Hello! have spent a little time checking out site last couple of months and am excited to be part of it now!
I am raising some meat rabbits - started last spring. I have 2 does and one buck - New Zealands - have had 3 litters now. I did raise rabbits for a few years when in early teens - years ago now - for 4-H project - my father butchered them for us to eat. Have found source of organic feed for them (which they love).
Look forward to sharing experiences and discovering resources in getting thru the 'learning curve' of raising them well.
I am raising some meat rabbits - started last spring. I have 2 does and one buck - New Zealands - have had 3 litters now. I did raise rabbits for a few years when in early teens - years ago now - for 4-H project - my father butchered them for us to eat. Have found source of organic feed for them (which they love).
Look forward to sharing experiences and discovering resources in getting thru the 'learning curve' of raising them well.