Dust Mop's Messy Bum

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Well, came home, and all the hay she had in her cage had been moved to the nest box. Going to give her more in a few mins(seriously just realized it had been moved.)

As far as my notes, my records, and my breedings are concerned, she's not due until January 26th. FC had a proper fall off with her on Dec 26th.

My nieces may have a different set of records than I do. I thought they'd learned their lesson, but apparently they have not.

I think I am going to put the bucks in the closet, with a fan and a light on a timer, and lock the door unless I am home.
LOL - well, at least she has a next box already, so you are ahead of the game in that department!

I would also suggest that you might want to hold off on trimming her fur for a couple of days to see if she does deliver ... no need to stress her unnecessarily if she is close to kindling.

Got any fruity tums? :cheesysmile:
lol I actually do have some. usually i grab 2 from my mom when a doe's close to kindling, but they were on super cheap. more hay and a tums is in Mop's future. I will be relieved if that mass is just a baby though. I can deal with all the other stuff, as long as I know that mass isn't some form of cancer.

She's currently in the box. She's stopped trying to destroy it, so that's a big thing. Tums has been placed in her J Feeder, and two large handfuls of hay. At this point she only seems to be eating the hay, but that's good too.


No more movement of hay, thought I did end up piling it all in the nest box when I was cleaning her cage. She ate all of one fruity tums, so I gave her a 2nd, which she nibbled but hasn't finished. She was much better in attitude today, and the masses in her abdomen seemed to have moved down. Maybe she is pregnant... Maybe she's just messing with my head.

She's not happy with the lack of food, but she has been eating some hay. I checked her butt, which was NOT messy, it is still a little yellow but nothing like what it was. I'm sure if I was really determined, another butt bath would get her white.

Lots of hanger poops on the cage floor, but haven't seen any more squishy ones.

Sigh. I wish rabbits could talk, so she could tell me what is going on with her!!<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:11 am __________<br /><br />Still basically the same with Mop. She's getting more and more aggressive though, and the masses have moved further down her abdomen. Very protective of her cage. She's been eating more hay, not the timothy but the alfalfa/grass - the timothy is shorter and softer, and seems to mostly end up in the tray. I'm just happy to see her eating it at all.

Since I don't know if she's pregnant or when she's due(if she is), I've been giving her the nest box in the late evening and not removing it until she starts acting destructive about it. Usually that only takes a couple hours. Tonight she's been in and out of it(no visible hay stashe), and hasn't started digging all the hay out/trying to flip the box.

Her bum is still clean. There are the occasional squishy poop, and a number of hanging poops, but also a number of solid, normal poops. She's back on some pellets(only about 2tbsps), and some oats(again, 2tbsps), plus unlimited hay and fresh water.
It is. I'm hoping she is, in a way. I'd love to know that those masses aren't cancer or infection or hair, but babies. I still don't think she's right for my breeding program - just too many things wrong with her, including her looking like an angora, but I would love to raise a baby from her and FC, to see how it turns out. If she does have babies, I will probably cull them to the snake guy, since they'll be with Dobby, and I don't know if they'll be okay for the pet market.

It's hard choices all around for me these days, lol.
It will involve giving the girls a very stern lecture, too. Locking bucks' cages. I don't think they quite realize the seriousness of it all(The older one should. The younger might not, but won't handle an adult rabbit.) In a way, I kind of wish that Mop would have them on the wire, that they'd die, because that would be a VERY strong lesson to the girls. "I didn't know she was pregnant because you guys messed with the rabbits. Now all these baby rabbits died because you didn't do as I've asked you time and again."

Still no hay stache, but she has been rearranging the hay in the box. Not sure if she's doing that because she's looking for the tasty bits, or because she's thinking about kindling.
BH, sounds to me like she "thinks" she preggers even if she isn't! As it is, you will probably see a haystache in the next few days to a week!
Well, I'm thinking sooner rather than later. I'm no expert on being pregnant or having babies, but it seems to me that the masses are moving downwards to exit somewhere.

And as I was typing this, she did something very odd. Threw herself to the cage floor, and her hind end twitched oddly... I don't even really quite know how to describe it. She's also been flinching a bit in her tummy area. And a bit of cringing going on as well.

I've had a bad feeling for a few days that I'm going to lose this doe. Not that I'm going to have to have her put down, but that she's going to die, either because of a stuck kit that I didn't know about, an infection, or issues with wool block.

Her vulva has been swollen and red/purple for at least a week now, since I decided to breed her with FC on Boxing day.

Dobby has just gotten VERY excited as well, tearing around his cage, climbing to the top, thumping and making an odd purr-like sound. I don't know if Hannah(who's caged next to him) has become receptive, or if he's smelling Mop, or maybe even smelling one of the new does on me.

She doesn't like me, and doesn't like me around. I think I am going to go take a bath, and leave her be for a bit.

Oh rabbits, why you so confusing?!<br /><br />__________ Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:02 am __________<br /><br />Well. Definitely some nesting action going on now. She doesn't seem sure where to put it though. Gathers it up, runs to the corner, digs, dumps it. Gathers up another mouthful, runs to the corner, digs, hops in the nest box, dumps it. Gathers up a mouthful from the nest box, digs, jumps out of the nest box, dumps it. Gathers up more from the corner, digs, dumps it in the nest box...