Hello all. I am not sure if many of you know or even remember, that back in 2018 I developed a major allergy to poultry. Feathers, eggs, and i have even had reactions to their poop. The other day I found a quail breeder that wasn't to far away from me (4.5 hours round trip) who agreed to help me with the experiment in order to find out if I would have a reaction to quail. We met at an ER that knows me in case we had a major reaction to the little feather floofs. I actually got to hold one and didn't have a reaction to them!!!!!!!!!!!! We ended up trading some of my rabbits for some of her quail. We waited almost an hour to find out if I was going to have a reaction or not. I normally have my reactions within 2 minutes or less. 2 minutes for milder reactions. I am ecstatic about being able to start working with them and have another meat source as well. I am going to be going back to the same ER when we go to see if I can handle eating the eggs, letting them know ahead of time once more. I live 45 minutes driving time away from the nearest ER. So very excited for this new journey. Here is a picture of the little feather floofs from when we where bringing them home. They are 3 weeks old.