First pregnancy?

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Active member
Aug 19, 2013
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Hello everyone,
I am feeling anxious as my doe was mated 31 days ago (for the first time) which means she should be due today. She stopped eating her pellets 3 days ago but is still eating plenty of hay and greens as well as drinking plenty of water. She has not started building a nest (though she does not live on wire but in hay - I have provided her with a nesting box as well but she is not interested in it) and she has not pulled any fur. She is spending most of her time laying down the past few days and occasionally you can see little tiny twitches in her low side. Is this normal behaviour for a first time mother or is she unwell? I am concerned that if she is actually not pregnant (considering no fur pulling or moving mouthfuls of hay around) then perhaps she is unwell (as not eating pellets but still eating everything else and drinking?). I don't want to rush her off to the vet prematurely, especially as if she is pregnant that would be very stressful. Any advice anyone or reassurance!
One of my does doesn't pull any fur until she kindles. Some does take up to day 35 to have their litter. Going off feed is a normal thing. Just keep it offered for when she does decide to eat. All of our pregnant does seem to lie around when they are close to kindling too.
They can go as far as 31-36. If you have no kits by day 37 then rebreed. Some of mine pull fur a few days ahead and others after they kindle. If she runs around with hay in her mouth that is a good sign. How old is she and h o w old was the buck? During this heat male can go temporarily sterile until temperatures drop. Just be patient and if nothing try with a different buck if possible. Best of luck!
Thanks for your replies. She is 10 months old and the buck is 11 months old. I'm in New Zealand so the temp isn't that hot. I wish she would run around with some hay in her mouth instead of just lying there! I guess I'll just have to wait....just would hate to think she wasn't well.<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:52 pm __________<br /><br />Just an update for you all - just checked on her now and she has ripped a ton of fur! She is in her "inside" compartment of her hutch at the moment and it sound like chewing noises so I am thinking she may be giving birth right now? I quietly walked away as I didn't want to disturb her. OMG, I'm so nervous!! How long should I leave her before checking on her again??

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