Thank you all. We spent most of the day cleaning and starting the building of the new rabbits area. This has to be done in stages, 3 cages up/moved at a time. Once completed, all will be up against the one wall, instead of out in the center of the building. Will take up a lot less space with the new setup, once finished.
I also received notification that the black pair and blue pair of silver fox are ready for us, but I don't have any cage space available.
I literally have one rabbit who insists on jumping out of the growout pen and roaming free. I have given up chasing him. We're trying to figure out how to get the silver fox anyways. I was told in way back in the beginning of December that they MIGHT be available in February or March, but hadn't heard anything since, until today.
On a more positive note, Alice went mega haystache on us today, building a nest in the corner of the cage. We didn't think she took, and because of that i didn't make a cage tag for her, so I'm not exactly sure when she's due. I have to put a box in tonight for her. Plus our new Beveren doe (who I still don't have a name for) will be due in a few days also.