Garlic for deworming?

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Well, I will have to see if I can find them at the bulk store and try again. Are toasted okay, as long as they aren't salted or flavoured?
SharonErrin":4dih9c2f said:
I think it would be better to go for the meds that vets give. :)

A $100 vet visit is not worth the cost of a $20 rabbit, from a meat breeding stand point.
skysthelimit":2cw15yai said:
SharonErrin":2cw15yai said:
I think it would be better to go for the meds that vets give. :)

A $100 vet visit is not worth the cost of a $20 rabbit, from a meat breeding stand point.

WOW!! only 100$?! It'd be 300 - 400 for me, as rabbits are considered "exotics", and the only "exotic" vet in town is the most expensive. The only vet trip a rabbit of mine is likely to get is one to be PTS, which is a far more reasonable $20 charge.
Bad Habit":ghfe7q7s said:
skysthelimit":ghfe7q7s said:
SharonErrin":ghfe7q7s said:
I think it would be better to go for the meds that vets give. :)

A $100 vet visit is not worth the cost of a $20 rabbit, from a meat breeding stand point.

WOW!! only 100$?! It'd be 300 - 400 for me, as rabbits are considered "exotics", and the only "exotic" vet in town is the most expensive. The only vet trip a rabbit of mine is likely to get is one to be PTS, which is a far more reasonable $20 charge.

A long time ago I made a trip for a holland that would not eat. Not too bad, some pineapple juice and some hair ball remedy. The vets here are good with small animals. Of course back then those were my pets.
Pretty much every med you'd need you can get without a vet. Antibiotics including baytril, antiparasitics of all kinds, painkillers are some of the hardest because of the potential for human abuse... There's no need for a vet trip if you don't want to spend the money although fecals and cultures are useful things. Here the farm vet charges $30 exam fee.
SharonErrin":20ujfcnh said:
I think it would be better to go for the meds that vets give. :)
Getting vet meds for my 20+ herd would be prohibitive costwise, I can't imagine doing that for a commercial operation.
cannot afford the vet visit, nor want the "artificial chemicals" in rabbits they may eat in the future.

Doing your own fecal floats is easy and there are lots of websites that have recipes for the solution you dissolve the stools in and pictures of what to look for. You can also just drop off a stool sample at your vets, make sure they know it is for rabbits but worm eggs are worm eggs and hard to mistake, if there are a ton on the slide you need to get rid of them. If fecal floats are $30 here, they should be cheaper in the states.

Most wormers are available through feed stores. I order mine from 'Jeffers' in the states, even with shipping it is cheaper than buying at my local feed store here in Ontario. Legally I cannot order vaccines but pretty much everything else is OK.

Not all wormers taint meat and the ones that do are cleared from LARGE animals, with HUGE digestive tracts and SLOW metabolisms within 2 months at the maximimum, I am sure rabbits would clear them faster. This is true for oral wormers only, not intra muscular injections that can have residue in meat tissues for many months or years.

Even in my colony I have not had a worm problem and I always inspect butcherd animals for any signs of disease, including worms. Any of my rabbits that are not growing out well get a fecal float but so far worms have not been the culprit.
I've had cocci problems from damp bedding in the colony but I haven't seen parasites either. I did deworm with ivermectin twice 6 months apart when the colony started but haven't since then.
Bad Habit":2e3013z4 said:
Are toasted okay, as long as they aren't salted or flavoured?

Raw are far more effective, from everything I have read. Do you have a BulkBarn near you? I've also found raw pumpkin seeds (minus the shells) in Wal-Mart... seems to me the brand name was something like Trader Joe.
Yeah, Maggie, I saw those at the local grocery store last week and about had a heart attack at the price :O

I also have some rabbits that like almonds and those you can get unsalted. Tried pine nuts and none would eat them at all.

Since we have had the 11F nights, they have all been snarfing down their BOSS!! I may try the pine nuts again.
You're right, Ann Claire... pumpkin seeds are expensive. But they go a long way in the quantities fed to rabbits. I've heard that you can sometimes find them in cheaper in feed stores, sold as squirrel feed, but I've never seen them in feed stores around here.
I had Hubs buy pumpkin seeds for the buns when the two I butchered had pinworms.

Being a man, he just scooped a bunch into a bag from the bulk bin, and was shocked at checkout when the bag rang up to about $15. :roll:

I wont be needing to buy more anytime soon. :p

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