you to know if they are being fed properly:


I hope this litter does well for you, and I hope your next litters go according to plan!
Boy do I appreciate your help and will follow your advice about moving the kits into the nestbox. The doe had two live kits and a much larger kit that was either born dead or died. I am worried that she hadn't delivered all the kits as she still feels rather round but it has been 4 hours since she kindled. I just now picked her up on a towel and she had quite a lot of blood come out. Probably a spot 3" round and another 1 1/2" round. Is this normal? Is this after birth. She also was very sleepy so gave her a good drink of water and set up a heat lamp as her ears felt cool to the touch. Since all this she is eating a little hay and moving around more.
binky":101tn66u said:
The doe had two live kits and a much larger kit that was either born dead or died.
It probably got stuck and was born dead. Sometimes the doe will have to pull it out which can have gruesome results. :x Make sure there is plenty of fur in the nest because only two kits will have a hard time staying warm. You can usually pull fur from the doe's sides, belly, hindquarters, and dewlap. Sometimes you have to tug pretty hard. You can also add dryer lint, pulled cotton balls, or feathers to the nest.
binky":101tn66u said:
I am worried that she hadn't delivered all the kits
Sometimes they can be born hours or days later.
binky":101tn66u said:
I just now picked her up on a towel and she had quite a lot of blood come out.
I have never seen that happen, but I have also never picked a doe up right after giving birth.
binky":101tn66u said:
Is this after birth.
The placenta looks like a piece of meat about the size of a quarter.
binky":101tn66u said:
She also was very sleepy so gave her a good drink of water and set up a heat lamp as her ears felt cool to the touch.
That was a good thing to do. You may want to put a teaspoon of molasses in a small amount of water or coat some kitchen oatmeal with it to give her a little boost of energy. It will help if she still needs to finish giving birth.

Good luck! :clover:
If the doe delivers hours or days later will the kits be alive?

Since I moved the kits into the nest box how does the doe find them or know they are there?
binky":rjfleqxe said:
If the doe delivers hours or days later will the kits be alive?

Sometimes. My doe Feather kindled six yesterday, one of which was DOA, and today she has six total again.

binky":rjfleqxe said:
Since I moved the kits into the nest box how does the doe find them or know they are there?

She will hear them and smell them.
You can feel them in her belly. Try giving her a fruit flavored Tums for a calcium boost. That may help her finish up.
Thanks to everyone who took their time to help a fellow rabbit lover.

This morning my doe was doing well and moving signs of anymore kits. The two kits are warm and squealing for their first meal.

My last question on this subject (I hope) when will she feed her kits? far she hasn't gone near them.<br /><br />__________ Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:56 am __________<br /><br />The doe delivered 5 more kits during the night (Thursday morning) all dead. Will she feed the 2 live kits from Tuesday morning? The doe seems a little out of it. I'm concerned what I should do???
Likely, she had one stuck and then it and all the rest died.... :( Check the kits tummies, if they seem skinny and wrinkly, she has not fed. If they are full and round, then she has. You may never actually see her feed them. They only do it once or twice a day. Has her milk come it yet? Can you feel her teats?
I don't think her milk has come in and her teats feel small. The two kits are hungry and squealing when I touch them. Should I force her to feed them by bringing her out on my lap and putting the kits on her teats? Will the kits sucking bring her milk in? Will she kill these two?

I put the doe on my lap and let each of the kits nurse. They both have FAT bellies at last.
binky":1520r83g said:
I don't think her milk has come in and her teats feel small. The two kits are hungry and squealing when I touch them. Should I force her to feed them by bringing her out on my lap and putting the kits on her teats? Will the kits sucking bring her milk in? Will she kill these two?

You can try to flip her and hold them to nurse...or hold her over them in the box. I don't think it likely that she will outright kill them.
They are fat and healthy. I've been taking the doe out onto my lap and letting the kits feed twice a day so they are growing. It's amazing to watch their progress. I've rebred my other doe and will be bringing her into the basement today. I won't be taking any chances with her this time around with it being so cold.

Thanks for asking...without the help of everyone I don't think the kits or doe would have made it. Love this forum!<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:40 pm __________<br /><br />update - went down to feed the kits this evening but they had already been fed by the doe, their bellies were round and full of milk. Will check on them in the morning to see if she fed them again.
Yay! I'm sure she will do much better for round two! :D

You might consider breeding her when the kits are one or two weeks old. With only two to raise she should be in great condition for rebreeding. You can wean the kits at four weeks.

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