Hi from Oklahoma. Why did you start raising meat rabbits

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Howdy neighbor!
We started raising meat rabbits for mainly all of the reasons already mentioned........
quality meat from bunnies we know were well cared for, and self-sufficency.
Also wanted to try showing meat rabbits, besides our fancy little tiny show bunnies.
It's a whole different experience!

Because I can't keep them all.
Lol, tailwagging that's so true!
Anyone who raises rabbits is going to have to terminally cull at least a few .....might as well make a meal of it!
MamaSheepdog":1oijekgz said:
Rabbits are a great "shelf stable" meat choice, since they can be "stored" in their cages until use. ;) Plus it gave me an excuse to get more animals! :p

LOL :lol:
MamaSheepdog":o0iijxpf said:
I'm a prepper and proud of it! :p

Do you have a prepping blog?<br /><br />__________ Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:29 pm __________<br /><br />
SyP":o0iijxpf said:
I acually started raiseing rabbits to stop playing World of warcraft after 7 long years of gameing....it worked. :comperror:

That might be the most unique reason I have ever heard! :lol:
Wow great response.
Its great to see why and how we started our rabbitrys.
There is just ssufficienthing up with all the people I see starting out or getting back in to rabbits.
Preppers have gotten a bad name with shows like doomsday preppers lol but its good to be self-sufficient and prepared.
Its good to know where you food comes from we have gotten so far removed that most people do not think about where that meat in the cellophane came from. It just show there are a lot of great reasons to have meat rabbits..
coffeenutdesigns":2gkvtzi6 said:
MamaSheepdog wrote:
I'm a prepper and proud of it! :p

Do you have a prepping blog?

Nope- all my spare time and quite a bit of not-so-spare-time is spent here on RT! :lol:

ArtPick":2gkvtzi6 said:
Preppers have gotten a bad name with shows like doomsday preppers lol but its good to be self-sufficient and prepared.

We nixed our satellite TV service about two years ago so as to not support the liberal media agenda. It is sad indeed when preparing for an emergency situation is mocked and belittled.

What would our great grandparents think?!? :eek:

I like to think of myself as an ant and not a grasshopper! ;)
I am a super wacky prepper!!!! :mrgreen: Just kidding, we are trying to be homesteader/preppers. I have decided to raise rabbits as a meat source just in case our "just in time" delivery stores fall on hard times if you know mean. Rabbits are just one of the skills I am working on, but what a great and sustainable way to add protein to the homestead. :dinner:
I agree with you MSD. I have a friend who use to mock me about my little back yard farm.
Now he is doing his best to become as he use to say. a food horder. LOL all it took was a trip to a real good Dr. who told him he was killing himself and family, with all of the store bought junk they were eating.
yesterday, his family had their first rabbit dinner. and the youngest asked why the chicken tasted better than the ones from the store. he told him, because they were raised with Love and Care. and not with chemicals.
he called me this morning and told me he was sorry for ever mocking me for my way of life.
I told him no problems, welcome to the Farm (dark) Side.
Ducks/chickens are too messy, too costly, take too long and rabbits are more fun, friendly, better/easier to breed and all that.
Though, I'm thinking of ordering meat ducks/chicks to try again with. Rabbit still beat them, far nicer to sit out and pet the buns than a chickie...
We just got into chickens ourselves. :D We're up to 12 now. We've raised them all from chicks, and we are just starting to get eggs! :p

We plan to get into dairy goats next.

Good grief, do we go through eggs and milk! So... hopefully, this will help cut down on the grocery bills, as well as help with self-sufficiency.
I got into raising rabbits because, like others, I want to be more self-sufficient and it goes so well with the homesteading lifestyle. We have 13 laying hens, a rooster, 21 "chicklets" (not so baby chicks) who will be visiting freezer camp in a few more weeks and 9 rabbits (soon to be down to 6).

Next up, fish. We just took possession of 5 - 265 gallon totes (food grade) that we plan on utilizing in an aquaponics set-up. No, we haven't decided on the fish or anything else. We found the totes at a great price, knew we wanted to do it eventually, so took advantage.

After that will be goats.
lol MissM ... we have discussed channel cat's. Easy keepers and can tolerate the temperature swings better than talapia or other fish. ;)
I raised them for the dogs, for a different meat source. I also raise them because I really like animals, I can have more of them than I can have dogs, they come in more colors, I like genetics, and it fills my time, and keeps me from becoming the crazy cat lady :)<br /><br />__________ Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:52 am __________<br /><br />
MamaSheepdog":bg50y4sm said:
We nixed our satellite TV service about two years ago so as to not support the liberal media agenda. It is sad indeed when preparing for an emergency situation is mocked and belittled.

What would our great grandparents think?!? :eek:

I like to think of myself as an ant and not a grasshopper! ;)

That is sad. I do and make for myself because there is something deeply satisfying about doing it with your own hands.
Just bred into me I guess. I was raised around animals and always had chores to do when I was a kid. I just don't feel right unless I have some animals depending on me. I feel like a part of me is missing if I don't have them around.
I have thought about raising fish but that will be over a year before I start that.
cnichols like to hear more about your fish and how it goes

We should have our chickens next Saturday, then goats will be next

I am on the verge of cancelling the cable 1000 channel of crap lol but we like Walking dead and Vikings on HISTHD
I had never heard of the term "prepper" - LOL. I guess I am a bit of one in that I am leaning on being more self-sufficient and/or knowing my neighbors and what they have - milk, eggs, vegetables - with one client who knows I raise rabbits she trades me tomatillo salsa, vegetables and other tasty homemade jarred food in exchange for rabbits. I am slowly building a little network of bartering.
I first thought of rabbits when the economy went south quite suddenly. I remember the tales of our Dutch friends surviving WWII better than their neighbors because of their secret rabbit pens in the basement. My BF is a massive meat eater, and the 4 cats get raw meat at a high price tag - so it seemed like a smart thing to do - raise our own. I wanted to produce organic grass-fed meat, no hormones or antibiotics, and raised with lots of love and respect (even if they are wild little things in the colony pen they get a very good life) where they only have 3 seconds of a bad day in their life. I have to say its been a much more expensive venture than I first imagined... the ROI is way in the red but many hundreds of dollars... food prices are outrageous compared to what I hear elsewhere... I am still working it out how to make it affordable!

Sheep might be next - we love lamb. Wouldn't mind some honey bees too!
I grew up on a farm. Tornadoes, blizzards, floods, whatever...you were prepared and you took care of yourself and your family. What is now being called "prepping" was simply a way of life.

We raise rabbits for the same reason we have the chickens, the cows, the catfish pond, and the garden: we get tremendous satisfaction out of growing our own food!