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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Feb 20, 2013
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I'm a newbie to raising rabbits. Yesterday, I put Sugar's nest box in (Day 27) and filled it halfway to the top with hay. Last night, she was caught with a mouth full of hay in her mouth so much that she couldn't close it. TOO FUNNY!! :lol: Anyway, when I checked on her this morning, I noticed how she took most of the hay out of the box. Should I fill it back up or leave the nest box alone? I'm including pictures.


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She might be trying to build her nest in the opposite back corner. I would put some hay on the floor of her cage by the door and watch to see where she takes it. You may need to move her nest.

zee":3gvaqt1d said:
Last night, she was caught with a mouth full of hay in her mouth so much that she couldn't close it. TOO FUNNY!! :lol:

We call that a "hay mustache" or "haystache"! It always makes me smile when I see them with one. :) I'm usually glued to the cage like someone watching a riveting movie! :roll: :popcorn:
Okay, thanks. I'm gonna put some hay in by the door and see what she does.<br /><br />__________ Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:20 am __________<br /><br />Haystache, huh? It is very entertaining. :)
Popple watch! :popcorn:

MamaSheepdog":1k9g0gwf said:
I'm usually glued to the cage like someone watching a riveting movie!
:lol:That sounds like me! At one time I could see one of my doe's hutch from my bedroom window. My sister told everyone, "If you are looking for Kim she will be in her bedroom. Like she thinks that rabbit is going to kindle with her watching! :roll: " :oops:
Mine would build a nest...and then eat it...for days! On day 35 or so she finally left it and kindled on day 36, about the time I figured all her extra weight was from all that bedding she was eating, lol.<br /><br />__________ Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:53 pm __________<br /><br />BTW, we will be needing pictures of the haystache :D
Is she a first time doe?If so, I would be waking up/staying up late checking in on her! She might have them on the wire.
Never had a 'pro' doe rearrange her human made nest.
We love haystache pics! Do we have a thread devoted to haystach pics? If we don't we should start one. :)
AmysMacdog":2ib5sff9 said:
Do we have a thread devoted to haystach pics? If we don't we should start one. :)
Yes we do need one!!! :)

I hope she makes a nice nest and is a good Momma 1st time around :)
I keep several short boxes with about the same footprint of a nest box handy. Sometimes, for some reason or another, the doe will kindle in that shorter box. NO...the big box isn't over their "potty-spot" and neither is the shorter one.

If this happens, I'll wait a few hours and put the materials and kits into the standard nest box and make a note about the does behavior. I've yet to have a doe refuse to take care of the kits when I do this.

I know the doe should be gathering a mustache of bedding to prep for nest, but why would one of my 6-8 month old buck be doing this?

Any ideas?

My buck Snow is very particular about his hay, and will move it around. It often looks like he's nesting, but he's just fussy, lol
Thanks for your time.
Gordo does like to organize his hay, scratching it about and such, but today he is gathering it in his mouth and running in circles. Can a buck sense a doe when she is ready to kindle?
I don't know, but I've definitely seen Snow do it, gather it up in his mouth and move it to the right corner... Sometimes I put it in the wrong corner just to watch him toss everything around.