First off Mini Lops are one of the easiest breeds to breed, high fertility, good mothers, and they have the size and ability to raise 7-8 kits a litter and often do. Very easy breed, very very easy. Tend to be tough, many have poor temperaments due to popularity and breeding for type only. They are also one of the Big Five, number 5 I think, thats a reason right there to avoid them, competition is very stiff. Old saying the more you pay the quicker they die, very true in rabbits, and they are very fragile, no way I'd pay $400 for a rabbit and extra for a pedigree, thats a rip off. Also in Mini Lops color means nothing, and they have only two varieties, solids and brokens, if you don't have exceptional rabbits you go off the table very very quickly. Its not like Mini Rex where you have the hope of getting a leg in your variety, in ML all solid colors show against each other and all brokens show against each other. If your lucky you might get best Sr doe, buck, Jr doe buck, if your lucky. Torts, Chestnuts, Steels and Blacks seem to be most worked on and so are the best for the most part, a good Black can be hard to beat. Not a breed I'd recommend for someone just starting out, tends to be large numbers showing, you wait hours for your chance and then your rabbit comes off the table first because their so popular and there's always at least two or three big names at a show with them. Just something to think about.