HELP! Doe not drinking enough water to nurse kits

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Nov 26, 2012
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What can I put in the does water to encourage her drink more water. Thought maybe honey or molasses but wanted to ask first. She has 10 kits and two haven't had any milk yet and they were born Thursday evening and are very wrinkled looking. One or two of the kits have small rounded bellies but not big enough.
Do the rest look well fed? It may be just those 2 are getting pushed out.
Some does just don't feed to fully round and your doe may not be able to handle 10 kits. That is a fairly good sized litter. 8 is usually the ideal number.
How much is she drinking? My rabbits drink a quart, sometimes two, while nursing.
Definitely not enough to feed 8 kits, only a couple ounces. I originally thought she had 10 kits but I recounted yesterday and there were 11 but 3 were dead and today all 8 are being fed but one and I don't think it has the strength to nurse and it probably won't make it though the night. I am forcing her to drink and giving her vegetables with lots of water on them. This is her second litter, the first litter were born on the wire and all were dead when I went out in the morning due to it being very cold that night.

My other doe has 9 kits born Jan. 10, drinks a quart a day and all kits are thriving. She's a great mom.

Thanks for asking :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:42 am __________<br /><br />Update: Doe drank 3/4 qt water last night. Finally, YEAH! Kits look well fed and the little one is hanging on.

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