Are these TAMUK composites?
Are these TAMUK composites?
Thanks for asking Jeff! Yeah, we are 2 and a half weeks in. We got two does and a buck. Crazy, but we already have a litter! The guy we got them from has a colony so he didn't realize the six month old doe was pregnant. But she only had two kits and one was still born or died shortly after. The one that made it looks big and healthy. I don't know if you can call one kit a litter, lol. We have begun picking grasses from our field to slowly wen them off pellets. We started with oat grass that we planted as a cover crop and now is sprouted all over the place. They love the pine plays playscapes we built for them! ... The journey begins...Barnyard: Did you get your TAMUKS? how are they , any Pictures?
We raise Tamuks and love them. They grow and mature very fast usually males by 4-4.5 months and does a month later. Great temperments, large litters, good moms and heat tolerant.Ahoy fellow rabbit growers out there. I hail from North Florida and have started Deer Point Rabbitry last march with young New Zealand Whites had to wait out summer to start breading as temps in Florida last year were brutal. Wanting to start a line of TAMUKS for more heat tolerance. Looking forward to talking to everyone.
THANKS for the welcome aboard.
We are in Oregon and our grown Tamuks do fine in freezing weather. Don't know about below zero but with hay in their cages on cold nights just like our Rex, they do fine.Ahoy Love my Barnyard: I was wondering if the selective breeding of the TAMUKs for heat tolerance makes them less cold tolerant. Have you found out that to be true?
Thanks again.
That's good to hear since Texas gets freezes along with its 100+ days (sometimes in the same monthWe are in Oregon and our grown Tamuks do fine in freezing weather. Don't know about below zero but with hay in their cages on cold nights just like our Rex, they do fine.
They look just like the TAMUK composites we saw at the breeder we visited here in TX.Are these TAMUK composites?
Tamuk rabbits aren't a breed, they are a 7 breed mixed mutt produced by Texas A&M and I believe another school. They were bred to grow fast and be heat tolerant (including not going heat sterile) so they are a good rabbit "breed" to have in the south where rabbits can have a hard time with the heat.OK maybe because I'm from the north. What is a tamuks?
Our NZ black does make it through 30 below n colder in the winter. So we stop breeding for the winter and grow during the summer. We have been
averaging 8 kits..
We linebread the black NZ to our Californian buck. We wanted to keep going towards the blue colors. So now have a blue buck. 1 black, 2 new blue does.