Well-known member
LOL, my rabbitry is about to be limited to how many holes I can fit into one large hutch, so I can't afford to take up a tonne of space on a for-fun side project...............but, I could justify picking up a Chinchilla Holland, with the goal to breed the Cutest Hollands Ever (because that is one of the PRETTIEST colors I've ever seen and I can't even comprehend how awesome a Holland in that color patterning would be!) and that way I could have the Coolest Colored Lops for my own entertainment, and easily rehome or sell those who don't fit the mini-program........worst comes to worst, Hollands can't taste all that different from my meat rabbits.
I'm just not sure I could slaughter something so cute. 
Either way, I want to attend a Holland specialty show as a spectator in October. Maybe I'll find a nice doe there...and hey, I've already got the Tort buck...............
Either way, I want to attend a Holland specialty show as a spectator in October. Maybe I'll find a nice doe there...and hey, I've already got the Tort buck...............