We have a 16 week old purebred Standard Rex buck who was the sole buck of a litter of 4. I am wanting to retire his 4 year old father who has become a bit too ornery and keep this buck going forward.
However, just today I noticed his front paws point inward when he walks. His left more than his right. Could this be a genetic defect? Or could it have happened during/after birth? If the former, better to cull? If the latter, would it affect his ability to mount effectively?
Here are links to two videos I made showing the problem. One is 8 seconds long, the second one is 39 seconds.
Video 1
Video 2
However, just today I noticed his front paws point inward when he walks. His left more than his right. Could this be a genetic defect? Or could it have happened during/after birth? If the former, better to cull? If the latter, would it affect his ability to mount effectively?
Here are links to two videos I made showing the problem. One is 8 seconds long, the second one is 39 seconds.
Video 1
Video 2